Othaya Constituency Explained

Othaya Constituency is an electoral constituency in Kenya. It is one of six constituencies in Nyeri County. Othaya Constituency comprises Othaya division of Nyeri County.and was established for the 1966 elections. it has a population of 91,081 people (2019 census).

Othaya is the main town located in this constituency. Mwai Kibaki, the former president of Kenya, was the Othaya MP since 1974 until 2013. He had earlier been the MP of Doonholm Constituency (now Makadara).

Members of Parliament

ElectionsMP [1] PartyNotes
Joseph P MathengeOne-party system
Kega MuthuaOne-party system
One-party system
One-party system
One-party system.
One-party system.
Elected Leader of the Opposition.
Elected president of Kenya.
Elected president of Kenya.
2017Mugambi James Gichuki
August 2022Michael Wambugu Wainaina

Locations and wards

Chinga 22,697
Iria-Ini 25,755
Total 93,377
Ward Registered votersLocal authority
Kanyange 1,162 Othaya town
1,962 Othaya town
Nduye River 2,727 Othaya town
Nyamari 3,464 Othaya town
Thuti 2,322 Othaya town
Chinga 12,758 Nyeri County
Iria-Ini 8,020 Nyeri County
Karima 6,097 Nyeri County
Mahiga 7,585 Nyeri County
Mumwe 5,691 Nyeri County
Total 51,788

External links

Notes and References

  1. Center for Multiparty Democracy: Politics and Paliamenterians in Kenya 1944-2007
  2. information.go.ke: CDF allocation by sector and location (2003-6)