Othonna intermedia explained

Othonna intermedia is a species of plant from South Africa.


This tuberous geophyte has no stem or a short stem. It grows to be up to 150cm (60inches) tall with a woolly crown. The leaves are concerntrated at the base of the plant. Up to three leafy bracts are found around the flower stems. The flowers are yellow.[1]

Distribution and habitat

This plant is known from the Northern Cape and Western Cape of South Africa. It has an area of occurrence of 6914km2, in which it is found at 15-20 locations.[2] It is common on quartz patches in the Knersvlakte.


This species is considered to be near threatened by the South African National Biodiversity Institute. It is declining due to urbanisation, agriculture and mining it its habitat.

Notes and References

  1. e-Flora of South Africa. v1.36. 2022. South African National Biodiversity Institute. http://ipt.sanbi.org.za/iptsanbi/resource?r=flora_descriptions&v=1.36
  2. van der Colff, D., Helme, N.A. & von Staden, L. 2014. Othonna intermedia Compton. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1. Accessed on 13 January 2023