Order of battle for the Battle of Fontenoy explained

The Battle of Fontenoy, 11 May 1745, was a major engagement of the War of the Austrian Succession, fought between the forces of the Pragmatic Army – comprising mainly Dutch, British, and Hanoverian troops, as well a relatively small contingent of Austrians under the command of the Duke of Cumberland – and a French army under the titular command of King Louis XV of France, with actual field command held by Maurice de Saxe, commander of Louis XV's forces in the Low Countries.

When the two armies met on the field they were approximately equal in numbers.[1] Although there is not complete agreement among historians on the exact numbers, there is general agreement that there were about 50,000 men on each side with the French having more cavalry and the allies having more infantry. Some historians put the French as more numerous while others make the allies more numerous.[2]

Complete agreement on the order of battle, sizes of the armies, precise returns on casualties is not possible as official returns are few and made by different countries with differing criteria and not all are made at the same time so that variations and disagreements will occur even in those returns of the same army. For example, Skrine points out his book in Fontenoy and Great Britain's share in the war of the Austrian Succession that most of the British troops that were listed as missing, in initial returns, turned out to have been killed or wounded.[3] There are detailed, contemporary, official returns in various forms available for most troops in both armies except for the French cavalry for which there are some lists of officer casualties but the returns for the rank and file were apparently not made and the estimate generally accepted for their losses is the one made by Voltaire shortly after the battle. Wherever possible, names of units and numbers of casualties are given without any attempt to reconcile or synthesize the various sources.

Order of Battle for the Army of Louis XV of France at Fontenoy 1745

Historians give various estimates for the French army. With a general lack of primary source information just before the battle on the exact number of soldiers involved, the estimates rely on a better understanding of the numbers of battalions and squadrons present at the battle and multiply the total of battalions and squadrons by an average for each. Skrine arrives at his estimate by multiplying the number of battalions by 690 soldiers and the number of squadrons by 160 troopers. This approach can be flawed. Lucien Moulliard in The French Army of Louis XV[4] states that the regulation strength, or paper strength, of a battalion is 685 men and that of a squadron is 150 to 160. Actual field strength[5] is lower than regulation strength due to various forms of attrition such as illness, straggling, desertion death, wounds or capture in battle prior to the battle in question.

