Osmia californica explained

Osmia californica is a megachilid bee, or mason bee. Native to North America, the mason bees are important pollinators, with O. california pollinating over 33 genera from 13 plant families.[1] O. californica generally emerges a little later in the spring than the better known orchard mason bee (O. lignaria). Like the orchard mason bee, O. californica is a solitary nester, usually constructing nests with leaf pulp providing a partition within the nest to protect the egg chamber.[2]

Notes and References

  1. Cripps . C. . Rust . R. W. . Pollen Foraging in a Community of Osmia Bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) . Environmental Entomology . 1 August 1989 . 18 . 4 . 582–589 . 10.1093/ee/18.4.582 .
  2. Torchio . P. F. . In-Nest Biologies and Development of Immature Stages of Three Osmia Species (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) . Annals of the Entomological Society of America . 1 September 1989 . 82 . 5 . 599–615 . 10.1093/aesa/82.5.599 .