Otis Willard Freeman Explained

Otis Willard Freeman (1889–1964) was an American academic, writer and geographer.

Freeman was the founding President of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (APCG); and he was also the first editor of the Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers.

Freeman earned an undergraduate degree Albion College in 1910. He continued his studies, earning a master's degree in science from the University of Michigan in 1913 and post-doctoral work at Northwestern University in 1924.[1] He joined the faculty at the University of Hawaii, which provided an opportunity to research and publish books about the geography of Hawaii. He earned his doctorate from Clark University in 1929.[2]

Freeman's early experience led to a position on the faculty of Eastern Washington University, where he was named Professor of Geology and Geography. In 1951, he became President of Eastern Washington University.[3] He retired from the faculty in 1953.[4]


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Notes and References

  1. https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10125/5580/1/5.2.pdf "Register of Officers and Students,"
  2. Booth, Charles W. and Dale F. Stradling. Web site: "Geography at Eastern Washington University," . 2013-09-24 . bot: unknown . https://web.archive.org/web/20100718121751/http://www.geog.psu.edu/hog/depthistory_files/Eastern_Washington.pdf . July 18, 2010 . APCG Yearbook Vol 54 (1992). p. 120.
  3. https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=MqkVAAAAIBAJ&sjid=QPYDAAAAIBAJ&pg=2488,5161253&dq=otis+willard+freeman "Lawson Chosen as Prexy Proxy,"
  4. Northwest History: Otis W. Freeman Collection. July 2007.
  5. Association of American Geographers and the American Society for Professional Geographers. (1958). The Professional Geographer: the Journal of the Association of American Geographers. VOls. 10-11, p. 34.