French Army

UnitCommanderComplementKilledWoundedMissingTotal losses
Army of FranceMarshal Maurice de Saxe52,000 ~ 47,000 engaged[6]
32,000 Infantry in 55 battalions[7]
14,000 Cavalry in 101 squadrons
7,000[8] -7,500
5,161 Infantry[9]
2,300 Cavalry[10]
Left of first French Infantry LineGeneral Lutteaux
Rgt. Royal Corse1 battalion
Rgt. Angoumois1 battalion1 off.
Brigade NormandieComte de Berenger
Rgt. Normandie4 battalions4 off. 57 men19 off. 152 men
Grassins in Bari Wood2 battalions98 men11 off. 132 men
Brigade d'EuMarquis de Chambonas4 battalions
Rgt. d'Eu in 2 redoubts1 battalion 4 guns
each redoubt
1 man29 men
Irish BrigadeMilord Thomond &
Comte de Rooth
6 battalions13 off. 261 men[11] 58 off. 324 men
Rgt. Dillon1 battalion3 off. 51 men11 off. 70 men
Rgt. Bulkeley1 battalion20 men4 off. 34 men
Rgt. Clare1 battalion4 off. 56 men14 off. 72 men
Rgt. Rooth1 battalion2 off. 47 men8 off. 46 men
Rgt. Berwick1 battalion1 off. 52 men11 off.60 men
Rgt. LallyThomas Arthur, comte de Lally1 battalion3 off. 35 men11 off. 42 men
Center of first French Infantry LineGeneral Chabannes
Les Gardes BrigadeDuc de Grammont6 battalions
Gardes Françaises4 battalions2 off. 96 men17 off. 296 men
Gardes Suisses2 battalions1 off. 66 men10 off. 149 men
Brigade Aubeterre
Rgt. Aubeterre1 battalion129 men22 off. 177 men
Rgt. Courten3 battalions6 off. 75 men[12] 14 off. 206 men
Center of first French Line in Fontenoy
Brigade DauphinGeneral Vauguyon
Rgt. Dauphin3 battalions4 off. 45 men3 off. 60 men
Rgt. Beauvoisis1 battalion15 men5 off. 30 men
Right of first French Infantry LineGeneral Montagne
Brigade Royal VaisseauxComte de Guerchy4 battalions
Rgt, Royal Vaisseaux3 battalions3 off. 146 men29 off. 291 men
Rgt. Languedoc1 battalionoff. menoff. men
Brigade du RoiDuc de Biron
Rgt. du Roi4 battalions4 off. 79 men33 off. 299 men
Brigade Royal
Rgt. Royal4 battalions6 off. 136 men32 off. 509 men
Brigade La CouronneMarquis de Croissy4 battalions
Rgt. La CouronneDuc d'Havre3 battalions2 off.41 men35 off. 218 men
Rgt. Soissonais1 battalion2 off. 30 men16 off. 101 men
Brigade Bettens4 battalions
Rgt. Bettens3 battalions1 off. 50 men5 off. 50 men
Rgt. Hainault1 battalion1 off. 120 men18 off. 135 men
Rgt. Diesbach1 battalion2 off. 48 men2 off. 28 men
Rgt. Royal Artillerie1 battalion2 off. 18 men5 off. 36 men
Rgt. Auvergne1 battalionoff. menoff. men
Rgt.Tresneloff. menoff. men
off. menoff. men
off. menoff. men
off. menoff. men
off. menoff. men
Rgt.Touraine3 battalionsoff. menoff. men
Rgt. Nivernois1 battalionoff. menoff. men
Brigade Crillon4 battalions
Rgt. Crillon3 battalions20 men1 off. 101 men
Rgt. Laval
Right of first French Line in Antoing
Brigade Piedmont5 battalions
Rgt. Piedmont4 battalions
Rgt.Royal la Marine1 battalionoff. menoff. men
Rgt.Biron1 battalionoff. menoff. men
French Horse31 off.[13] 142 off. 330 men[14] 1,800 - 2,300[15]
Left of first French Cavalry Line
Carabiniers10 squadrons60 off.[16] 130 men22 off. men ?
Maison du Roi9 squadrons4 off.[17] men24 off. men
Gendarmerie4 squadrons1 off. men2 off. men
Royal Rousillon4 squadrons1 off. men7 off. men
Royal Cravattes4 squadrons1 off. men6 off. men
Fiennes4 squadrons2 off. men13 off. men
Penthièvre4 squadronsoff. men22 off. men
Noailles4 squadrons3 off. men8 off. men
Berry4 squadrons1 off. men8 off. men
Colonel-Général4 squadrons1 off. men6 off. men
Brancas4 squadrons1 off. men2 off. men
Mestre de Camps4 squadrons1 off. menoff. men
d'Orleans4 squadronsoff. menoff. men
de Pons4 squadronsoff. men7 off. men
Prince Camille4 squadrons1 off. men4 off. men
Dragons du Roi4 squadronsoff. menoff. men
Cuirassiers du Roi4 squadronsoff. menoff. men
Cavalrie du Roi4 squadronsoff. menoff. men
Clermont-Prince4 squadrons1 off. men3 off. men
Clermont-Tonnerre4 squadronsoff. menoff. men
Egmontoff. menoff. men
Fitz-James4 squadrons11 off.
or wounded[18]
7 off. men
Brienne2 off. men2 off. men
Chabrillant4 squadrons1 off. menoff. men
Royal Étranger4 squadronsoff. men1 off. men
Talleyrand4 squadronsoff. menoff. men
off. menoff. men
French Artillery 90-110 guns, sources vary.[19] M. du Brocard3 battalions[20]
8 × 12-pounders
6 × 8-pounder
36 × 4-pounder
50 × 4-pounder Suédoise[21]
4 off. 34 men10 off. 73 men
Fontenay1 battalion1 off. 13 men4 off. 29 men
Pumbeque1 battalion1 off.
Richecourt1 battalion2 off. 21 men5 off. 43 men

Order of Battle for the Army of the Pragmatic Allies of Britain, Hanover, the Dutch Republic and Austria at Fontenoy 1745

The British army foot and cavalry regiments had a peacetime establishment, a wartime establishment, an effective strength and a field strength. Peacetime establishment was a much reduced strength that was increased during the war by Parliament. However, the wartime establishment was frequently unmet as there was always some variable number of purposely unfilled rank and file to provide the regiment with some flexible funding. The effective strength, therefore, was actual number of rank and file that was initially sent on campaign. The effective strength would immediately begin to vary as the campaign progressed due to sickness, wounds or death in battle, desertion, new reinforcement drafts, etc. and the resultant strengths at any given time are the field strengths. British foot regiments generally consisted of a single battalion made up of a variable number of companies, usually 9 or 10. Some foot regiments, such as the Guards, had more than one battalion but the battalions of a regiment rarely served together in the field. Cavalry regiments consisted of 1 to 4 squadrons.

