Oenopota Explained

Oenopota is a genus of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Mangeliidae.

This genus doesn't form a monophyletic group. Therefore many species are only tentatively placed within this genus.[1]


In 1941 Paul Bartsch described species in this genus as having large, heavy and elongate -ovate to elongate- turreted shells. The protoconch is smooth at the apex, succeeded by a whorl with three spiral cords and rather distantly spaced axial ribs. The longitudinal ribs become stronger on succeeding whorls but evanesce at the base of the shell. The spiral sculpture weakens on succeeding whorls and finally becomes mere threads. The pear-shaped aperture is deeply channeled anteriorly. It shows in the outer lip near the summit a feeble posterior sinus.[2]

Later, in 1980, it has been stated by Bouchet & Warèn that there is a high variation within the arctic forms of this genus, such as the outer lip showing all transitions from sinuated to nonsinuated [3]


Oenopota is a boreal genus, with many species occurring in arctic and subarctic regions. They are less common in more southern waters where they occur in deeper, colder waters.


Species within the genus Oenopota include:

Species brought into synonymy

External links


Notes and References

  1. https://oup.silverchair-cdn.com/oup/backfile/Content_public/Journal/mollus/62/3/10.1093/mollus/62.3.289/2/62-3-289.pdf?Expires=1509299202&Signature=bTs4Ec~SGeF8~NimHzbmmLHW0WeipCD4CIl2f77gXkL8878ocybLmbYHfxh6LSFeaOAwJAUA9IvaDqXOvo4VcXIyFRd0Vq-GL4Nn1tlWSRc~3Yf9vN3HcDgcaBMUcKvHRyZulJ758vDkJqBLaZ4rurQCWZLTlN11HlD~Tq-o2zFYJpGmHjMCTwrbutgCcs3i4thBUqyd6NI1yLc9WOJf9eXBNxF75ST0H~4ywOG4If~PX6zbEnrJpK8P951rq5AnodV1xugglcHznTsO9R8~ciDLlKFbXXi4JTG7NZgp1uAsTL9GS6lj5R5fLYs8Mo9VcW7PK~Ai6bK7QlWE8kV-VA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIUCZBIA4LVPAVW3Q Lundberg, Joakim, Christoffer Schander, and Øystein Stokland. "A preliminary cladistic analysis of North Atlantic Oenopota moerch, 1852 and Propebela iredale, 1918 (Gastropoda: Conoidea)." Journal of Molluscan Studies 62.3 (1996): 289-298
  2. Bartsch, P. "The nomenclatorial status of certain northern turritid mollusks." Proceedings of the biological Society of Washington 54 (1941): 1-14.
  3. Bouchet, Philippe, and Anders Warén. "Revision of the northeast Atlantic bathyal and abyssal Turridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda)." Journal of Molluscan Studies 46.Supplement_8 (1980): 1-119.