Our Republican Party (2017) Explained

Our Republican Party
Native Name:우리공화당
Foundation:8 July 2017 (as Korean Patriots' Party)
24 June 2019 (as Our Republican Party)
Dissolution:3 March 2020
Successor:Liberty Republican Party
Split:New Saenuri Party
Leader1 Title:Co-Leader
Leader1 Name:Cho Won-jin
Leader2 Title:Floor Leader
Leader2 Name:vacant
Leader3 Title:Secretary General
Leader3 Name:Oh Kyung-hoon
Leader4 Title:Chairman of the Policy Planning Committee
Leader4 Name:In Ji-yeon (interim)
Position:Far-right[1] [2] [3]
Country:South Korea

The Our Republican Party, formerly the Korean Patriots' Party, was a far-right political party in South Korea known primarily for its pro-Park Geun-hye stance. It was formed following a split within the New Saenuri Party. The party strongly supported former president Park Geun-hye.[4]

In June 2019, the party elevated Hong Moon-jong, a National Assembly member who left the Liberty Korea Party, as its leader along with incumbent Cho Won-jin.[5] [6] Originally, the party planned to change its name as New Republican Party,[5] [6] but faced a legal issue. On 24 June, the party changed the name to Our Republican Party. The party claimed that the new name came from Park Geun-hye herself.[7]

In March 2020, the party merged with the Liberty Unification Party to form the Liberty Republican Party.

See also


  1. News: Washington Post. 13 June 2018. South Korea struggles to digest strange new reality of Kim Jong Un bonding with White House.
  2. Web site: http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002585690 . ko:황교안의 '러브콜' 거절한 우리공화당, 그 이유는 (Hwang Gyo-an's "Love Call" Rejected Our Republican Party, why?) . 보수 대통합을 표방한 기자회견에서 황교안 대표는 "우리가 추진하는 통합은 과거로 돌아가는 통합이 아니라 미래로 향하는 통합"이라며 극우정당인 우리공화당까지 아우르는 대통합을 역설했다.(At a press conference advocating conservative unity, Hwang Kyo-ahn said, "The integration we are pushing for is not a unity going back to the past, but a unity heading to the future," stressing the grand unity that even encompasses the far-right Our Republican Party.). 11 November 2019 . 24 August 2020. OhmyNews.
  3. Web site: https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/202003031113320853 . ko:김문수ㆍ조원진 '자유공화당'으로 합당… 태극기세력 통합 (Kim Moon-soo and Cho Won-jin merge into the Free Republican Party... the integration of the Taegeukgi forces.) . 보수 대통합을 표방한 기자회견에서 황교안 대표는 "자유통일당과 우리공화당은 이날 오후 국회에서 기자회견을 열고 합당을 공식 발표한다. 두 당이 '태극기 세력'을 지지기반으로 하는 만큼, 이날 합당은 사실상 극우세력의 통합이라는 분석이 나온다. (The Liberty Unification Party and the Our Republican Party will hold a press conference at the National Assembly later in the day and officially announce the merger. As the two parties base their support on "Taegukgi forces", analysts say the merger is an integration of far-right forces.). 3 March 2019 . 24 August 2020. Hankook Ilbo.
  4. Web site: http://www.seoul.co.kr/news/newsView.php?id=20170831500007&wlog_tag3=naver. ko:대한애국당 조원진, 창당대회에서 문재인 대통령에 "문재인씨". 31 August 2017 .
  5. News: 16 June 2019. ko:한국당 공천 물갈이론 술렁, 홍문종 "50명 탈당" 한다는데···. https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=025&aid=0002914889. 17 June 2019.
  6. News: 17 June 2019. ko:대한애국당, 홍문종 공동대표로 추대..."신공화당 만들 준비". https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=052&aid=0001307740. 17 June 2019.
  7. News: 24 June 2019. ko:대한애국당 "박근혜 뜻에 따라…'우리공화당'으로 개명". https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=023&aid=0003456024. 27 June 2019.