ORP Ślązak (2015) explained

ORP Ślązak (241) is an offshore patrol vessel of the Polish Navy, formerly known as . The ship is named Ślązak (pl|[[Silesia]]n). It is a licence variant of the MEKO A-100 project developed by Blohm + Voss.


In 1997 Poland was invited to join NATO and became a member state on 12 March 1999. In December 1997 representatives of the Ministry of National Defence and the Polish Navy selected a conceptual design for future multipurpose corvettes. Inquiries were sent to four foreign shipyards from the UK, the US, Germany and Sweden. The commission decided to go with the German MEKO A-100 corvette design by Blohm + Voss. The technical project was approved in 2001.[1] A final agreement with Stocznia Marynarki Wojennej (Naval Shipyard in Gdynia) was signed on 27 November 2001 for construction of one Projekt 621 (shipyard designation Gawron) corvette, a second (optional) and five consecutive (optional). At the same time the shipyard signed a licensing agreement worth PLN 60 million for the use of the MEKO A-100 concept.[2] The keel of the first ship was laid on 28 November 2001 in the presence of Poland's Prime Minister Leszek Miller.[3]

In 2000 and 2002 Polish Navy commissioned two ex-US Navy s and on 23 December 2002 financing was cut to a single corvette.[4] Unlike multirole combat aircraft acquisition financed separate of National Defence budget, the program wasn't a priority for the Armed Forces and suffered from insufficient funding. The cost was initially set at PLN 250 million per ship. In 2003 estimated total cost of a single Gawron-class corvette was estimated at PLN 850 million, in 2005 at around PLN 1.1 billion. Finally in 2012 the figures have grown to PLN 1.5 billion (EUR 360 mln).[5]

In 2007 a shipyard awarded Italian Avio a USD 10 million deal to provide CODAG propulsion system.[6] In 2008 the hull was at 80% completion when financial crisis broke up. In 2009 the defence budget was cut by 5 billion PLN.[7] This led to postpone the decision to order the combat systems worth PLN 824 million that was negotiated with Thales in 2008.[8] The ships planned armament included RIM-162 ESSM and RIM-116 RAM surface-to-air missiles, RBS-15 Mk 3 anti-ship missiles and MU90 Impact torpedoes. On 16 September 2009 the hull already with engines, turbines, generators, line shafts and air-conditioners completed technical launching for the first time. At the same time the Ministry of Defence decided to suspend corvette financing.[9] In April 2011 the court declared Naval Shipyard's bankruptcy.[10] On 24 February 2012 Gawron program was cancelled.[11] At that time the hull was largely completed at the cost of 402 million PLN (~US$130m), but equipping it with combat systems would have cost an additional 1 billion PLN (~US$320m).[12] On 23 September 2013 an annex to 2001 construction contract was signed to complete the sole unit as patrol vessel.[13] Due to design changes the program code name was changed to Projekt 621M. ORP Ślązak modular design and systems allows to upgrade it to the corvette configuration in the future.[14]

In December 2013 Thales Group was selected as mission suite supplier for 100 million euro worth contract.[15] A contract with Thales for delivery of the integrated combat system for the Ślązak was signed in March 2014. The deal include TACTICOS Combat Management System, SMART-S Mk2 surveillance radar, STING-EO Mk2 fire control radar, MIRADOR electro-optical observation and fire control system and LINK 11/16 tactical data link system.[16]

On 2 July 2015 ORP Ślązak was christened during official launching ceremony, becoming the first new Polish-built Navy ship in 21 years,[17] since the minesweeper ORP Wdzydze (TRB 646) was launched in 1994. It was expected to be commissioned in November 2016,[18] however in 2016 the commissioning was delayed until 2018[19] and in 2018, until 2019.[20]

In 2016 the ship underwent systems trials, including engine room, power generators, fire control consoles and boats lifting and lowering hydraulic system.[21] It will be equipped with six-seat Markos MK-500 and fifteen-seat MK-790 rigid-hulled inflatable boats.[22] The units OTO Melara Super Rapid MF L/62 main gun was mounted on June 15, 2016.[23]


