October 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) explained
October 26 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - October 28
All fixed commemorations below celebrated on November 9 by Eastern Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.
For October 27th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on October 14.
Pre-Schism Western saints
- Saint Florentius, a martyr in Trois-Châteaux in Burgundy in France (3rd century)[13]
- Martyrs Vincent, Sabina and Christeta, martyrs in Avila in Spain (303)[13] [14]
- Saint Gaudiosus of Naples, Bishop of Abitina in North Africa (c. 455)
- Saint Namatius (Namace), ninth Bishop of Clermont in France (c. 462)[13]
- Saint Abbán (Eibbán, Moabba), founder of many monasteries, mostly in the south of Ireland (c. 520)[13] [15]
- Saint Oran of Iona (Otteran, Odhran, Odran), monk of Iona Abbey (c. 563)[6] [13] [16]
- Saint Desiderius of Auxerre, Bishop of Auxerre in France (c. 625)[13]
- Saint Colman of Senboth-Fola (Colman Na Fiachrach), a disciple of St Aidan of Ferns, he was Abbot of Senboth-Fola (Seuboth-Folu, Seanboth-Colmain), near Ferns (c. 632)[13]
Post-Schism Orthodox saints
New Martys and Confessors
Other commemorations
- Narrative about the Iberians, involving a certain ascetic woman who healed the sick, including their queen, converting many to Christ (c. 332)[24] [25]
- Uncovering of the relics (1539), in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, of St. Andrew, Prince of Smolensk (1390)[1] [6] [7] [11] [26]
- Repose of Hieroschemamonk Antiochus of Svir, disciple of Elder Theodore of Svir (1832)[1]
Greek Sources
Russian Sources
Notes and References
- http://orthochristian.com/calendar/20181027.html October 27 / November 9
- Great Synaxaristes: Ἡ Ἁγία Πρόκλα σύζυγος τοῦ Πιλάτου. 27 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- Συναξαριστής. 27 Οκτωβρίου. ECCLESIA.GR. (H ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ).
- Great Synaxaristes: Οἱ Ἁγίες Καπετωλίνα καὶ Ἐρωτηΐδα. 27 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- КАПИТОЛИНА И ЕРОТИИДА. Православная Энциклопедия под редакцией Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла (электронная версия). (Orthodox Encyclopedia - Pravenc.ru).
- http://www.holytrinityorthodox.com/calendar/index.php?year=2017&today=9&month=11&trp=0&tzo=-5 November 9 / October 27
- 27 октября по старому стилю / 9 ноября по новому стилю. Русская Православная Церковь - Православный церковный календарь на 2016 год.
- Great Synaxaristes: Ὁ Ἅγιος Νέστωρ ὁ Μάρτυρας. 27 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica. OCA - Lives of the Saints.
- Great Synaxaristes: Οἱ Ἅγιοι Μαβριανὸς καὶ Βαλεντίνος. 27 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- 27/10/2017. Ορθόδοξος Συναξαριστής.
- Great Synaxaristes: Ὁ Ἅγιος Κυριάκος Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. 27 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- http://www.orthodoxengland.org.uk/stdoct.htm October 25
- Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould (M.A.). "SS. VINCENT, SABINA, AND CHRYSTETA, MM. (ABOUT A.D. 304.)" In: The Lives of the Saints. Volume the Twelfth: October – Part II. London: John C. Nimmo, 1898. pp. 649-650.
- Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould (M.A.). "S. ABBAN, AB. OF MAGHARNOIDHE. (6TH CENT.)" In: The Lives of the Saints. Volume the Twelfth: October – Part II. London: John C. Nimmo, 1898. pp. 653-657.
- Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould (M.A.). "S. ODHRAN, AB. (ABOUT A.D. 563.)" In: The Lives of the Saints. Volume the Twelfth: October – Part II. London: John C. Nimmo, 1898. pp. 668-669.
- Great Synaxaristes: Ὁ Ὅσιος Νέστωρ ὁ Χρονογράφος ὁ ἐν τῷ Σπηλαίῳ (Ρῶσος). 27 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- 9 ноября (27 октября). Православная Энциклопедия под редакцией Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла (электронная версия). (Orthodox Encyclopedia - Pravenc.ru).
- St. Nestor (not the Chronicler) of the Far Kiev Caves. OCA - Lives of the Saints.
- Όσιος Δημήτριος ο Νέος (Μπασαράμπης). Ορθόδοξος Συναξαριστής.
- St. Demetrius of Basarabov. OCA - Lives of the Saints.
- Hierarch Alexander, Bishop of Guria and Samegrelo. OCA - Lives of the Saints.
- Zakaria Machitadze (Archpriest). Lives of the Georgian Saints. First English Edition. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 2006. pp. 393-395.
- Great Synaxaristes: Διήγηση γιὰ τοὺς Ἴβηρες. 27 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- Διήγηση για τους Ίβηρες. Ορθόδοξος Συναξαριστής.
- Uncovering of the relics of St Andrew the Prince of Smolensk. OCA - Lives of the Saints.