Officials implicated by the anti-corruption campaign in China (2012–2017) explained

Over one hundred officials of provincial-ministerial level and above have been implicated by the anti-corruption campaign in China, which began after the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in 2012. The number of officials implicated below the provincial level are much higher. The tables on this list includes only officials for which a case has been initiated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

National leaders

NameInvestigation announcedPosition(s) held[1] RankSummary of offenses citedOutcome
Bo Xilai
June 13, 2013 Sub-nationalCorruption, bribery and murderRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Zhou Yongkang
July 29, 2014 NationalConvicted of abuse of power, bribery, leaking state secrets; further accused of loss of state assets, unduly aiding interests of family, friends, and mistresses; adultery with illicit sexual transactions[2] Expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Guo Boxiong
April 9, 2015 General; Sub-nationalAccepting massive bribes in exchange for promotions of officers[3] Expelled from the party, stripped of General rank, sentenced to life in prison
Xu Caihou
March 15, 2014 General; Sub-nationalAccepting massive bribes personally and through family, showing undue favoritism in officer promotion process[4] Expelled from the party and the military, stripped of General rank, was due for court-martial but died before trial
Ling Jihua
December 22, 2014 Sub-nationalViolating "political rules", aiding business interests of wife, adultery, convicted on charges of bribery, abuse of power, and illegally obtaining state and party secrets[5] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Su Rong
June 14, 2014 Sub-nationalAbuse of power, upstaging decisions made by consensus, selling offices for cash, leading responsibility for corrupt behavior of subordinates;[6] Convicted on charges of abuse of power, amassing wealth of unclear origin, and taking bribes worth 116 million yuan (~$17 million)[7] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Sun Zhengcai
July 24, 2017 Sub-nationalWavered on belief system, betrayed party principles, became ostentatious and privileged, sought benefits for his relatives' businesses and accepted valuable gifts, engaged in power-for-sex transactions, became lazy and bureaucratic, abuse of power, leaked organizational secretsRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
"National leaders" refer to "leaders of the party and state" .

Former and sitting Central Committee members

NameInvestigation announcedPosition(s) heldRankSummary of offenses citedOutcome
Liu Zhijun
July 19, 2013 Minister Convicted on charges of abuse of power and accepting bribes[8] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to death sentence with two-year reprieve without commutation or parole
Li Dongsheng
December 20, 2013 MinisterAbuse of power, soliciting bribes, unduly assisting others in obtaining advertising rights, processing policing cases, and obtaining hukou documentation; convicted of taking bribes equivalent of 21.98 million yuan (~$3.11 million)[9] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison[10]
Jiang Jiemin
September 1, 2013 MinisterConvicted of abuse of power, taking bribes of 14.03 million yuan (~$2.21 million), and amassing wealth of unclear origin[11] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison
Yang Jinshan
October 24, 2014 GeneralConvicted of abuse of powerRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party
Bai Enpei
August 29, 2014
  • Former Party Secretary of Yunnan
  • Former Member of the Central Committee
ProvincialConvicted on charges of abuse of power and accepting bribes worth some of 246.7 million yuan (~$41.12 million)[12] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to death sentence with two-year reprieve without commutation or parole
Zhu Mingguo
November 28, 2014
  • Chairman of the Guangdong Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Deputy Party Secretary of Guangdong
  • Alternate Member of the Central Committee
ProvincialAbuse of power, accepting bribes, violating one-child policy, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[13] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to death sentence with two-year reprieve
Zhou Benshun
July 24, 2015
  • Party Secretary of Hebei
  • Member of the Central Committee
ProvincialViolating political rules and political discipline, voicing opinions contrary to the party center on "major matters", obstructing investigation, engaging in "non-organizational activities", using public funds to host receptions and meals, frequenting private clubs, failure to control family members from using his position for personal gain, privately holding and leaking state secrets, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress; convicted on charges of accepting bribes of 40.01 million yuan (~$5.72 million)[14] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison[15]
Yang Dongliang
August 18, 2015 ProvincialTaking part in non-organizational activities, attempting to influence the work placement and promotion of his son, illegally occupying public property, changing his itinerary while on foreign trips, wasting public funds, taking part in very expensive entertainment activities, taken gifts and cash, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Sun Huaishan
March 2, 2017 ProvincialViolating the Eight-point Regulation, bribery, factionalism, made groundless criticisms of the Party's key policiesRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 14 years in prison
Su Shulin
October 7, 2015
  • Governor of Fujian
  • Member of the Central Committee
ProvincialViolating the Eight-point Regulation, bribery, abuse of powerRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison
Wang Bao'an
January 26, 2016 MinisterBribery[16] Wang was sentenced to life in prison for taking bribes worth 153 million yuan on May 31, 2017.[17] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life imprisonment
Wang Min
March 4, 2016 ProvincialViolating political rules and political discipline, leading responsibility for negligence during provincial vote-buying scandal, undermining and violating the Eight-point Regulation, using public funds to wine and dine, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress; convicted on charges of dereliction of duty, abuse of power and taking bribes worth 146 million yuan (~$20.85 million)[18] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party,[19] sentenced to life in prison
Huang Xingguo
September 10, 2016
  • Acting Party Secretary of Tianjin
  • Mayor of Tianjin
ProvincialBribery, undermining the party unity, engaging in superstitious activities, made groundless criticisms of the Party's key policies, obstructed the investigation into his own wrongdoing, improperly assisted associates in the promotion process, let his son take advantage of his position to seek economic benefit.Removed from all posts, expelled from the party,[20] [21] sentenced to 12 years in prison
Li Liguo
January 9, 2017 MinisterFailing to impose strict party discipline at the ministry and allowing "systematic corruption" to happen under his watchDemoted to Deputy-Bureau-Director level (futingjuji)
Xiang Junbo
April 9, 2017 ProvincialBribery, abuse of power, engaging in superstitious activities, engaged in power-for-sex transactions, violating the Eight-point RegulationRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party
Wang Sanyun
July 11, 2017 ProvincialAccepted bribes, long took part in "superstitious activities", frequented private clubs, accused of allowing certain officials to pick official posts and regardless of their problems, responded passively and perfunctorily to major decisions by the CPC Central Committee, committed dereliction of duty, lost his political stance, made groundless criticisms of the Party's key policies, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison
Yang Huanning
July 31, 2017 MinisterViolating political discipline, departing from party consciousness on "major matters of principle"[23] Placed on two-year probation within the Party, demoted to Sub-Bureau-Director level (fujuji)
Li Chuncheng
December 6, 2012
  • Deputy Party Secretary of Sichuan
  • Alternate Member of the Central Committee
