Old Jail, Biggin Hill Explained

Old Jail, Biggin Hill
Map Type:United Kingdom London Bromley#London
Map Dot Label:Old Jail
Address:Jail Lane, Biggin Hill, Westerham, Kent.
Location City:London
Location Country:England
Coordinates:51.3152°N 0.0563°W
Destruction Date:-->
Unit Count:-->

The Old Jail was a pub in Jail Lane, Biggin Hill, Westerham, in the London Borough of Bromley. At this time of writing, (February 2023), it is permanently closed. Its future use is unknown. It is a Grade II listed building, dating back to the 18th century.

Partial history

The Bromley Borough Local History Society and Biggin Hill History Group assert that it was used to hold French prisoners of war, overnight, during Napolionic times, who were being transported to Maidstone.Also, that it belonged to the 'Fox Brewery', of Green Street Green, which closed, in 1908; and that it was sold by auction on the 15th. June, 1909, to ' Truman, Hanbury and Buxton '.

Licensees & other Titles



From The Biggin Hill History Group, (records 33-37); ' Kelly's Directory ', (1903); ' The Dover Kent Archives ', (4/8/'22); others stated below:-

One Licensee's Census Information

'Widow(er ? sic: ?)/55/Chevening, Kent; 1861/Thomas/Son, A labourer/24/Downe, (spelt ' Down ', at the time), Kent; Christopher/Son, Gardener/22/Downe; Sarah/Daughter, Housekeeper/20/Downe; Kezia/Daughter/16/Downe; Ann Elizabeth/Daughter/13/Downe, Kent; 1861/Silas/Son, Brewer/26/Downe, Kent'.

Court Case and Sale Newspaper Reports


The plaintiff, a shoe-maker at Brasted, sought to recover from the defendant, who keeps the “Old Gaol” beer-house, Cudham, £2 10s. 6d., for goods, &c. It appeared that the plaintiff held a shoe club at the defendant's house, and as the defendant had had some trouble with a previous club, he arranged to receive the money from the members and account for them. In the account were also included some charges for work done for the defendant's family, and for carriage hire.

Defendant denied this liability, and said that he had nothing whatsoever to do with the club.

The court was occupied a considerable time in examining various documents, and judgement was ultimately given for £1 18s. 6d '.

' Preliminary Announcement. - By Order of the Mortgagee.

Fully-Licensed Freehold Inn.

Messrs. Barker, Cathie, and Palmer are instructed to Sell by Auction, at an early date (to be announced in future advertisements), the Valuable Freehold Property, known as the "Old Jail Inn" (fully licensed), Cudham, Kent, together with about eight acres of most productive meadow and market garden land in One Lot. - Auction Offices, 13, Hart-street, Bloomsbury, and (pro tem.) 56, Moorgate-street, E.C.'.

Historical Photos

The following link shows further photographic history from 1900-1976:- http://www.dover-kent.com/2014-project-b/Old-Jail-Inn-Biggin-Hill.html