The Historical memoirs of His late Royal Highness William-Augustus, duke of Cumberland[22] explains in a foot note that, according to a return in 1749, for the 1st Foot Guards wartime establishment strength voted by Parliament was 3,080 while the effective strength was 2,689, the 2nd Foot Guards was 1,980 establishment and effective 1,842, the 3rd Foot Guards 1,980; effective 1,630. There were 3 battalions in the 1st Foot Guards, 2 of 9 companies and one of 10. As can be seen from the above, the average establishment strength of a battalion of the 1st Guards is slightly over 1,000 while the effective strength is about 895 and the 2nd is 990 and 921 while the 3rd is 895 and 815. For the entire army of 43,676 men voted by Parliament the effective strength was 38,200 in 1749.

As for other armies, historians often determine the army's strength based on an average strength for the battalion or squadron. In 1745 Parliament voted 28,107 men in Flanders[23] consisting of: 2 troops of Horse Guards, 1 of Horse Grenadier Guards, 3 regiments of horse, six of dragoons; 21 regiments (battalions) of foot, 3 battalions of Foot Guards.[24] This force, less four regiments of foot and one regiment of dragoons,[25] is the British contingent at Fontenoy. Rolt gives an estimated strength for this force at Fontenoy as 21,000 consisting of 20 battalions of foot and 26 squadrons of horse.[26] Colin is in close agreement with this estimate with a further breakdown of the total with 16,170 foot in 20 battalions and 4,656 horse in 26 squadrons, giving an average battalion strength of 808 men and an average squadron strength of 179.[27] Skrine, who gives impossibly high field strengths for French foot battalions, uses remarkably low average field strengths for British battalions and squadrons: 650 per battalion and 150 per squadron by which he arrives at his total for the British contingent of 16,900 (13,000 foot and 3,900 horse).[28]

British contingent

UnitCommanderComplementKilled[33] WoundedMissing[34] Total Losses
British contingent
of Allied Right Wing
William Augustus,
Duke of Cumberland
16,170 foot in 20 battalions
4,656 horse in 26 squadrons
48 off. 1,442 men153 off. 1,926 men16 off. 295 men3,879 men[36]
21 guns[37]
British FootSir John Ligonier
Guards BrigadeMajor General John Churchill
1st Foot Guards1 battalion4 off. 85 men7 off. 142 men
2nd Foot Guards1 battalion3 off. 112 men8 off. 116 men
3rd Foot Guards1 battalion4 off. 105 men7 off. 131 men
Ponsonby's BrigadePonsonby
Royal Scots (1st Foot)1 battalion87 men8 off. 83 men8 men
Scots Fusiliers(21st Foot)1 battalion2 off. 201 men9 off. 144 men3 off. 15 men
Handaside's (31st Foot)1 battalion4 off. 139 men5 off. 100 men13 men
Onslow's BrigadeOnslow
Onslow's (8th Foot)1 battalion16 men7 off. 83 men31 men
Rothe's/Sempill's (25th Foot)1 battalion1 off. 59 men10 off. 76 men13 men
Johnson's (33rd Foot)1 battalion6 off. 42 men12 off. 84 men30 men
Howard's (19th Foot)1 battalion2 off. 17 men8 off. 70 men13 men
Howard's BrigadeHoward
Howard's (3rd Foot)1 battalion1 off. 11 men2 off. 32 men8 men
Welsh Fusiliers (23rd Foot)1 battalion4 off. 185 men10 off. 77 men8 off. 39 men
Skelton's (32nd Foot)1 battalion16 men5 off. 100 men1 off. 17 men
Bland's BrigadeBland
Sowle's (11th Foot)1 battalion4 off. 49 men2 off. 112 men1 off. 46 men
Bragg's (28th Foot)Lieutenant-Colonel
Lord George Sackville
1 battalion1 off. 27 men9 off. 76 men1 off. 12 men
Skelton's BrigadeSkelton
Cholmondeley's (34th Foot)1 battalionoff. 27 men6 off. 84 men28 men
Bligh's (20th Foot)1 battalion1 off. 28 men5 off. 35 men
Ingoldsby's BrigadeColonel James Ingoldsby
Duroure's (12th Foot)Colonel Duroure[38] 1 battalion7 off. 153 men12 off. 149 men3 men
Pulteney's (13th Foot)1 battalion1 off. 37 men4 off. 41 men10 men
Sempill's Highlanders (42nd Foot)Colonel Sir Robert Munro1 battalion2 off. 30 men3 off. 88 men13 men
British HorseLieutenant General
James Campbell
Earl of Rothes' Brigade
2nd Dragoons (Scots Greys)3 squadrons14 men1 off. 11 men
Hawley's Royal Dragoons (1st Royal Dragoons)3 squadrons14 men4 off. 31 men
Bland's King's Own Dragoons (3rd Hussars)9 men2 off. 14 men1 off. 7 men
Cope's Queen's Own Dragoons (7th Hussars)3 squadrons1 off. 10 men5 off. 35 men3 men
Stair's 6th Dragoons (6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons)3 squadrons1 off. 3 men11 men3 men
3rd troop Horse Guards (Life Guards)4 men1 off. 14 men
4th troop Horse Guards (Life Guards)2 men2 off. 12 men
2nd troop Horse Grenadiers (Life Guards)4 men4 off. 10 men
Blues (Royal Horse Guards)3 squadrons10 men5 off. 39 men
Honeywood's (1st Dragoon Guards)7 men1 off. 4 men1 man
Ligonier's Black Horse (7th Dragoon Guards)2 squadrons3 men1 off. 4 men1 man
British ArtilleryColonel Lewis47 guns:[39]
10 6-pounders, 27 3-pounders,
6 1&1/2-pounders, 4 8-inch howitzers
1 off. 4 men23 men

