Oraegage Explained

Oraegage, also stylized as OraeGage and translated to Seoul Historical Store,[1] is a designation by the Seoul Metropolitan Government for long-running businesses. The program recognizes such businesses, offers them support, and provides information on them for tourists.[2] It has been running since 2017.[3]

The name of the program means literally "old store", but reportedly also has a meaning of "store that is wanted to be even older".

The program reportedly selects entries in its list by scouting the city, conducting interviews and verifying aspects of the business, and narrowing down candidates. Members of the list reportedly have been running for over 30 years or have been owned by at least two generations.[4] [5] Various types of businesses are included in the designation, including restaurants, pharmacies, book stores, beauty salons, and more.[6]

List of Oraegage

Oraegage[7] !Name!Type!Established!District
Adamo StudioRepair shop1982Seongdong
Awon GongbangMetalwork1983Jongno
Apple HouseRestaurant1987Dongjak
Biwon TteokjipTteok store1949Jongno
Bonghwa MukjipRestaurant1982Seongbuk
Brothers' Blacksmith WorkshopBlacksmithEunpyeong
Bukchon Woodwork WorkshopCarpenter1972[8] Jongno
Bulgwang Blacksmith WorkshopBlacksmith1963[9] Eunpyeong
Chong Ro TailorTailor1916Jung
ChunchusaTailor1955[10] Seodaemun
Chung Won San BangCarpenter1981[11] Jongno
Daegu Sesame OilFood store1975Jongno
Deungchon Choewolseon KalguksuRestaurant1984Gangseo
Dok-DabangCoffeehouse1971[12] Seodaemun
Dol RecordRecord store1975Jung
Dongbu Goryeo BakeryBakery1974Jungnang
Donglim Knot WorkshopCrafts2004[13] Jongno
Dongyang BangatganTteok store1974[14] Jongno
Dream HandmadeShoemakerSeongdong
Elburim TailorshopTailor1975Dongdaemun
Eulji DabangCoffeehouse1985Jung
Ewha MyeongjuTailorSeocho
Gaemi SupermarketGrocery storeYongsan
Gami BunsikRestaurant1975Seodaemun
Gawon Craft StudioJade crafts1974Jongno
GeoanFurniture makers1981Jongno
Geulbeot BooksBookstore1979Mapo
Geumbok StoreTailor1978[15] Geumcheon
Gonghang KalguksuRestaurant1979Gangseo
Gukseon OtchilLacquerware1977Jongno
Gyeonggi TteokjipTteok store1958Mapo
HY TailorTailor1932Jung
Hakrim DabangCoffeehouse1956Jongno
Haksa BilliardsBilliards hall1967Dongdaemun
Ham's BrotBakery1999Dobong
Haneul MulbitDyeing1973[16] Jongno
Hansin PotteryPottery1967[17] Yongsan
Hapdeok SupermarketConvenience store1971[18] Yongsan
HillstringMusical instruments1970Seocho
Homi Art ShopArt store1975[19] Mapo
Hongik BooksBookstore1957Seodaemun
Hwanghae BarbershopBarbershop1970[20] Gangbuk
Hyeseong Hair ShopBarbershop1979Guro
Hyoja BakeryBakery1987Jongno
Hyoseong Oriental Medicine ClinicTraditional medicine clinic1984[21] Dongdaemun
Ingkko TteokbokkiRestaurant1978Jungnang
Itaewon BooksBookstore1973Yongsan
JS Shoes Design LabShoemakerSeongdong
Jasungdang PharmacyPharmacy1969Gangseo
Jembroth JewelryJewelry store1984Gangnam
JidaebangTea shop1982[22] Jongno
Kim Yong-an PatisserieBakery1967Yongsan
KoggiriRestaurant1986[23] Mapo
Kum Bak YeonGold leaf art1856Jongno
Kyungeun AcousticMusical instruments1987Jongno
Kyungin Museum of Fine ArtArt museum1983Jongno
La Pluma & BohemianCoffeehouse1990Seongbuk
Lee FrameshopGlasses store1971Yongsan
MannadangConfectionary store1991Gangnam
Men to Men Tailor ShopTailor1983[24] Yeongdeungpo
Midopa Flower CafeFlower shop1978[25] Yeongdeungpo
Mirim BunsikRestaurant1988Gwanak
Motungi JipRestaurant1988[26] Gangnam
Myeongga TteokjipTteok store1980Songpa
Myung Sin Dang Brush StorePaintbrush maker1932Jongno
Naeja PeanutsFood store1974Jongno
Nagwon Rice CakeTteok storeJongno
Napcheong BronzewareMetalwork1986Jongno
Napoleon BakeryBakery1968Seongbuk
Park IndangSeal makerJongno
Peter Pan 1978Bakery1978Seodaemun
Pyeongtaek Rice StoreFood store1988Geumcheon
SaharaRestaurant1988[27] Mapo
SambowonBuddhist goods store1976Jongno
Samu Chicken CenterRestaurant1972Yeongdeungpo
SangsindangSeal makerGangnam
Seolwha HardwareHardware store1980Dongjak
Seongwoo BarbershopBarbershop1927Mapo
Seoul RecordRecord store1976Jongno
Seoul SanghoeFood store1971[28] Jung
Seoul StudioPhotography studio1969Gangbuk
Seowoo BakeryBakery1980Seocho
Seungjin ToyToy store1980Jongno
seven wellShoemakerJung
Sinheung SanghoeRestaurant1975Yeongdeungpo
Songlim ShoesShoemaker1936Jung
Sonmat GimbapRestaurant1980Jongno
Soonhee FoodFood store1969[29] Jongno
Ssangma StudioPhotography studioYeongdeungpo
Suyu Fish Cake FactoryFood store1974Gangbuk
TalbangMask store1984Jongno
The Hangsangsoo EmbroideryMuseum1963Seongbuk
Theater SanwoollimTheater company1969Mapo
Tong-in StoreArt gallery1924Jongno
TongmungwanBook store1934Jongno
YemoonsaSeal makerJung
Yeonhee Photo StudioPhotography studioSeodaemun
Yuil Oriental Medicine ClinicTraditional medicine clinic1945Jongno