Sub-provincialAccepting bribes personally and through his family, furthering business interests of brother, engaging in "superstitious activities", wasting government resources; convicted of abuse of power and taking bribes of over 39.79 million yuan (~$6.27 million)Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 13 years in prison.[24]
Chen Chuanping
August 23, 2014
  • Party Secretary of Taiyuan
  • Alternate Member of the Central Committee
  • Shanxi Provincial Standing Committee
Sub-provincialTaking bribes personally and through family, abuse of power to obtain benefits for friends and family; abuse of power in promotion for subordinates; caused loss of state assets.[25] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 6 years and 6 months in prison
Mo Jiancheng
August 27, 2017
  • Head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) committee of the Ministry of Finance
Sub-provincialBribery, violating the Eight-point Regulation, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 14 years in prison
Pan Yiyang
September 17, 2014 Sub-provincialSending bribes, accepting bribes, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 20 years in prison[26]
Wang Min
December 18, 2014
  • Party Secretary of Jinan
Sub-provincialAccepting bribes, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison
Qiu He
March 15, 2015
  • Deputy Party Secretary of Yunnan
  • Former Party Secretary of Kunming
  • Alternate Member of the Central Committee
Sub-provincialTaking bribes in exchange for promotions, abuse of power to aid in business interests of relatives and associates, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 14 years and 6 months in prison
Wang Yongchun
August 26, 2013 Sub-provincialAbuse of power, solicited and received massive bribesRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 20 years in prison
Wan Qingliang
June 27, 2014
  • Party Secretary of Guangzhou
  • Alternate Member of the Central Committee
  • Guangdong Provincial Standing Committee
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, soliciting and accepting bribes, membership in private clubs[27] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Yang Weize
January 4, 2015
  • Party Secretary of Nanjing
  • Alternate Member of the Central Committee
  • Jiangsu Provincial Standing Committee
Sub-provincialBribery, abuse of power, frequenting high-end hotels and clubs, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[28] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years and 6 months
Yu Yuanhui
May 22, 2015
  • Party Secretary of Nanning
  • Alternate Member of the Central Committee
  • Guangxi A.R. Standing Committee
Sub-provincialViolating "political rules", Publishing opinions contrary to party line, nepotism, accepting bribes, using official vehicle for private reasons, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 11 years in prison
Lü Xiwen
November 11, 2015
  • Deputy Party Secretary of Beijing
  • Alternate member of the Central Committee
Sub-provincialInterfering with the market economy, made groundless criticisms of the Party's key policies, interfering with law enforcement, taking cash gifts, factionalism, membership in private clubs, lived a life of luxury and pleasure seeking, did not retreat from her actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 13 years in prison[29]
Li Yunfeng
May 30, 2016 Sub-provincialBribery, membership in private clubsRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison
Tian Xiusi
July 9, 2016 GeneralBribing higher-ranking military officialsExpelled from the party, facing court-martial
Yang Chongyong
April 11, 2017
  • Vice-chairman of the Hebei People's Congress
Sub-provincialViolated political discipline, concealed personal marriage changes, used fake ID and bribery Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Zhang Yang
August 28, 2017 GeneralBribery, amassing wealth of unclear originCommitted suicide, expelled from the party
Wu Aiying
October 11, 2017 MinisterFraud Demoted to Sub-Department-Director level (futingji), expelled from the party
Note: Provincial-level party chiefs, governors, and Congress and Consultative Conference Chairs are of equal administrative rank as a minister of the state; similarly, vice-ministers have the same rank as sub-provincial level officials; Central Committee membership, does not, in and of itself, carry an administrative rank.

Provincial-ministerial level

NameInvestigation announcedPosition(s) heldRankSummary of offenses citedOutcome
Ai Baojun
November 10, 2015
  • Vice Mayor of Shanghai
  • Shanghai Municipal Party Standing Committee
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, illegally possessing public assets, facilitating illicit sexual transactions, taking gifts and cash, frequenting private clubs, playing golf, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress;[30] Convicted for taking bribes worth 43.21 million yuan (~$6.17 million)Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 17 years in prison[31]
Bai Xueshan
November 6, 2015 Sub-provincialShallow sense of the duties of a party member, long took part in "superstitious activities", accepted bribes, and promoted the business interests of his relatives and associates, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[32] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Bai Yun
August 29, 2014
  • Head of the United Front Work Department of Shanxi Province
  • Shanxi Provincial Party Standing Committee
  • Former Party Secretary of Yuncheng
Sub-provincialConvicted on charges of abuse of power and accepting bribes worth 17.81 million yuan (~$2.54 million)[33] [34] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison
Cai Xiyou
February 6, 2016 Sub-provincialBribery, played golf, "morally depraved", engaged in money-for-sex transactions, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison
Cao Jianfang
January 29, 2016
  • Secretary-General of the Party Committee of Yunnan
  • Yunnan Provincial Party Standing Committee
Sub-provincialExpelled from the party, demoted to sub-division level (fuchuji)
Chang Xiaobing
December 27, 2015 Sub-provincialConvicted on taking bribes worth 3.76 million yuan (~$540,000); interfered in inspection work, and violated state-owned enterprise corporate governance rulesRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 6 years in prison
Chen Anzhong
December 6, 2013
  • Vice-chairman of Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress
  • Former Vice-president of Jiangxi Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference
Sub-provincialConvicted on charges of abuse of power and bribery, "morally depraved"[35] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Chen Baihuai
November 19, 2013
  • Vice-chairman of Hubei Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Hubei province of Director of Agriculture
Sub-provincialConvicted on charges of abuse of power, taking bribes worth 2.83 million yuan (~$470,000), and causing 610 million loss in state assets (~$84.5 million), "morally depraved"[36] [37] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 17 years in prison
Chen Chuanshu
April 24, 2017
  • Member of the CCP Committee of the Ministry of Civil Affairs
  • Former President of China Aging Association
Sub-provincialSerious failure of positionPlaced on one-year probation within the Party, demoted to Bureau-Director level (zhengjuji)[38]
Chen Shulong
November 8, 2016
  • Vice-Governor of Anhui
Sub-provincialViolating political discipline, violating Eight-point Regulation, violating life discipline, "outlook on the world, life and values" were severely twisted, long took part in "superstitious activities", "morally bankrupt", immoderately engaging in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions, having intervened in market economic activities and judicial affairs, using public funds for his own recreational activities, bribery and abuse of power, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party,[39] sentenced to life in prison
Chen Tiexin
July 24, 2014
  • Vice Chairman of the Liaoning provincial People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Party Secretary of Chaoyang
  • Former Party Secretary of Dandong
Sub-provincialTaking large bribes, receiving cash and gifts, adultery[40] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 13 years and 9 months in prison
Chen Xu
March 1, 2017