Hanoverian contingent

UnitCommanderComplementKilledWoundedMissing[40] Total Losses
Hanoverian contingent
of Allied Right Wing
General Zastrow7,000[41] 17 off. 468 men77 off. 1,125 men54 men1,741[42]
Hanoverian Foot [43] General Ilten4,135[44] [45] in 5 battalions12 off. 420 men38 off. 912 men50 men
Rgt. Böschlanger1 battalion15620120
Rgt. Zastrow1 battalion90209
Rgt. Sporken1 battalion65214
Rgt. Oberg1 battalion5415528
Rgt. Campen1 battalion671412
Hanoverian Horse2,840[46] 4 off. 64 men28 off. 201 men3 men
Rgt. d'Acerre2 squadrons
Rgt. Leib Han2 squadrons
Rgt. Von Aldeleben4 squadrons
Rgt. Von Dachenhausen2 squadrons
Rgt. Von der Bussche4 squadrons
Rgt. Von Montigny2 squadrons
Rgt. Von Wendt4 squadrons
Hanoverian Artillery12 3-pounder guns[47] 1 off. 3 men2 off. 12 men1 man

Austrian contingent

UnitCommanderComplementKilledWoundedMissingTotal Losses
Austrian contingentMarshal Joseph Königsegg2,000420[48]
Austrian Horse1,650 in 11 squadrons23471181
Dragoons de Ligne8 squadrons[49]
Rgt. Karolyi Hussars3 squadrons, 450 troopers
Austrian Foot
2 Freikorps Companies250 men