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: seoul_oraegage . 2024-09-07 . Instagram.
  2. Web site: 2024-08-22 . ko:서울시, 30년 이상 음식·생활문화·전통공예 '오래가게' 24곳 신규 선정 . https://www.iheadlinenews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=74481 . 2024-09-07 . HeadlineNews . ko.
  3. Web site: Bahk . Eun-ji . 2021-12-14 . 13 shops added to Seoul's 'Historical Stores' list . 2024-09-07 . . en.
  4. Web site: Jo . He-rim . 2021-12-07 . 'Oraegage': Seoul's longest-running shops add charm to city . 2024-09-07 . . en.
  5. Web site: Lee . Suh-yoon . 2018-09-30 . Seoul capitalizes on old stores as a tourism asset . 2024-09-07 . . en.
  6. Web site: 2019-09-05 . Seoul Selects an Additional 22 Oraegages in Southwestern Part - . 2024-09-07 . . . en-US.
  7. Web site: Oraegage . 2024-09-07 . visitseoul.net . Seoul Metropolitan Government.
  8. Web site: 엄 . 민용 . 남 . 소라 . 2017-11-20 . ko:[서울 그집 '오래가게']북촌목공예공방…나무를 보석처럼 빛나게 하는 공방 . https://www.khan.co.kr/feature_story/article/201711201851001 . 2024-09-07 . . ko.
  9. Web site: ko:서울미래유산 - 오늘, 우리는 100년 후 보물을 준비합니다. > 불광대장간 서울미래유산 . https://futureheritage.seoul.go.kr/web/investigate/aroundHeritageView.do?htId=225 . 2024-09-07 . futureheritage.seoul.go.kr . ko.
  10. Web site: ko:특별한 날 특별한 옷, 춘추사 . https://ncms.nculture.org/long-standing-shops/story/7660?jsi=#:~:text=%EC%B6%98%EC%B6%94%EC%82%AC%EB%8A%94%20%EC%84%9C%EC%9A%B8%ED%8A%B9%EB%B3%84%EC%8B%9C%20%EC%84%9C%EB%8C%80%EB%AC%B8%EA%B5%AC,%EC%A0%9C%ED%92%88%EC%9D%84%20%EB%A7%8C%EB%93%A4%EC%96%B4%20%ED%8C%90%EB%A7%A4%ED%95%9C%EB%8B%A4. . 2024-09-07 . ncms.nculture.org . ko.
  11. Web site: 손 . 재철 . 2017-12-04 . ko:[서울 그집 '오래가게']청원산방…장인의 손끝으로 이어지는 우리 창호의 전통 . https://www.khan.co.kr/feature_story/article/201712041204001 . 2024-09-07 . . ko.
  12. Web site: ko:응답하라 1990! 신촌 부활의 중심엔 '청년'이 있다 . https://love.seoul.go.kr/articles/3618 . 2024-09-07 . love.seoul.go.kr . ko.
  13. Web site: 엄 . 민용 . 민 . 경아 . 2017-10-26 . ko:[서울 그집 '오래가게'] 동림매듭공방…현재 속에 살아 있는 매듭의 역사 . https://www.khan.co.kr/feature_story/article/201710261710001 . 2024-09-07 . . ko.
  14. Web site: 엄 . 민용 . 남 . 소라 . 2017-10-06 . ko:[서울 그집 '오래가게'] 동양방아간…멀리 타향에서도 찾는 옛날 그맛 . https://www.khan.co.kr/feature_story/article/201710061326001 . 2024-09-07 . . ko.