Notes and References

  1. http://www.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl/2012/08/okret-gawron-kulisy-cz-i/ Okręt Gawron – kulisy cz I.
  2. http://www.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl/2012/08/okret-gawron-kulisy-cz-ii/ Okręt Gawron kulisy cz. II.
  3. http://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/1,114873,10666023,Mialo_byc_7_statkow__bedzie_jeden__Byc_moze__Sledczy.html Miało być 7 statków, będzie jeden. Być może. Śledczy badają, jak buduje się jednostkę Marynarki Wojennej.
  4. http://wyborcza.pl/1,75248,18303906,To_pierwszy_od_lat_nowy_okret_naszej_marynarki.html To pierwszy od lat nowy okręt naszej marynarki.
  5. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/orp-slazak.htm ORP Slazak / Gawron / Projekt 621 (Meko A 100).
  6. http://www.portalmorski.pl/morze-inne/inne/5187-wloska-silownia-gawrona Włoska siłownia Gawrona.
  7. http://dziennikzbrojny.pl/artykuly/art,7,33,1200,marynarka-wojenna,okrety-nawodne-po-1945-r,projekt-korwety-gawron-dla-pmw Projekt korwety Gawron dla PMW.
  8. http://www.altair.com.pl/news/view?news_id=2662 Zapaść wojska - biurokracja przetrwa.
  9. http://www.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl/2012/08/okret-gawron-kulisy-cz-iii/ Okręt Gawron kulisy cz. III.
  10. http://www.dziennikbaltycki.pl/artykul/389587,gdynia-ogloszono-upadlosc-stoczni-marynarki-wojennej,id,t.html?cookie=1 Gdynia: Ogłoszono upadłość Stoczni Marynarki Wojennej.
  11. News: Tusk terminates 'senseless' warship project. pl.
  12. News: Wojsko do remontu, koniec z Gawronem. Gazeta Wyborcza. pl.
  13. http://www.iu.wp.mil.pl/aktualnosci.aktualnosc.102.49.html Podpisanie Umów Na Okręty Dla Marynarki Wojennej
  14. http://www.defence24.pl/237253,orp-slazak-zwodowany ORP „Ślązak” zwodowany.
  15. http://www.polska-zbrojna.pl/home/articleshow/10785?t=Thales-uzbroi-Slazaka Thales uzbroi Ślązaka
  16. https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/netherlands/press-release/thales-supply-mission-suite-polish-patrol-vessel-orp-slazak Thales to supply mission suite for Polish Patrol Vessel ORP ŚLĄZAK.
  17. http://www.thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/212375,Defence-Minister-We-need-to-expand-Polish-Navy Defence Minister: We need to expand Polish Navy.
  18. http://www.altair.com.pl/news/view?news_id=16862 Wodowanie ORP Ślązak.
  19. http://trojmiasto.wyborcza.pl/trojmiasto/1,35636,20335166,orp-slazak-opozniony-o-dwa-lata-budowa-trwa-juz-15-lat.html ORP Ślązak opóźniony o dwa lata. Budowa trwa już 15 lat!.
  20. https://www.defence24.pl/kontrakt-na-dokonczenie-budowy-orp-slazak-mon-wejscie-do-sluzby-w-marcu-2019-r MON podpisał umowę na dokończenie "Ślązaka". W służbie w przyszłym roku.
  21. http://www.gospodarkamorska.pl/MW,Sluzby-Morskie/trwaja-testy-na-orp-slazak.html Trwają testy na ORP Ślązak.
  22. http://www.naszbaltyk.com/aktualnosci/2539-proby-morskie-lodzi-typu-rib-przeznaczonych-na-okret-patrolowy-orp-slazak.html Próby morskie łodzi typu RIB, przeznaczonych na okręt patrolowy ORP "Ślązak".
  23. http://dziennikzbrojny.pl/aktualnosci/news,1,10132,aktualnosci-z-polski,montaz-armaty-na-slazaku Montaż armaty na Ślązaku.