Dutch contingent

UnitCommanderComplementKilled[50] WoundedMissingTotal Losses
Dutch contingent
of the Allied Left Wing
Karl August,
Prince of Waldeck
22,000[51] 5637572211541[52]
Dutch FootGeneral Cronström18 off. 485 men44 off. 649 men1 off. 202 men
Regt. Garde te Voet2 battalions1 off. 11 men13 men1 off. 5 men
Regt. Waldeck (German)1 battalion1 off. 22 men3 off. 47 men
Regt. Cronström (National)1 battalion41 men2 off. 37 men2 men
Combined grenadier battalion Van Dorth1 battalion32 men6 off. 33 men4 men
Regt. Aylva (National)1 battalion1 off. 10 men2 off. 44 men
Regt. Smissaert (Walloon)1 battalion1 off. 18 men1 off. 10 men4 men
Regt. Schaumberg-Lippe (National)1 battalion2 off. 13 men47 men21 men
Regt. Bentinck (National)1 battalion13 men2 off. 25 men7 men
Regt. De Constant-Rebecque (Swiss)3 battalions1 off. 58 men6 off. 119 men4 men
Regt. Buddenbroek (National)1 battalion1 off. 24 men3 off. 67 men11 men
Regt. Bronckhorst (National)1 battalion18 men1 off. 22 men21 men
Regt. Oranje-Vriesland (National)1 battalion2 off. 28 men3 off. 35 men39 men
Regt. Oranje-Groningen (National)1 battalion2 off. 24 men4 off. 56 men36 men
Regt. Salis (Swiss)2 battalions3 off. 59 men2 off. 58 men28 men
Regt. Sturler (Swiss)2 battalions1 off. 36 men4 off. 45 men
Regt. Broekhuysen (National)1 battalion1 off. 44 men3 off. 45 men3 men
Combined grenadier battalion Van Rijssel1 battalion1 off. 64 men2 off. 37 men47 men
Unnamed Grenadier units4 battalions
Dutch Horse3 off. 57 men3 off. 61 men18 men
Regt. Garde-Dragonders 5 squadrons2 off. 12 men1 off. 11 men9 men
Regt. Hesse-Homburg3 squadrons2 men2 men4 men
Regt. Ginkel 3 squadrons2 men2 men
Regt. Hop3 squadrons1 men5 men
Regt. Schack 3 squadrons1 men3 men2 men
Regt. Sandouville3 squadrons2 men2 men
Regt. Hœuft van Oyen Carabiniers 2 squadrons6 men14 men
Regt. Schlippenbach Dragoons5 squadrons20 men3 off. 18 men1 man
Regt. Lynden 3 squadrons1 off. 9 men3 men1 man
Regt. Buys 1 squadron1 man
Regt. Nassau-la Leq 5 squadrons2 men1 man
Regt. Rechteren-Overijssel 3 squadrons
Dutch Artillery34 guns:
24 3-pounders; 6 6-pounders; 4 howitzers


Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Browning: Austrian Succession,p. 212
  2. Browning: Austrian Succession, 212, 392 Browning states both Colin and Chandler give the allies the larger force. Strengths differ depending on source. Weigley puts Allies strength at 46,000 and the French at 50,000 in a somewhat brief and garbled account without any attribution, p.204, So too, Black p.66. Townshend, Sir Charles Vere Ferrers. The military life of Field-Marshal George first marquess Townshend, London, 1901, pp. 51-52, gives the British as 21,000. Other sources put the figure of around 52,000–53,000. Duncan, Francis. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, London, 1879, Vol.1, p. 127, "The strength of the allies did not exceed 53,000".
  3. Skrine, p.190.
  4. Moulliard, Lucien. The French Army of Louis XV in the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years War, Translated by Dr. George Nafziger, USA, 2004,, pp. 44, 68, 74.
  5. Field strength is the number of men present and under arms and any point in time in the field, such as a battle.
  6. Townshend, p. 178, 5,000 detailed far to the rear at bridges.
  7. Boyle P. The Irish Brigade at Fontenoy from The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Vol. XVII, 1905, Dublin, p. 429.
  8. Townshend, p.189.
  9. Skrine, p.188, cites Pajol and also Voltaire who gives 7,137; 5,337 infantry, 1,800 cavalry. Pajol, p. 386, Les Guerres, gives 5,161; Colin, Pièces Justificatives pp. 380-401, shows this as the official return for the infantry only - there does not appear to be return for the cavalry, other than the officers, an additional 31 killed and 142 wounded. Broglie gives 53 officers and 1,681 soldiers killed and 3282 wounded, including 323 seriously wounded, and estimates 1,800 cavalry casualties.
  10. Colin, Fontenoy.V. 3, p.149.
  11. Boyle P. The Irish Brigade at Fontenoy from The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Vol. XVII, 1905, Dublin, p. 442, infantry totals less Fitz James' cavalry.
  12. Broglie, p.15. Gives 6 off, 75 soldiers killed; 14 off. 200 soldiers wounded. Some sources show killed & wounded numbers reversed.
  13. Colin, pp 399-405
  14. Colin, p.425, gives 330 wounded troopers in hospital at Lille.
  15. Voltaire gives 1800 estimate as does Broglie. Colin gives 2,300, p. 149.
  16. Colin, Revue d'histoire rédigée à l'État-major de l'Armée, section historique, 1905/01 (A7,VOL17,N49)-1905/03 (A7,VOL17,N51), letter to the count of Langeron, p.497. This statement is possibly the source for the estimate of the cavalry losses of 1,800. Broglie, La Journee de Fontenoy, p.20. gives 6 off. killed 21 wounded. Skrine, p.177, likely follows Broglie.
  17. Gailly, Fontenoy
  18. The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Vol. XVII, 1905, Dublin, p. 442. O'Callaghan, p. 365, gives 24 killed or wounded.
  19. Pichat, Le Campagne du Maréchal de Saxe, Paris, 1909, p. 331, shows an official return for Saxe's army with 100 cannon 8 × 12-pounder, 6 × 8-pounder, 86 × 4-pounder.http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5747819t/f360.image.r=la+campagne+de+1745.langEN
  20. Casualties from Colin, V.3, Pièces Justificatives, pp. 397–398 and includes Brocard.
  21. Sources vary for the French from 90 to 110 guns, all show 75–80 × 4-pounder battalion guns in the total.
  22. [Richard Rolt|Rolt, Richard]
  23. Rolt, p.176
  24. Rolt, 178.
  25. Townsend lists British reinforcements that quickly reached the army and are likely the units as the numbers correspond: Rich's Dragoons, Barrel's Foot (4th King's Own), Flemming's (36th), Ponsonby's (37th), Price's (14th). p. 72.
  26. Rolt, p.190,191.
  27. Colin, Vol. 3, p. 373.
  28. Skrine, p. 146.
  29. Skrine gives 46,800; 34,500 infantry in 52 battalions and 12,750 cavalry in 85 squadrons. Townsend gives 53,000: 21,000 British, 8,000 Hanoverians, 22,000 Dutch, 2,000 Austrians, pp.51-52.
  30. Skrine gives 80, p.146. Boyle gives 93, p. 428. Individual sources add up to 93.
  31. Townshend gives 7,370; Colin gives 7,280; Gentlemen's Magazine gives 7,347. Rolt gives 7,767, p. 234.
  32. Colin give returns of 2,368 allied wounded in French hospitals of which 310 died, V.3, p. 151. Skrine, p.215, mentions D'Estrées capturing 3,000 stragglers on the 12th and then another 1200 allied wounded.
  33. Townshend, Sir Charles Vere Ferrers. The military life of Field-Marshal George first marquess Townshend, London, 1901. Most British casualties drawn from Townshend. p. and Skrine, Francis Henry. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian Succession 1741–48. London, 1906, p.190.
  34. According to Skrine, p. 190, almost all the missing were found to have been killed.
  35. Townshend, pp. 51-52. Rolt, p.190. Colin, p. 373.
  36. Townshend gives 4,074, however he does not list Rothe's nor include the 25th's loses (159) in his total; Colin states Waldeck gives 3,993; Gentlemen's Magazine gives 4,041.
  37. Townshend, p.78.
  38. Skrine, p. 369
  39. Skrine, p. 135. Duncan, Francis. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, London, 1879, Vol.1, p.127, gives a total of 47 cannon for the British contingent : ten 6-pounders, twenty-seven 3-pounders, six 1&1/2 -pounders, four 8-inch howitzers.
  40. According to Skrine, p., almost all the missing were found to have been killed
  41. Townshend, Sir Charles Vere Ferrers. The military life of Field-Marshal George first marquess Townshend, London, 1901, pp. 51-52, gives 8,000.
  42. Townsend gives 1,742, Gentlemen's Magazine, Vol. XV, 1745, p. 247, gives 1,762, Colin pp. 376-378, gives 1,662.
  43. Individual regimental casualties from Skrine, p.190.
  44. Colin, p. 373. Pièces Justificatives.
  45. Skrine gives 3250.
  46. Skrine, p.146, gives 1,200.
  47. The Nafziger Collection of Orders of Battle OB for Allied army in Flanders April–May 1745.http://usacac.army.mil/CAC2/CGSC/CARL/nafziger/745DAH.pdf
  48. O'Callaghan, John Cornelius. History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France, London, 1870, p.365.
  49. Skrine, p.146
  50. Colin, Jean Lambert Alphonse. Les Campagnes du Maréchal de Saxe, 1901–06, Vol. 3, pp. 374-375. Dutch individual unit casualties from Colin.
  51. Townshend, Sir Charles Vere Ferrers. The military life of Field-Marshal George first marquess Townshend, London, 1901, pp. 51-52.
  52. Townshend gives 1554