  • Former Prosecutor General of Shanghai People's Procuratorate
Sub-provincialViolated Eight-point Regulation, played golf, long took part in "superstitious activities", breaching probity and organizational discipline, bribery, a typical instance of "did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress"Expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Chen Xuefeng
January 16, 2016
  • Party Secretary of Luoyang
  • Henan Provincial Party Standing Committee
Sub-provincialViolated Eight-point Regulation, membership in private clubs, falsifying age, factionalism, engaging in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions; Convicted for taking bribes worth 125 million yuan (~$18.66 million) and contributing to loss of state assets, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[41] Removed from all posts, Expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Deng Qilin
August 29, 2015
  • General manager of Wuhan Steel
Sub-provincialInterfering in inspection work, long took part in "superstitious activities", occupying hotel room for personal use, engaging in power-for-sex transactions;[42] Convicted for taking bribes worth 55.39 million yuan (~$7.91 million)Expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison[43]
Dou Yupei
January 9, 2017
  • Vice Minister of Civil Affairs
Sub-provincialFailing to impose strict party discipline at the ministry and allowing "systematic corruption" to occur under his leadershipSerious warning and ordered to retire early
Du Shanxue
June 19, 2014
  • Vice-Governor of Shanxi
  • Shanxi Provincial Party Standing Committee
  • Former Secretary General of Shanxi Provincial Party Committee
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, accepting and giving bribes, accepting cash gifts, adultery[44] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Fan Jian
January 29, 2016 Sub-provincialExpelled from the party, demoted to Deputy-Division-Head level (fuchuji)
Fu Xiaoguang
December 17, 2013
  • Former Vice-Governor of Heilongjiang
  • Chair of the Heilongjiang Table Tennis Association
Sub-provincialAlcohol abuse[45] Demoted to department-level (tingjuji), One-year party membership probation
Gai Ruyin
December 8, 2015
  • Vice Chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress
  • Former Party Secretary of Harbin
Sub-provincialDined out and travelled using public funds, frequented private clubs; violated regulations when promoting subordinates, abuse of power, bribery through wife and children; condoning activities of son; illicit sexual transactions, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[46] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 14 years in prison
Gong Qinggai
January 19, 2016
  • Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office
Sub-provincialViolates political discipline, membership in private clubs, plays golf, long took part in "superstitious activities", engaged in money-for-sex transactions, bribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[47] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Gu Junshan
November 14, 2012 Lieutenant-GeneralConvicted on charges of bribery, embezzlement, moving public funds, and abuse of power. Building out-sized properties.[48] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, stripped of military rank, sentenced to death with two-year reprieve
Gu Chunli
August 1, 2015
  • Vice Governor of Jilin
Sub-provincialMembership in private clubs, accepting bribes, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison[49]
Guo Yongxiang
June 22, 2013
  • President of Sichuan Federation of Literary and Art Circles
  • Former Vice-Governor of Sichuan
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, taking large bribes, furthering son's business interests, "morally depraved"Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 20 years in prison
Guo Youming
November 27, 2013 Sub-provincialAbuse of power, taking large bribes through his family and friends, "morally depraved"[50] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison[51]
Han Xiancong
July 12, 2014 Sub-provincialAbuse of power, bribery, violating Eight-point RegulationRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison
Han Xuejian
December 22, 2014
  • Party Secretary of Daqing
  • Former Mayor of Daqing
Sub-provincialTook bribes, abused power, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison[52]
Han Zhiran
January 29, 2016
  • Vice-chairman of Inner Mongolia People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Party Secretary of Hohhot
Sub-provincialPlaced on two-year probation within the Party, demoted to department-level (futingji)
He Jiacheng
October 11, 2014 ProvincialMembership of clubs, accepted bribes, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 9 years in prison
He Jiatie
February 4, 2016
  • Hubei Provincial Standing Committee
  • Head of Organization Department of Hubei
  • Deputy leader of 4th, 5th Inspection Teams
Sub-provincialRemoved from all posts, demoted to department-level (tingji)
Jiang Jiemin
September 1, 2013
  • Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
  • Former chairman of the China National Petroleum Corporation
ProvincialAbuse of power, solicited and received massive bribesRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison[53]
Ji Jianye
October 16, 2013
  • Mayor of Nanjing
  • Deputy Party Secretary of Nanjing
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, "morally depraved", taking bribes through his family;[54] convicted of taking bribes worth 11.32 million yuan (~$1.82 million)[55] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Ji Wenlin
February 18, 2014 Sub-provincialAbuse of power, taking and soliciting large bribes, adultery[56] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison
Jin Daoming
February 27, 2014
  • Vice-chairman of the Shanxi People's Congress
  • Deputy Party Secretary of Shanxi
  • Former Secretary of the Shanxi Commission for Discipline Inspection
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, taking and soliciting large bribes, adultery[57] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Jing Chunhua
March 3, 2015
  • Hebei Provincial Party Standing Committee
  • Secretary-General of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, bribery, adultery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[58] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 18 years in prison
Kong Lingzhong
April 19, 2016
  • Vice-chairman of Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Sub-provincialViolates political discipline, membership in private clubs[59] Placed on one-year probation within the Party, demoted to department-level (zhengtingji)
Lai Derong
July 22, 2016
  • Vice-chairman of Guangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Sub-provincialViolates political discipline, membership in private clubs, gamblingExpelled from the party, demoted to section member (keyuan)[60]
Le Dake
June 26, 2015
  • Vice-chairman of the Tibet People's Congress
Sub-provincialBribery, conducting illicit sexual transactions, obstructing investigation, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 13 years in prison[61] [62]
Li Chengyun
April 9, 2016
  • Former Vice-Governor of Sichuan
Sub-provincialViolates political discipline, bribery, abuse of power and corruptionRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party,[63] sentenced to 10 years in prison
Li Chongxi
December 29, 2013
  • Chairman of the Sichuan Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference
ProvincialAbuse of power, convicted of taking bribes worth 11.09 million yuan (~$1.75 million)[64] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison[65]
Li Daqiu
July 6, 2013
  • Vice-chairman of the Guangxi A.R. Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Party Secretary of Hezhou
Sub-provincialAbuse of power; convicted of accepting bribes of 10.95 million yuan (~$1.8 million).[66] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Li Hualin
August 27, 2013
  • Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation
Sub-provincialUnder investigation
Li Jia
March 23, 2016 Sub-provincialBribery, engaged in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions, formed cliques for private gain, providing falsified information to Party organsRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 13 years in prison.
