Opinion polling for the 1979 United Kingdom general election explained

In the run-up to the 1979 general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intention. Results of such polls are displayed in this article. The date range for these opinion polls are from the October general election until 3 May 1979.

Graphical summaries

The chart below depicts opinion polls conducted for the 1979 United Kingdom general election.

National Poll Results

All data is from UK Polling Report.[1]


end date
3 May1979 general election36.9%43.9%13.8%7%
2 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph38.5%49%9%10.5%
2 MayNOPDaily Mail39%46%12.5%7%
2 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph41%43%13.5%2%
2 MayMORIEvening Standard37%45%15%8%
1 MayMORIDaily Express38.8%44.4%13.5%5.6%
1 MayMarplanThe Sun38.5%45%9%6.5%
30 AprNOPDaily Mail43.1%42.4%12.2%0.7%
26 AprMORIDaily Express41%44%12%3%
25 AprGallupThe Sunday Telegraph40%48%10.5%8%
25 AprResearch SrvThe Observer38%49.5%10%11.5%
25 AprMarplanThe Sun40%48%10%8%
23 AprMORIDaily Express40%46%11%6%
21 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph41.5%46.5%10%5%
19 AprMarplanThe Sun40%50%9%10%
18 AprGallupThe Sunday Telegraph42%47.5%9%5.5%
18 AprMarplanThe Sun41%51%6%10%
18 AprResearch SrvThe Observer34%54%9.5%20%
17 AprMORIDaily Express38%50%10%12%
14 AprNOPDaily Mail42%48%8%6%
11 AprResearch SrvThe Observer37%53%8%16%
9 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph40%50%8%10%
9 AprMORIDaily Express39%49%10%10%
7 AprThe Dissolution of the 47th Parliament and campaigning officially begins
4 AprResearch SrvThe Observer33.5%54.5%9%21%
3 AprNOPDaily Mail42%48%8%6%
2 AprMORIDaily Express38%51%10%13%
29 MarMORIThames42%51%5%9%
29 MarLiverpool Edge Hill by-election
28 MarThe vote of no confidence in the Callaghan ministry passes[2]
28 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph40.5%47.5%9%7%
12 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph37%51.5%8.5%14.5%
5 MarMORIN/A39%52%7%13%
1 MarKnutsford and Clitheroe by-elections
14 FebThe Winter of Discontent ends following negotiations with the TUC[3]
12 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph33%53%11%20%
8 FebNOPN/A40.7%49%7.4%8.3%
1 FebMORIN/A36%55%6%19%
15 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph41.5%49%6%7.5%
4 JanNOPN/A49.1%42.5%5.7%6.6%


end date
14 DecThe Callaghan ministry survives a vote of no confidence[4]
11 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph42.5%48%6%5.5%
7 DecNOPN/A47.9%44.7%4.6%3.2%
13 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph48%43%6.5%5%
9 NovNOPN/A46.8%44.8%6.2%2%
8 NovMORIN/A46%47%5%1%
26 OctPontefract and Castleford & Berwick and East Lothian by-elections
23 OctGallupThe Daily Telegraph47.5%42%7.5%5.5%
12 OctNOPN/A48.5%44.2%4.7%4.3%
11 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph42.5%49.5%6%7%
11 SepMORIN/A42%48%8%6%
7 SepThe Lib-Lab pact ends[5]
5 SepNOPN/A45.8%48%4.8%2.2%
4 SepMORIN/A45%47%5%2%
14 AugGallupThe Daily Telegraph47.5%43.5%6%4%
14 AugMORIN/A44%47%6%3%
9 AugNOPN/A48.5%42.4%6.3%6.1%
17 JulGallupThe Daily Telegraph43%45%8.5%2%
13 JulPenistone & Manchester Moss Side by-elections
11 JulMORIN/A41%49%6%8%
5 JulNOPN/A44.4%46.5%6.3%2.1%
30 JunMORIN/A42%48%6%6%
14 JunNOPN/A42.3%49.1%6.3%6.8%
13 JunMORIN/A45%46%6%1%
12 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph45.5%45.5%6%Tie
31 MayHamilton by-election
24 MayMORIN/A46%45%6%1%
15 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph43.5%43.5%8.5%Tie
9 MayNOPN/A48%43.1%7%4.9%
2–4 May1978 local elections[6]
27 AprWycombe & Epsom and Ewell by-elections
20 AprLambeth Central by-election
17 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph43.5%45.5%7.5%2%
13 AprMORIN/A44%46%7%2%
13 AprGlasgow Garscadden by-election
12 AprNOPN/A44.5%46.2%6.6%1.7%
20 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph41%48%8%7%
8 MarNOPN/A45.6%44.6%7.3%1%
2 MarIlford North by election
15 FebNOPN/A44.6%45.3%7.1%0.7%
13 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph39%48%9%9%
18 JanNOP45.5%44%7.5%1.5%
16 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph43.5%43.5%8.5%Tie


