Ovophis Explained

Common names: mountain pit vipers.Ovophis is a genus of pit vipers found in Asia. Seven species are currently recognized.

Geographic range

Found in Asia in Nepal and Seven Sisters (Assam), India, eastward through Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, West Malaysia, Taiwan, Okinawa, Sumatra and Borneo.


SpeciesTaxon authorSubsp.*Common nameGeographic range
O. convictus(Stolickza, 1870)0Indo-Malayan mountain pit viperSumatra, Cambodia; Laos, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.
O. jenkinsiQiu, Wang, Xia, Jiang, Zeng, Wang, Li & Shi, 20240Jenkins’ mountain pit viperChina.
O. makazayazaya(Takahashi, 1922)0Taiwan mountain pit viper South-eastern China, Taiwan, and northern Vietnam.
O. malhotraeZeng, Li, Liu, Wu,-Y., Hou, Zhao, Nguyen, Guo, & Shi, 20230China and Vietnam.
O. monticolaT(Günther, 1864)2 Chinese Mountain pit viperNepal, India (Assam, Sikkim), Myanmar, China (Zhejiang, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet and Hong Kong), Taiwan, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, West Malaysia, and Sumatra in Indonesia.
O. okinavensis(Boulenger, 1892)0Okinawa pit viperJapan (Ryukyu Islands: Okinawa and the Amami Islands).
O. tonkinensis(Bourret, 1934)0Tonkin pit viperVietnam and China.
O. zayuensis(Jiang, 1977)0Zayuan mountain pit viperChina.
T) Type species.


Species placed in this group have long been associated with the genus Trimeresurus. One other species that is included in some other taxonomies is O. tonkinensis (Bourret, 1934). It is commonly called the Tonkin pit viper and is found in Vietnam and China.