Li Jianbo
January 8, 2017 Sub-provincialRemoved from all posts
Li Wenke
February 28, 2017
  • Vice-chairman of the Liaoning People's Congress
Sub-provincialParticipated in a provincial canvassing vote-buying, bribery, liberally sold offices for cash, obtained pecuniary during making arrangements of a funeralRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison
Liao Yongyuan
March 16, 2015
  • President of China National Petroleum Corporation
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, giving bribes, adultery; Convicted on taking bribes worth 13.39 million yuan ($~1.91 million), and amassing wealth of unclear origin, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison[67]
Li Zhi
March 11, 2015
  • Vice-chairman of the Xinjiang Regional People's Congress
  • Former Party Secretary of Urumqi
Sub-provincialFalsifying age, abuse of power, bribery, adultery, interfering with investigation, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[68] Expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison
Liang Bin
November 20, 2014
  • Head of Organization Department of the Communist Party Committee of Hebei
  • Hebei Provincial Party Standing Committee
  • Former Vice-Governor of Shanxi
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, bribery, adultery[69] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 8 years in prison
Liao Shaohua
October 28, 2013
  • Party Secretary of Zunyi
  • Guizhou Provincial Party Standing Committee
  • Former Party Secretary of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture
Sub-provincialMisuse of public funds;[70] convicted of abuse of power and taking bribes worth 13.24 million yuan (~$2.13 million)Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison
Ling Zhengce
June 19, 2014
  • Vice-chairman of Shanxi People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Director of Shanxi Development and Reform Commission
Sub-provincialViolating "political rules", bribery, abuse of power, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[71] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison
Liu Lizu
January 29, 2016
  • Vice-chairman of Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Sub-provincialExpelled from the party, demoted to section staff-level (keyuan)
Liu Shanqiao
June 26, 2017
  • Vice-chairman of Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Party Secretary of Huanggang
Sub-provincialBribery, engaged in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party,[72] sentenced to 12 years in prison
Liu Tienan
May 12, 2013
  • Director of the National Energy Administration
  • Vice-chairman of National Development and Reform Commission
Sub-provincialBribery, "morally depraved"Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison[73]
Liu Xinqi
May 24, 2017 GeneralBreaching political, organizational, probity and work disciplineExpelled from the party, demoted to division level (zhengchuji)
Liu Zhigeng
February 4, 2016
  • Vice Governor of Guangdong
  • Former Party Secretary of Dongguan
Sub-provincialSuperstitious activities, membership in private clubs, engaged in power-for-sex transactions, briberyRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Liu Zhiyong
January 29, 2016
  • Vice-chairman of Guangxi People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Party Secretary of Wuzhou
Sub-provincialPlaced on two-year probation within the Party, removed from party post, and demoted to department-level (tingjuji)
Lu Enguang
December 16, 2016 Sub-provincialFalsified archival documents, giving bribesRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party,[74] sentenced to 12 years in prison
Lu Wucheng
January 23, 2015
  • Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial People's Congress
Sub-provincialBribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison
Lu Ziyue
March 16, 2016
  • Mayor of Ningbo
Sub-provincialBribery, engaged in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions, long took part in "superstitious activities", membership in private clubs, lived a life of luxury and pleasure seeking, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[75] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Ma Jian
January 16, 2015
  • Vice Minister of State Security
Sub-provincialBribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Mao Xiaobing
April 24, 2014
  • Party Secretary of Xining
  • Former Mayor of Xining
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, adultery; convicted on charges of accepting bribes worth 104.8 million yuan (~$14.97 million) and redirecting public funds worth 400 million yuan (~$57 million)[76] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Ni Fake
June 4, 2013
  • Vice-Governor of Anhui
  • Former Party Secretary of Wuhu
  • Former Mayor and Party Secretary of Lu'an
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, "morally depraved", amassing jade collection. Convicted of accepting bribes worth 13.48 million yuan (~$2.15 million).[77] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 17 years in prison
Nie Chunyu
August 23, 2014
  • Secretary-General of the Shanxi Party Committee
  • Shanxi Provincial Party Standing Committee
  • Former Party Secretary of Lüliang
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, took monetary gifts, adultery;[78] Convicted on charges of accepting bribes worth 44.58 million yuan (~$6.36 million)[79] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Qin Yuhai
September 21, 2014
  • Vice Chairman of the Henan Provincial People's Congress
  • Former Vice Governor of Henan
Sub-provincialBribery, took monetary gifts, wasted public resources, abuse of power, adultery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[80] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 13 years and 6 months in prison
Ren Runhou
August 29, 2014
  • Vice-Governor of Shanxi
  • Former President of Lu'an Group
Sub-provincialEmbezzlement of public funds, taking and giving bribes, receiving cash gifts[81] Removed from all posts, died during investigation, posthumously expelled from the party
Shen Peiping
March 9, 2014
  • Vice-Governor of Yunnan
  • Former Party Secretary and Mayor of Pu'er
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, taking large bribes, adultery[82] Removed from all posts; expelled from the party; sentenced to 12 years in prison[83]
Shen Weichen
April 12, 2014
  • Party Group Secretary of China Association for Science and Technology
  • Former Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party
ProvincialAbuse of power, took massive bribes, received gifts of cash, and committed adultery[84] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Si Xianmin
November 4, 2015 Sub-provincialviolated Eight-point Regulation, played golf with public funds, accepted bribes, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts; expelled from the party, sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison
Si Xinliang
February 16, 2015
  • Vice Chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Head of the Organization Department of the Zhejiang Party Committee
Sub-provincialBribery, accepting golf rounds paid for by others, abuse of power, adultery, obstruction of investigation, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[85] Expelled from the party, sentenced to 13 years in prison
Song Lin