end date
14 DecNOPN/A48.8%40.8%7%8%
12 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph44.5%44%8%0.5%
7 DecNOPN/A44.1%44.6%7.5%0.5%
30 NovNOPN/A47.5%43.2%6.3%4.3%
24 NovBournemouth East by election
23 NovNOPN/A44.3%46.7%6.2%2.4%
16 NovNOPN/A48.5%42.5%6.2%6%
14 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph42%45.5%8.5%3.5%
9 NovNOPN/A44.1%45.5%7%1.4%
26 OctNOPN/A43%46.7%6.9%3.7%
26 OctMORIN/A44%45%7%1%
24 OctGallupThe Daily Telegraph45%45%8%Tie
19 OctNOPN/A45.8%44.1%7.3%1.7%
22 SepMORIN/A42%49%5%7%
14 SepNOPN/A41.8%48%7.3%6.2%
12 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph41%45.5%8.5%4.5%
18 AugBirmingham Ladywood by election
15 AugGallupThe Daily Telegraph37.5%48.5%9%11%
10 AugNOPN/A38.2%51.3%7.1%13.1%
18 JulGallupThe Daily Telegraph34.5%49%10.5%14.5%
13 JulNOPN/A35.1%53.1%8.4%18%
7 JulSaffron Walden by election
22 JunNOPN/A37.1%49.1%10.8%12%
13 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph37%47.5%10.5%10.5%
16 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph33%53.5%8.5%20.5%
11 MayNOPN/A36.9%52.9%7.2%16%
3–18 May1977 local elections[7] [8] [9]
2 MayNOPN/A41%48.3%6.6%7.3%
28 AprGrimsby & Ashfield by-elections
20 AprNOPN/A38.3%49.4%9.1%11.1%
18 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph33.5%49%11.5%15.5%
31 MarBirmingham Stechford by-election
23 MarNOPN/A35.7%50.9%9.7%15.2%
23 MarThe Lib–Lab pact is formed[10] [11]
14 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph33%49.5%13%16.5%
28 FebMORIN/A38%47%12%9%
24 FebCity of London and Westminster South by-election
23 FebNOPN/A37.4%47.3%10.9%9.9%
16 FebNOPN/A36.1%50.2%10%14.1%
14 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph33.5%46%14%12.5%
26 JanNOPN/A36.8%48.4%10.2%11.6%
17 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph34%47%14.5%13%
2 JanNOPN/A35.1%50%11.2%14.9%