  15. Web site: ko:뉴트로 감성 가득! . https://love.seoul.go.kr/articles/6967 . 2024-09-07 . love.seoul.go.kr . ko.
  16. Web site: 김 . 문석 . 2017-12-01 . ko:[서울 그집 '오래가게']하늘물빛 전통천연염색연구소…잃어버린 쪽빛을 되찾다 . https://www.khan.co.kr/feature_story/article/201712011648001 . 2024-09-07 . . ko.
  17. Web site: 2023-11-15 . ko:56년간 한 자리 지킨 해방촌의 명물[레거시 in 서울] . https://www.donga.com/news/Society/article/all/20231115/122182009/1 . 2024-09-07 . . ko.
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  21. News: 2020-11-26 . ko:한의원, 의료기관에서 '역사적 가치'로 거듭나다 . https://akomnews.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=news&wr_id=42415#:~:text=%ED%9A%A8%EC%84%B1%ED%95%9C%EC%9D%98%EC%9B%90%EC%9D%80%20%EC%A7%80%EB%82%9C%201984,%EB%AA%85%EB%A7%A5%EC%9D%84%20%EC%9C%A0%EC%A7%80%ED%95%B4%EC%98%A4%EA%B3%A0%20%EC%9E%88%EB%8B%A4. . 2024-09-07 . 한의신문.
  22. Web site: 윤 . 대헌 . 2017-11-16 . ko:[서울 그집 '오래가게'] 전통찻집 '지대방'…35년 자리 지킨 인사동 '터줏대감' . https://www.khan.co.kr/feature_story/article/201711161746001 . 2024-09-07 . . ko.
  23. Web site: 2018-12-14 . ko:더 오래가게, 옛날 그 맛 . https://www.maeili.com/cms/contents/contentsView.do?idx=5035&categoryCd1=13&categoryCd2=4&categoryCd3=0&reCome=1&gubn=0 . 2024-09-07 . maeili.com . ko.
  24. Web site: ko:오래가게 - 문화관광 . https://www.ydp.go.kr/tour/selectBbsNttView.do?key=4857&bbsNo=379&nttNo=130881 . 2024-09-07 . www.ydp.go.kr.
  25. Web site: ko:오래가게 - 문화관광 . https://www.ydp.go.kr/tour/selectBbsNttView.do?key=4857&bbsNo=379&nttNo=130880&searchCtgry=&searchCnd=all&searchKrwd=&pageIndex=1 . 2024-09-07 . www.ydp.go.kr.
  26. Web site: February 2024 . ko:매력적인 강남 맛집 . https://www.gangnam.go.kr/gangnamlife/2024/html/vol342/sub01_09.html#:~:text=%EB%AA%A8%ED%89%81%EC%9D%B4%EC%A7%91,%EB%A5%BC%20%ED%8C%94%EB%8D%98%20%EA%B3%B3%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%88%EB%8B%A4%EA%B3%A0%20%ED%95%9C%EB%8B%A4. . 2024-09-07 . 강남라이프 . ko.
  27. Web site: 2019-08-31 . ko:오랜 이웃, 오래 가게… 사하라 . https://www.donga.com/news/Culture/article/all/20190831/97201116/1 . 2024-09-07 . . ko.
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