April 17, 2014 Sub-provincialViolating Political rules and organizational discipline, abuse of power, bribery, expense claim violations, took on other part-time positions, using public funds to play golf, embezzlement, adulteryRemoved from all posts; expelled from the party,[86] sentenced to 14 years in prison
Su Hongzhang
April 6, 2016
  • Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of Liaoning
Sub-provincialBribery, participated in a provincial canvassing vote-buying, engaged in money-for-sex transactionsRemoved from all posts; expelled from the party,[87] sentenced to 14 years in prison
Sui Fengfu
November 27, 2014
  • Vice Chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress
  • Party Committee Secretary of Heilongjiang Provincial State-owned Farms Administrative Bureau
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, bribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 11 years in prison
Sun Hongzhi
December 26, 2014
  • Vice-Minister of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce
  • Former Mayor of Songyuan
Sub-provincialUsing official vehicle for personal reasons, used public funds for food, lodging, and travelling, bribery, adultery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[88] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 18 years in prison
Sun Qingyun
November 2015
  • Vice-chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Sub-provincialPlaced on two-year probation within the Party, demoted to Division-Head level (chuji)[89]
Sun Zhaoxue
September 15, 2014
  • Chief executive of Chinalco
  • Former CEO of China Gold
Sub-provincialBribery, adultery[90] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison
Tan Li
July 8, 2014
  • Vice-Governor of Hainan
  • Former Party Secretary of Mianyang
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, bribery, adultery, engaging in expensive hobbies[91] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Tan Qiwei
May 3, 2014 Sub-provincialAbuse of power, taking large bribes personally and through wife[92] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to twelve years in prison[93]
Tong Mingqian
December 18, 2013
  • Vice-chairman of Hunan provincial Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Party Secretary of Hengyang
Sub-provincialDereliction of duty and negligence during a provincial vote-buying scandal[94] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 5 years in prison
Wang Shuaiting
May 16, 2014 Sub-provincialAccepted bribes, plundering the public fundsRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison
Wang Bao'an
January 26, 2016 Sub-provincialMembership in private clubs, made speeches that went against the CPC Central Committee on key issues, accepting bribes, long took part in "superstitious activities", "morally bankrupt", immoderately engaging in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Wang Suyi
June 30, 2013
  • Head of Inner Mongolia United Front Work Department
  • Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Standing Committee
  • Former Party Secretary of Bayannur
Sub-provincialAbuse of power for the illicit gain of others. Convicted of accepting bribes in cash and gifts worth some 10.73 million yuan (~$1.74 million)[95] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Wang Tianpu
April 27, 2015 Sub-provincialBribery, plundering the public funds, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years and 6 months in prison
Wang Yang
March 16, 2016
  • Vice-chairman of the Liaoning People's Congress
Sub-provincialBribery, participated in a provincial canvassing vote-buying, violated Eight-point RegulationRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years and 6 months in prison
Wang Yincheng
February 23, 2017 Sub-provincialBribery, engaging in superstitious activities, playing golf, changing his itinerary to play golf while on foreign trips, stacking insurance system with relatives and friends, occupying the company's activities room for personal use, pursuit of luxury, selling office space for below market value[96] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 11 years in prison[97]
Wang Zhongtian
January 8, 2017
  • Deputy Director of the Office of the South–North Water Transfer Project
Sub-provincialRemoved the party post
Wei Hong
January 15, 2016 ProvincialDisloyalty to the party, breaching political and organizational discipline, interfering with law enforcement, being dishonest and obstruction of investigation[98] Removed from all posts, demoted to sub-department-level (futingji)[99]
Wei Minzhou
May 22, 2017
  • Vice-chairman of the Shaanxi People's Congress
  • Former Party Secretary of Xi'an
Sub-provincialViolated political discipline, violated Eight-point Regulation, violated organizational discipline, long took part in "superstitious activities", engaged in political opportunism and careerism, bribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Wu Changshun
July 20, 2014
  • Vice Chairman of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Police Commissioner, Tianjin Public Security Bureau
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, inappropriate expense claims, giving and accepting bribes, embezzlement, redirecting public funds for illicit use, adultery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[100] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to death sentence with two-year reprieve without commutation or parole
Wu Tianjun
November 11, 2016 Sub-provincialBribery, dishonest when handling people's petitions, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 11 years in prison
Wu Yongwen
January 20, 2013
  • Vice Chairman of the Hubei Provincial People's Congress
  • Former Secretary Political and Legal Affairs of the Hubei Party Committee
Sub-provincialRemoved from all posts
Xi Xiaoming
July 12, 2015 Sub-provincialAccepting bribes, leaking classified trial information to unauthorized parties, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison [101]
Xiao Tian
June 25, 2015 Sub-provincialAccepting bribes, playing golf, changing schedules for overseas business trips to stay extra days abroad, membership in private clubs, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party,[102] sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison
Xu Aimin
February 2015
  • Deputy Chairman of Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Sub-provincialExpelled from the party, demoted to deputy division-level (fuchuji)[103]
Xu Gang
March 20, 2015
  • Vice Governor of Fujian
  • Former Party Secretary of Quanzhou
Sub-provincialViolating the Eight-point Regulation, bribery, advancing business interests of wife, playing golf rounds paid for by others, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[104] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 13 years in prison
Xu Jianyi
March 15, 2015Sub-provincialNot carrying out decisions made by the [party] organization, seeking promotion for his son, purchasing real estate which "contravened the interests of the state", illegally procured bonuses, bribery, obstructing investigation, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party Congress[105] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced on 11 years and 6 months in prison
Yan Shiyuan
June 2015 Sub-provincialPlaced on two-year probation within the Party, demoted to sub-department level (futingji)[106]
Yang Gang
December 27, 2013 Sub-provincialAbuse of power, taking "massive bribes", and adulteryRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to twelve years in prison[107]
Yang Baohua
May 26, 2014