end date
14 DecNOPN/A38.4%47.9%10.6%9.5%
2 DecCambridge by-election
13 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph34%49.5%11.5%15.5%
28 NovNOPN/A31.3%55.2%9.4%23.9%
15 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph30%55%11.5%25%
7 NovNOPN/A38.2%49.3%9.3%11.1%
4 NovWorkington, Walsall North and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Central by-elections
18 OctGallupThe Daily Telegraph36.5%48%11.5%11.5%
17 OctNOPN/A34.9%53.4%8.3%18.5%
10 OctNOPN/A35.9%50.7%9.5%14.8%
26 SepNOPN/A39.6%45.6%9.9%6%
20 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph42%42.5%11%0.5%
12 SepNOPN/A40.5%46.5%9.1%6%
22 AugNOPN/A43.3%43.9%9.3%0.6%
16 AugGallupThe Daily Telegraph41%44%10%3%
18 JulNOPN/A43.5%43.6%8.7%0.1%
15 JulThurrock by-election
12 JulGallupThe Daily Telegraph41%41%13%Tie
11 JulNOPN/A44.1%42.1%9.5%2%
7 JulDavid Steel is elected leader of the Liberal Party[12]
24 JunRotherham by-election
14 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph40.5%44%11%3.5%
10 JunNOPN/A41.2%45.8%8.8%4.6%
23 MayNOPN/A43%44.7%8.3%1.7%
17 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph41%44%10.5%3%
16 MayNOPN/A41.5%46.5%8.3%5%
6 May1976 local elections[13]
28 AprNOPN/A46.1%41.7%8.4%4.4%
12 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph46.5%41%9%5.5%
11 AprNOPN/A44.7%43.6%9%1.1%
9 AprMORIN/A46%40%10%6%
5 AprJames Callaghan is elected leader of the Labour Party
and becomes Prime Minister
19 MarMORIN/A47%40%9%7%
15 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph41.5%44%9.5%2.5%
14 MarNOPN/A41.7%46%8.8%4.3%
11 MarWirral & Carshalton by-elections
4 MarCoventry North West by-election
16 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph40.5%45.5%10.5%5%
25 JanNOPN/A42.8%42%11.3%0.8%
22 JanNOPN/A40.5%43.9%11.4%3.4%
19 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph42%40.5%14%1.5%


end date
16 DecNOPN/A38.3%45.4%11.7%7.1%
16 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph41%40.5%14%0.5%
30 NovNOPN/A37.4%44.5%14.9%7.1%
17 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph44.5%39%12.5%5.5%
16 NovNOPN/A41.2%43.6%12.7%2.4%
30 OctNOPN/A41.5%43.4%11.8%1.9%
20 OctGallupThe Daily Telegraph40.5%42.5%13.5%2%
22 SepGallupThe Daily Telegraph41.5%38.5%16.5%3%
7 SepNOPN/A40.8%45.7%10.3%4.9%
18 AugGallupThe Daily Telegraph42%40.5%14%1.5%
17 AugNOPN/A40.3%44.4%11.6%4.1%
14 JulGallupThe Daily Telegraph40.5%43%12.5%2.5%
29 JunNOPN/A37.2%48.8%10.4%11.6%
26 JunWoolwich West by-election
16 JunGallupThe Daily Telegraph40.5%44%13%3.5%
5 JunThe United Kingdom votes "Yes" to staying in the European Community[15]
1 JunNOPN/A43.6%42%10.7%1.6%
19 MayGallupThe Daily Telegraph39.5%45.5%11%6%
11 MayNOPN/A40.2%42.9%13%2.7%
1 May1975 local elections[16]
27 AprNOPN/A43.5%42.4%10.9%1.1%
14 AprGallupThe Daily Telegraph45%43%10%2%
6 AprNOPN/A43.3%44.8%9.1%1.5%
17 MarGallupThe Daily Telegraph44%42%11%2%
2 MarNOPN/A46.4%40.8%10.3%5.6%
17 FebGallupThe Daily Telegraph41%45%11%4%
11 FebMargaret Thatcher is elected leader of the Conservative Party[17] [18]
9 FebNOPN/A46%38.6%11.1%7.4%
2 FebNOPN/A43.8%38.1%14.6%5.7%
19 JanNOPN/A47.8%32.4%15.9%15.4%
13 JanGallupThe Daily Telegraph48.5%34%13%14.5%


end date
16 DecGallupThe Daily Telegraph47%33%16.5%14%
1 DecNOPN/A47.7%38.4%11.1%9.3%
18 NovGallupThe Daily Telegraph46.5%35%14.5%11.5%
27 OctNOPN/A43.7%36.6%15.1%7.1%
10 OctOct 1974 general election39.2%35.8%18.3%3.4%

