Ootakemaru Explained

Ootakemaru (大嶽丸, also sometimes called 鬼神魔王、大だけ丸、or 大竹丸) is a figure in Japanese folklore. He resides on Suzuka Mountain, a connection of mountains and ravines bordering the Ise and Oumi countries,[1] as a Kijin [jp]. He lived during the reign of Emperor Kanmu (781-806) and was one of the chief enemies of shogun Sakanoue no Tamuramaro. Ootakemaru mostly connected to the story of Sakanoue no Tamuromaro's oni extermination. [2] He is considered one of the Great Three Evil Yokai of Japan [jp] alongside Shuten-dōji and Tamamo-no-Mae,[3] though some version of the list replace Ootakemaru with Sutoku-tenno.

Ootakemaru was said to be able to manipulate the weather such as storms and thunder, capable of creating dark clouds to cover Suzuka Mountain that rained fire.[4]

In Popular Culture


Notes and References

  1. 山田雄司『鈴鹿峠と坂上田村麻呂』三重大学人文学部考古学・日本史・東洋史研究室、三重大学人文学部考古学 〈三重大史学〉、第8号、2008年3月 https://mie-u.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=pages_view_main&active_action=repository_view_main_item_detail&item_id=1035&item_no=1&page_id=13&block_id=21
  2. 内藤正敏 『鬼と修験のフォークロア』法政大学出版局〈民俗の発見〉、2007年3月1日。
  3. 小松和彦『妖怪変化の身上調書』 32, 第8号 2007年
  4. 山口敏太郎 『大迫力!日本の妖怪大百科』西東社、2014年。