Operational Command North Explained

Unit Name:Operational Command North
Native Name:Оперативне командування «Північ»
Country: Ukraine
Branch:Ground Forces
Role:administrative control[1]
Type:Military district
Command Structure:Armed Forces of Ukraine
Anniversaries:15 August
Commander1:Dmytro Krasylnykov

Operational Command North is a command of the Ukrainian Ground Forces in northern Ukraine. It was formed in 2013 from the Western Operational Command and Territorial Directorate North by reforming the 13th Army Corps.

The operation command traces its history back to Territorial Directorate "North", which was created on the basis of Northern Territorial Operational Command by Directive No.322/1/010 of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine on 20 May 2005.[3]

The previous Northern Operational Command was created in 1996[4] and based on the 1st Army Corps that continued the traditions of the 1st Guard Red-Banner Army. It encompassed six oblasts: Poltava, Sumy, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, and Cherkasy. The command consisted of units and military formations of the 8th Army Corps.

On 15 August 2005, temporary Chief of the Directorate Colonel Yuriy Horoliuk signed the first Order within the Directive. This day is considered the creation date for the Directorate. The Territorial Directorate "North" was the first to switch to a new system of control.


When Ukraine gained independence, the 1st Guards Army was stationed on Ukrainian territory with its headquarters at Chernihiv. During the early 1990s, the army was reformed into the 1st Army Corps. In 1996, the Northern Operational and Territorial Command was formed from the corps. At the beginning of 1998, the command was split into the Northern Operational Command, managing operations in the area. The Northern Territorial Command controlled other functions. In August 2005, Territorial Directorate "North" was established from the Northern Operational Command. The Directorate was responsible for territory spanning over 1960000NaN0, in which 15,000,000 people lived in 2008. The oblasts (provinces) of Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, and Cherkasy were all are under the Directorate control. The Directorate was in charge of the 7 oblasts and Kyiv City Military Commissariat, 135 regional military commissariats, 530 military units and bases. As of 2008, the mission of the directorate was to organize territorial defence, recruit conscripts and contract soldiers and manage infrastructure.

In November 2013, the directorate was reformed into Operational Command North. The command absorbed units of the disbanded 13th Army Corps.


Operational Command North includes ground force units in Poltava, Sumy, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, and Cherkasy oblasts, as well as in the city of Kyiv.

Additional forces

The following formations of other branches of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, respectively the general staff of the Ukrainian ground forces, are based in the area of Operational Command North and can be assigned to the command as needed:


This table includes commanders of Northern Operational Command (1992–2005), Territorial Directorate "North" (2005–2013) and Operational Command North (2014–).


Chiefs of staff - first deputy commanders

Deputy commanders

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 3rd anniversary of creation of the Directorate. uk.
  2. Web site: Contract personnel of the Directorate. uk.
  3. News: http://www.mil.gov.ua/index.php?lang=ua&part=news&sub=read&id=12578. uk:У Чернігові відбулися урочисті збори та святковий концерт з нагоди 3-ї річниці з дня створення Територіального управління “Північ” Сухопутних військ Збройних Сил України. 15 August 2008. mil.gov.ua. 18 February 2012. uk. Meeting and concert held in Chernihiv for the 3rd anniversary of Territorial Directorate "North". 18 February 2012. https://web.archive.org/web/20120218231838/http://www.mil.gov.ua/index.php?lang=ua&part=news&sub=read&id=12578.
  4. http://defpol.org.ua/site/index.php/arhiv/obonoglyad/98-2009-09-09-16-26-35?start=1 Brief history of the Ukrainian military
  5. Web site: Збройні Сили України формують нову танкову частину .
  6. Holcomb, Franklin. The Order of Battle of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Institute for the Study of War, Washington DC.
  7. Web site: 2019-10-26 . Урочистості з нагоди Дня Захисника України в оперативному командуванні "Північ": нагородили кращих, вшанували полеглих » Новинний портал "Північ" Огляд військових новин, військово-політичних подій в Україні та світі, новини озброєння та технологій, оснащення та екіпірування . 2023-11-12 . https://web.archive.org/web/20191026232540/http://pivnich.org.ua/1043-urochistost-z-nagodi-dnya-zahisnika-ukrayini-v-operativnomu-komanduvann-pvnch-nagorod.html . 2019-10-26 .
  8. Web site: Командувачем військ оперативного командування «Північ» призначений генерал-майор Віктор Ніколюк . 2023-11-12 . armyinform.com.ua . uk.
  9. Web site: 2021-10-04 . Віктор Ніколюк призначений командувачем військ ОК «Північ» . 2023-11-12.
  10. Web site: 2023-03-13 . В ОК «Північ» змінився очільник. А генерал Ніколюк тепер командує підготовкою Сухопутних військ . 2023-11-12 . hromadske.ua . uk.
  11. Web site: 2019-06-20 . На Чернігівщині відбулися тактичні навчання з бойовою стрільбою (ФОТО) . 2019-12-13 . UATV.
  12. Web site: 2018-07-07 . Солдат і немовля: Порошенко виклав зворушливе фото із зустрічі 30-ї бригади в Новограді . 2019-12-13 . Новинарня . uk.