Polling in the nations and regions


data-sort-type="number" style="background:;" data-sort-type="number" style="background:;" data-sort-type="number" style="background:;" data-sort-type="number" style="background:;" data-sort-type="number" style="background:;"
1979 election41.5%17.3%31.4%9.0%0.5%10.1%
Daily Express44%18%30%6%14%
Opinion Research CentreThe Scotsman42%15%34%8%8%
Opinion Research CentreThe Scotsman42%16%33%9%9%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,07949%17%27%6%1%22%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,00345%19%29%6%2%16%
Dissolution of the 47th Parliament and campaigning officially begins
1979 Scottish devolution referendum
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,08040%18%37%4%1%3%
MORIScottish Daily Express1,03744%21%32%2%12%
MORILWT Weekend World1,01545%23%30%2%15%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,00340%23%31%4%1%9%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald92645%20%31%2%2%14%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald48%21%25%4%2%23%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald51%21%23%3%2%28%
1978 Berwick and East Lothian by-election
System ThreeGlasgow Herald97248%19%27%4%1%21%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,00052%18%24%3%3%28%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald96248%18%30%4%0.5%18%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald90647%22%26%4%1%21%
1978 Hamilton by-election
1978 Scottish regional elections
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,02447%24%24%3%2%23%
1978 Glasgow Garscadden by-election
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,00838%27%29%4%2%9%
MORILWT Weekend World1,00241%27%30%3%1%11%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,03135%27%30%5%2%5%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald99438%27%28%5%2%10%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald34%29%28%6%3%5%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald35%30%27%5%3%5%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald98436%26%30%6%2%6%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald97131%28%32%6%2%1%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,04529%30%32%5%4%2%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald94732%33%26%5%3%1%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald28%32%31%6%2%1%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,01933%35%26%4%1%2%
1977 Scottish local elections
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,01228%31%31%6%2%Tied
System ThreeGlasgow Herald27%36%27%5%3%9%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald97829%31%32%5%3%1%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald28%33%29%6%4%4%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald94830%28%30%9%1%Tied
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,00930%30%31%4%4%1%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald94334%27%32%4%3%2%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald85535%25%32%4%3%3%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald92924%33%28%6%8%5%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald98030%36%28%5%6%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald42%26%26%5%16%
1975 United Kingdom European Communities membership referendum
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,01640%26%28%5%12%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald1,02237%27%31%5%6%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald89040%24%29%6%11%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald88340%29%28%3%11%
System ThreeGlasgow Herald98240%29%24%6%11%
October 1974 election36.3%30.4%24.7%8.3%N/A5.9%

Notes and References

  1. Web site: UK Polling Report. ukpollingreport.co.uk. 2019-12-16.
  2. News: Aikten. Ian. 29 March 1979. Labour fall by one vote. The Guardian.
  3. News: Jenkins. Peter. 15 February 1979. Pay later deal in Callaghan's survival kit. The Guardian.
  4. News: Aikten. Ian. Harper. Keith. 15 December 1978. Callaghan home by 10 Votes. The Guardian.
  5. News: Aikten. Ian. 8 September 1978. Callaghan gambles on finding new Allies. The Guardian.
  6. News: Jordan. Philip. 5 May 1978. Labour slips in London after gains in North. The Guardian.
  7. News: Hetherington. Peter. 4 May 1977. Big gains for SNP but Glasgow is split. The Guardian.
  8. News: Jordan. Philip. 6 May 1977. Massive swing gives Tories the cities. The Guardian.
  9. News: McHardy. Anne. Wainwright. Martin. 19 May 1977. Shots fired in Ulster poll. The Guardian.
  10. Web site: 24 March 1977. Joint Statement on the Lib-Lab Pact: Steel and Callaghan – Liberal History. 16 July 2021. Liberal History. en-GB.
  11. News: Aikten. Ian. 24 March 1977. Liberal deal strains Left. The Guardian.
  12. News: Hoggart. Simon. 8 July 1976. Smith snub victor Steel. The Guardian.
  13. News: Lewis. James. 7 May 1976. Tories gain – but no landslide. The Guardian.
  14. News: Aikten. Ian. 6 April 1976. Callaghan puts his trust in the people. The Guardian.
  15. News: McKie. David. 7 June 1975. Anatomy of a Landslide. The Guardian.
  16. News: Johnson. Dennis. 2 May 1975. Tories weaken Labour grip. The Guardian.
  17. News: Aikten. Ian. 12 February 1975. First lady will put Tories right. The Guardian.
  18. News: Parry. Gareth. 12 February 2015. From the archive, 12 February 1975: Dreamy, says Thatcher, the new chief Tory. The Guardian. 16 July 2021.