  • Vice-chairman of Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Sub-provincialTaking bribes and adulteryExpelled from the party, sentenced to 11 years in prison
Yang Jiacai
May 23, 2017 Sub-provincialAccepting bribes, entering private clubsRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 16 years in prison
Yang Luyu
April 6, 2016 Sub-provincialViolated Eight-point Regulation, engaged in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions, bribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 14 years in prison
Yang Zhenchao
May 24, 2016
  • Vice Governor of Anhui
Sub-provincialBribery and abuse of power, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to life in prison
Yao Gang
November 13, 2015 Sub-provincialBribery, illegally making gains from insider tradingRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 18 years in prison
Yao Mugen
March 22, 2014
  • Vice-Governor of Jiangxi
  • Former Chairman of Jiangxi Development and Reform Commission
Sub-provincialAbuse of power, briberyRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to thirteen years in prison[108]
Yao Zhongmin
June 6, 2016 Sub-provincialAccepted bribes worth 36.19 million yuan, engaged in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions, violated the "Eight-point Regulation" and unrepentantExpelled from the party, sentenced to 14 years in prison
Yi Junqing
January 17, 2013 Sub-provincial"Lifestyle issues", extramarital sexRemoved from post
Yin Hailin
August 22, 2016
  • Mayor of Tianjin
Sub-provincialViolated Eight-point Regulation, violated work disciplineExpelled from the party, demoted to sub-division level (fuchuji)
Yu Haiyan
January 11, 2017
  • Vice-Governor of Gansu
  • Former Communist Party Secretary of Lanzhou
Sub-provincialBribery, engaged in power-for-sex transactions, factionalism, used public funds for his own recreational activitiesRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Zhang Lifu
March 30, 2016
  • Vice-chairman of the Hainan People's Congress
Sub-provincialViolating the Eight-point Regulation, accepting meal invitations that used public funds, violating organizational discipline and work disciplineExpelled from the party, demoted to deputy section-head level (fukeji)[109]
Zhang Lijun
July 30, 2015
  • Vice-Minister of Environmental Protection
Sub-provincialBribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 4 years in prison
Zhang Tianxin
July 16, 2014
  • Party Secretary of Kunming
  • Former Yunnan Provincial Party Standing Committee
Sub-provincialWasting public resources, abuse of power for personal gain[110] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, demoted to deputy division-level (fuchuji)
Zhang Wenxiong
November 8, 2016
  • Party Secretary of Hengyang
  • Former Hunan Provincial Party Standing Committee
  • Head of the Hunan Provincial Party Propaganda Department
Sub-provincialBribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Zhang Yue
April 16, 2016
  • Secretary of Legal Affairs Commission of Hebei
Sub-provincialViolated Eight-point Regulation, long took part in "superstitious activities", played golf, lived a life of luxury and pleasure seeking, engaged in money-for-sex and power-for-sex transactions, bribery, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Zhang Yun
January 29, 2016 Sub-provincialPlaced on two-year probation within the Party, removed post, and demoted
Zhao Shaolin
October 11, 2014
  • Former Secretary General of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee
  • Former Jiangsu Provincial Party Standing Committee
Sub-provincialForming a clique within the party, aiding business interests of son, giving bribes, foreign exchange fraud[111] Expelled from the party, sentenced to 4 years in prison
Zhao Liping
March 21, 2015
  • Former Vice-chairman of the Inner Mongolia People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Vice-chairman of the Inner Mongolia
  • Former Director of Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia
Sub-provincialMurder, aid in the promotion and business activities of associates, and "illegally possessed bullets and guns", "severely violated socialist morality by engaging in adultery", and took bribesExpelled from the party, sentenced to death and executed
Zhao Zhiyong
June 3, 2014
  • Secretary-General of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee
  • Former Jiangxi Provincial Party Standing Committee
  • Former Party Secretary of Jiujiang
Sub-provincialAbuse of power for personal gain[112] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, demoted to administrative rank of keyuan
Zhang Huawei
April 17, 2017 Sub-provincialBribery, violated Eight-point Regulation, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressExpelled from the party, sentenced to 12 years in prison
Zheng Yuzhuo
August 26, 2016
  • Vice-chairman of Liaoning Provincial People's Congress
Sub-provincialParticipated in a provincial canvassing vote-buying, solicited 30 iPhone 4S (worth 0.156 million yuan) for unjust canvassing[113] Removed from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison
Zhou Chunyu
April 26, 2017
  • Vice Governor of Anhui
Sub-provincialViolated political discipline, organization discipline and life discipline; bribery, concealing offshore deposits, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 20 years in prison
Zhou Laizhen
November 24, 2015
  • Deputy director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China
Sub-provincialTaking bribes worth 25.33 million yuan, playing golf, changing his itinerary while on foreign trips, did not retreat from his actions even after the 18th Party CongressRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to 15 years in prison
Zhu Fushou
November 2, 2015
  • General manager of Dongfeng Motor
Sub-provincialExpelled from the party, demoted[114]
Zhu Zuoli
February 19, 2014
  • Vice-chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Former Director of the Shaanxi Development and Reform Commission
Sub-provincialTaking bribesRemoved from all posts, expelled from the party, sentenced to eleven years in prison[115]

Generals of the military

Other notable cases

Non-political personalities

Notes and References

  1. These are positions held at the time the investigation was initiated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; relevant former posts are indicated as such.
  2. News: 中共中央决定给予周永康开除党籍处分. December 6, 2014.
  3. News: 中共中央决定给予郭伯雄开除党籍处分 将郭伯雄涉嫌犯罪问题及线索移送司法机关依法处理. July 30, 2015.
  4. News: 徐才厚被起诉 开除党籍军籍取消上将军衔. October 29, 2014.
  5. News: 中共中央决定给予令计划开除党籍开除公职处分 将令计划涉嫌犯罪问题及线索移送司法机关依法处理. CCDI.
  6. Web site: 全国政协原副主席苏荣严重违纪违法被开除党籍和公职 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection . 2015-02-16.
  7. News: 全国政协原副主席苏荣被判无期徒刑 受贿1.16亿. Netease. January 23, 2017.
  8. Web site: Former Chinese minister is charged. 10 April 2013. BBC.
  9. News: 李东生严重违纪违法被开除党籍. A-finance. July 2, 2014.
  10. Web site: Former top Chinese police official and Zhou Yongkang ally jailed on corruption charges. 2016-01-12. 2016-01-12. South China Morning Post .
  11. News: 国资委原主任蒋洁敏一审被判处有期徒刑16年. October 12, 2015.
  12. News: 白恩培被指"怕媳妇" 周永康曾致电其照顾周滨. January 14, 2015. dead. January 14, 2015.
  13. News: 广东省政协原主席朱明国被"双开". February 17, 2015.
  14. Web site: 河北省委原书记周本顺受贿4001万余元 获刑15年. Tencent.
  15. Web site: 河北省委原书记、省人大常委会原主任周本顺,国家安全生产监督管理总局原党组书记、局长杨栋梁严重违纪被开除党籍和公职. October 16, 2015 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  16. Web site: 国家统计局原党组书记、局长王保安严重违纪被开除党籍. 2016-08-26. 中央纪委监察部.
