Original Play Explained

Original Play is a scientifically unrecognized game concept that was invented by American geographer and author Oscar Frederick Donaldson in the 1970s.


The sponsoring association, International Foundation for Original Play, was founded in 2018 by Jolanta Graczykowska, the "only authorized representative and coordinator of Original Play for Europe since 2002". The foundation is registered as non-profit in Poland, along with the association "Original Play Austria - play from the heart", which has existed in Austria since 2015. The association and foundation offer workshops, seminars, and lectures in several European countries to work with children and those interested.[1]


The logo is composed of two prominent blue abstract figures and a more trivial figure, arranged around a small red heart and intertwined in a spiral heart shape. Some variants include a single blue figure with a heart carrying the respective national flag of the country.


Adults act "playfully" with unrelated and unfamiliar adolescents and children, but also interact with other adults in close physical contact, often on the floor: rolling around, riding on each other, cuddling, or otherwise being physically active. According to Donaldson, the initiative should come from the child or the opposite of the Original Play game master. The game leader can actively ask children and young people to take part, and then let the children decide for themselves whether they want to do so.

Donaldson distinguishes "Original Play" as an original game in which adults adapt to children, from "cultural play," which is taught to children to adapt them to the culture of adults.[2]


The concept is said to help children, adolescents, and adults (with and without disabilities) play instinctively, peacefully express joy and trust, and get to know their bodies better.[3] Through Original Play, a psychological and physiological process should be set in motion that enables a combination of cognitive, emotional, and sensory-motor learning.[4] In this way, the individual experiences belonging to the group without fear and competition.

Game master

Anyone can apply to be a game master for a fee. There is no check for delinquency or other abnormalities.

Game participants

Donaldson says he has used the method with children and wild animals around the world. The homepage states: "His playmates are children with special needs, gang members, refugees and street children, prison inmates, cancer patients, dolphins, whales, lions, grizzly bears, wolves, baboons, and butterflies."[5] However, photo and film credits of Donaldson's activities only demonstrate interaction with children up to the age of early puberty.


Original Play is played on laid-out mats. Toys are not used. There is only physical action. There are only two rules of the game:

According to the club, a game unit lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the age of the participants and group size. A 50 square meter room and ten meter square gymnastics mats are required for the play area.[6]


The criticism of Original Play concerns:

Reactions from experts


Prohibitions of Original Play

Criticism of the ban on Original Play

The reaction of the organization

In a press conference initiated by the association, some Austrian media houses were invited to exchange ideas on November 13, 2019.[27]



External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Original Play Veranstaltungen. Originalplay.at.
  2. Katherine T. Ratliffe: Clinical Pediatric Physical Therapy: A Guide for the Physical Therapy Team. Mosby, 1998. S. 58.
  3. Una Stannard: A Few Kind Words About Hate: The Dark Side of Family Life and the Bible. Germain books, 2006. S. 202ff.
  4. Web site: Was ist Original Play? (Selbstdarstellung der Original Play Stiftung).
  5. https://originalplay.eu/employees/o-fred-donaldson-phd/ über mich (Selbstdarstellung der Original Play Stiftung zu Fred Donaldson)
  6. Web site: Verein "Original Play Österreich - von Herzen spielen" (Selbstdarstellung).
  7. https://www.zeit.de/2019/46/original-play-kita-eltern-sorge-psychologin "Original Play": Unter Verdacht
  8. Bente Lubahn: Unter Verdacht, Die Zeit 46, 7 November 2019, S. 42
  9. Original Play: "Wie eine Einladung für Pädophile", sueddeutsche.de, 14 November 2019.
  10. „Irritierendes" Spiel mit Kindern, ORF.at, 24 October 2019.
  11. Web site: Kritik an Kita-Methode "Original Play": Berlin erwägt Verbot. Spiegel Online. Heike Klovert. 2019-10-25.
  12. https://www.focus.de/familie/eltern/eltern-berichten/original-play-trauma-expertin-nennt-kita-angebot-nahe-dran-an-paedophilie_id_11273286.html Original Play: Trauma-Expertin nennt Kita-Angebot "nahe dran an Pädophilie"
  13. Web site: Vorwürfe gegen Verein: "Irritierendes" Spiel mit Kindern. ORF. 2019-10-24.
  14. Web site: "Missbrauchsvorwürfe. Original Play: Wenn Fremde zum Raufen kommen". Der Standard. 2019-10-31. Gabriele Scherndl. 2019-10-30.
  15. Web site: standard.at/story/2000110944368/original-play-viel-laerm-um-das-falsche Debatte über Verein Original Play: Viel Lärm um das Falsche?. Apps.der Standard.at. Der Standard. Josef Christian Aigner. 2019-11-12.
  16. Web site: "Original Play" darf in Niederösterreich nicht mehr tätig sein. 2019-10-31. Kurier.at. 2019-10-29.
  17. Web site: "Verstörende Spiele: Lädt Verein zum "Kindesmissbrauch" ein?". 2018-03-19. Kurier. 2019-10-24.
  18. Web site: Auch Brandenburg verbietet umstrittenes Kita-Spiel. de.
  19. Web site: Berliner Senat verbietet umstrittenes Kita-Spiel "Original Play". de.
  20. https://www.rheinpfalz.de/lokal/aus-dem-suedwesten/artikel/umstrittene-spielmethode-in-kitasin-rheinland-pfalz-untersagt''Umstrittene Spielmethode in Kitas: In Rheinland-Pfalz untersagt
  21. https://www.evangelisch.de/inhalte/161859/30-10-2019/evangelische-kirche-warnt-vor-kita-spiel-original-play Evangelische Kirche warnt vor Kita-Spiel "Original Play"
  22. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/panorama/original-play-kinder-paedophilie-1.4680732 Original Play: "Wie eine Einladung für Pädophile"
  23. https://www.weser-kurier.de/bremen/bremen-stadt_artikel,-umstrittene-spielmethode-ist-in-bremen-verboten-_arid,1875903.html Original Play: Umstrittene Spielmethode ist in Bremen verboten
  24. https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/nach-missbrauchs-vorwuerfen-original-play-kurse-abgesagt,RgC6eHk Nach Missbrauchs-Vorwürfen: "Original-Play"-Kurse abgesagt
  25. András Szigetvari: Kommentar: Original Play: Maßlose Debatte: Mit Generalverdächtigungen in der Debatte zu operieren ist falsch und verunsichert bloß Eltern, Der Standard, 7 November 2019.
  26. Heike Klovert: Umstrittene Spielmethode in Kitas: Warum es falsch ist, Original Play zu verbieten, 12 November 2019.
  27. Gabriele Scherndl: Missbrauchsvorwürfe: "Spielerisches Raufen": Original Play geht in die Offensive, Der Standard, 13 November 2019.
  28. Web site: "Original Play" für größten unwissenschaftlichen Unfug.... diepresse.com. Apa\/herbert Pfarrhofer. 2019-12-09.