  17. Web site: 国家统计局原局长王保安受贿1.53亿元被判无期. 2017-05-31. 2017-05-31. Sina.
  18. Web site: 全国人大教育科学文化卫生委员会原副主任委员王珉受贿、贪污、玩忽职守案一审宣判 . August 4, 2017 . CCDI.
  19. Web site: 第十二届全国人大教育科学文化卫生委员会原副主任委员、辽宁省委原书记王珉严重违纪被开除党籍和公职 . August 10, 2016 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  20. News: Mayor of major Chinese port city of Tianjin faces corruption inquiry. 11 September 2016. The Guardian.
  21. Web site: 天津市原市委代理书记、市长黄兴国严重违纪被开除党籍和公职. CCDI. 2017-01-04. 2017-01-04.
  22. News: 中国保险监督管理委员会党委书记、主席项俊波接受组织审查. 2017-04-09. CCDI . 2017-04-09.
  23. News: 国家安全生产监督管理总局 原党组书记、局长杨焕宁因严重违纪受到 留党察看二年、行政撤职处分. CCDI. July 31, 2017.
  24. News: 四川省委原副书记李春城受贿3979万获刑13年. October 12, 2015.
  25. Web site: 山西省委原常委、太原市委原书记陈川平被"双开". 2015-02-17. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  26. Web site: 内蒙古自治区党委原常委、自治区政府原副主席潘逸阳,广西壮族自治区党委原常委、南宁市委原书记余远辉严重违纪被开除党籍和公职 . October 16, 2015 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  27. News: 广州原市委书记万庆良被双开 涉嫌受贿罪被立案. October 10, 2014.
  28. News: 南京市委原书记杨卫泽、云南原副书记仇和被双开. Chinanews. July 31, 2015.
  29. Web site: 北京市委原副书记吕锡文严重违纪被开除党籍和公职 . January 5, 2016 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  30. News: 上海市原市委常委、副市长艾宝俊严重违纪被开除党籍和公职. January 19, 2016.
  31. Web site: 上海市委原常委、副市长艾宝俊一审获刑十七年 . April 28, 2017 . CCDI.
  32. Web site: 宁夏回族自治区政府原党组成员、副主席白雪山严重违纪被开除党籍和公职 . . dead . December 29, 2015 . 2015-12-28 . 中央纪委监察部网站 (via Xinhua).
  33. 山西省原统战部长白云受贿1781万当庭认罪
  34. News: 山西省委原常委、统战部原部长白云 严重违纪违法被开除党籍和公职. February 3, 2015.
  35. Web site: 江西省人大原副主任陈安众一审被判有期徒刑12年 . China News Service . June 19, 2015. June 19, 2015 .
  36. News: 湖北省政协原副主席陈柏槐涉嫌滥用职权、受贿案被提起公诉.
  37. News: 陈柏槐犯滥用职权罪和受贿罪被判有期徒刑17年. April 17, 2015.
  38. News: 民政部原党组成员、中国老龄协会原会长陈传书工作严重失职失责被问责. 2017-04-26. 中国经济网.
  39. Web site: 安徽省副省长陈树隆涉嫌严重违纪接受组织调查. CCDI. 2016-11-08.
  40. News: 辽宁省政协原副主席陈铁新严重违纪被双开. 2015-12-18. 2014-10-28. dead.
  41. Web site: 洛阳市委原书记陈雪枫受贿1.25亿元被判无期. 2017-05-31. 2017-05-31. Sina.
  42. Web site: 武钢集团原党委书记、董事长邓崎琳被开除党籍 . January 8, 2016 . 中央纪委监察部网站.
  43. Web site: 武钢原董事长邓崎琳受贿5539万元被判15年. 2017-05-31. 2017-05-31. Sina.
  44. News: 山西省原省委常委、副省长杜善学被开除党籍. February 13, 2015.
  45. Web site: . zh:黑龙江省副省级干部付晓光因私公款消费降为正局级 . December 18, 2015 . LN . zh . dead . . 2015-12-22 .
  46. CCDI announcement on Gai Ruyin
  47. Web site: 中央台湾工作办公室原副主任、国务院台湾事务办公室原副主任龚清概严重违纪被开除党籍 . April 21, 2016 . CCDI.
  48. News: China ex-general Gu Junshan charged with corruption. BBC.
  49. Web site: 吉林省政府原党组成员、副省长谷春立严重违纪被开除党籍和公职 . October 30, 2015 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  50. News: 湖北省原副省长郭有明被开除党籍.
  51. News: Former senior Chinese provincial official jailed for graft . December 8, 2015 . Reuters .
  52. Web site: May 8, 2015. 黑龙江省委原常委、大庆市委原书记韩学键严重违纪违法被开除党籍和公职. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party. April 30, 2015.
  53. Web site: Former China energy chief Jiang Jiemin jailed for corruption . 12 October 2015. 12 October 2015. BBC.
  54. News: 原南京市长季建业被开除党籍.
  55. News: 十八大后17名省部级官员被异地公诉 7人已获刑.
  56. News: 海南省原副省长冀文林严重违纪违法被开除党籍和公职. dead. July 7, 2014.
  57. News: 山西人大原副主任金道铭受贿通奸被双开.
  58. Web site: 河北省委原常委、秘书长景春华严重违纪违法被开除党籍和公职 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection . May 8, 2015 .
  59. Web site: 贵州省政协党组成员、副主席孔令中因严重违纪受到留党察看一年、行政撤职处分 . April 19, 2016 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  60. Web site: 广西壮族自治区政协原党组成员、副主席赖德荣因严重违纪受到开除党籍、行政撤职处分 . July 22, 2016 . CCDI.
  61. Web site: 西藏自治区人大常委会原党组成员、副主任乐大克严重违纪被开除党籍和公职 . October 30, 2015 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection .
  62. News: Former top security chief faces prosecution. Shanghai Daily . December 31, 2016 . December 31, 2016 .
  63. Web site: 安徽省政府原党组成员、副省长杨振超,四川省政府原党组成员、副省长李成云严重违纪被开除党籍. July 26, 2016 . CCDI.
  64. News: 四川省政协原主席李崇禧被双开.
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  66. News: "桂老虎"李达球收受1095万 判囚15年. dead. 2016-03-04.
  67. Web site: 中国石油天然气集团公司原总经理廖永远严重违纪违法被开除党籍. June 15, 2015. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party.
  68. Web site: 新疆维吾尔自治区人大常委会原副主任、党组成员栗智严重违纪违法被开除党籍 . 2015-07-06 . 2015-07-06. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
  69. News: 河北省委原常委、组织部原部长梁滨 严重违纪违法被开除党籍和公职. CCDI. January 26, 2015.
  70. News: 最高人民检察院依法决定对廖少华立案侦查(图). May 7, 2014.
  71. Web site: 令政策被双开 严重违反政治规矩(图) . August 21, 2015. Ifeng .
  72. Web site: 湖北省政协副主席刘善桥涉嫌严重违纪接受组织审查 . June 26, 2017 . 中央纪委监察部网站.
  73. News: Wong. Edward. A Top Target of China's Antigraft Campaign Gets Life in Prison. The New York Times. December 10, 2014.
  74. Web site: 司法部党组成员、政治部主任卢恩光涉嫌严重违纪接受组织调查. 2016-12-17. 2016-12-16. CCDI.
  75. Web site: 浙江省宁波市原市委副书记、市长卢子跃严重违纪被开除党籍 . 2016-06-21 . 中央纪委监察部网站.
  76. News: 最高人民检察院依法决定对毛小兵立案侦查.
  77. News: 安徽原副省长倪发科被判17年 没收个人财产100万. Ifeng. February 28, 2015.
  78. News: 山西省委原常委、秘书长聂春玉 严重违纪违法被开除党籍和公职. February 5, 2015.
  79. News: 山西省委原常委聂春玉一审被判有期徒刑15年. 2016-10-19. 人民日报客户端. 2016-10-19.
  80. Web site: 武长顺秦玉海均收受巨额贿赂 与他人通奸. 网易.
  81. News: 山西原副省长任润厚被开除党籍 被查期间死亡.
  82. News: 云南原副省长沈培平被双开 涉与他人通奸(图). Ifeng. August 3, 2014.
  83. Web site: 云南原副省长沈培平受贿1615万元 获刑12年 . December 3, 2015 .
  84. News: 中国科协原党组书记申维辰被双开 与他人通奸. ifeng. December 22, 2014.
  85. News: 浙江省政协原副主席、党组副书记斯鑫良严重违纪违法被开除党籍. CCDI. June 19, 2015.
  86. News: 华润(集团)有限公司原党委书记、董事长宋林严重违纪违法被开除党籍. 2015-09-11. 2015-09-11.
  87. Web site: 辽宁省委原常委、政法委原书记苏宏章严重违纪被开除党籍和公职 . 2016-07-25 . CCDI.
  88. News: Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party. 国家工商总局原副局长、党组成员孙鸿志严重违纪违法被开除党籍 . June 15, 2015. zh .
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  90. Web site: 中铝公司原总经理孙兆学被双开和立案. . December 23, 2014 . January 12, 2015 .
  91. News: Former vice governor of China's Hainan Province expelled from CPC. dead. November 29, 2014. Xinhua.
  92. News: 重庆人大原副主任谭栖伟被双开 曾分管三峡移民. Sohu.
  93. Web site: 重庆市人大原副主任谭栖伟受贿1143万获刑12年 . January 7, 2016.
  94. News: 湖南政协原副主席童名谦因衡阳贿选案被双开(图/简历). IFeng.
  95. News: 内蒙原统战部长王素毅一审被判无期. Caixin.
  96. News: 中国人民保险集团股份有限公司原党委副书记、副董事长、总裁王银成严重违纪被开除党籍和公职. CCDI. 2017-07-05.
  97. Web site: 人保原总裁王银成受贿870余万 一审被判11年罚100万 . 24 May 2018 . May 24, 2018 . Sina.
  98. Web site: 四川省原省长魏宏受到撤销党内职务、行政撤职处分. 中国共产党新闻网. 2016-02-04.
  99. News: . zh:中央纪委证实:四川省省长魏宏涉嫌严重违纪正在反省思过 . 15 January 2016 . Xinhua . zh.
  100. News: 天津市市公安局原局长武长顺被双开 涉通奸. February 13, 2015.
  101. Web site: 最高人民法院原副院长、党组成员奚晓明严重违纪被开除党籍 . September 29, 2015 . Central Commission for Discipline Inspection .
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  103. Web site: 江西政协副主席许爱民被开除党籍 降为副处级 . 2016-01-29 . 2015-02-17 . . dead .
  104. News: 福建省副省长徐钢涉严重违纪违法被调查. March 20, 2015.
  105. News: 一汽集团原董事长徐建一被双开. Sina. August 13, 2015.
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  107. News: Ex-political adviser Yang jailed for graft. The Standard. January 20, 2016.
  108. News: Former vice governor of Jiangxi sentenced for bribery. Shanghai Daily. December 18, 2015.
  109. Web site: 海南省人大常委会原副主任张力夫因严重违纪受到开除党籍处分 . March 30, 2016 . CCDI.
  110. News: 云南省委原常委张田欣被开除党籍. Sohu. July 16, 2014.
  111. News: 江苏省委原常委赵少麟严重违纪违法被开除党籍. August 14, 2015.
  112. News: 江西省委原常委赵智勇被开除党籍 降为科员. QQ. July 16, 2014.
  113. News: 辽宁省人大常委会副主任郑玉焯严重违纪被开除党籍和公职. CCDI. August 26, 2016.
  114. Web site: 中央纪委2015年给予10名中管干部党纪重处分并作出重大职务调整 . January 29, 2016 . CCDI.
  115. News: 祝作利被判十一年 罚50万元 . The Mirror . November 19, 2015 . dead . . November 19, 2015 .
  116. News: Xi Jinping draws army into breath-restricting embrace . The Sunday Guardian . 6 June 2015 . Jayadeva Ranade . 18 December 2015 . 7 May 2021 . . dead .
  117. News: 叶迎春被抓 周永康被带走调查前天还曾与其秘密相会. International Business Times. August 5, 2014. December 18, 2015. December 9, 2014. dead.
  118. News: 传"军中赵本山"黄宏被免职的原因[图]]. Duowei. March 7, 2015.