Nuphar subintegerrima explained

Nuphar subintegerrima is a species of rhizomatous aquatic plant endemic to Japan.[1]


Vegetative characteristics

Nuphar subintegerrima has emerging or floating leaves. The leaves are 5-11 cm long, and 4-8.5 cm wide.[2]

Generative characteristics

The pedunculate, solitary, yellow flower extends above the water surface. Ripe fruit detach from the plants.


Vegetative reproduction

It reproduces vegetatively through its rhizomes.

Generative reproduction

It reproduces sexually. Flowering occurs from May to November.



It was first described by Robert Caspary as the variety Nuphar japonica var. subintegerrima Casp. in 1866. It was elevated to the species Nuphar subintegerrima (Casp.) Makino by Tomitaro Makino in 1910.



It occurs in streams, bogs and irrigation ponds.[3]


It is pollinated by the fly species Notiphila maritima.[4]


The larvae of the moth species Neoschoenobia testacealis feed on leaves and flower stalks of Nuphar subintegerrima.

Notes and References

  1. 605471-1 . Nuphar subintegerrima (Casp.) Makino . 6 May 2024.
  2. SHIGA, T., & KADONO, Y. (2004). Morphological variation and classification of Nuphar with special reference to populations in central to western Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 55(2), 107-117.
  3. Nagasaki, O. (2008). Impact of the flower stalk-boring moth Neoschoenobia testacealis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and water-level fluctuations on the flower and fruit production of the yellow water lily Nuphar subintegerrima (Nymphaeaceae) in irrigation ponds of western Japan. Aquatic botany, 88(1), 27-31.
  4. Nagasaki, O. (2007). Pollination of the yellow water lily Nuphar subintegerrima (Nymphaeaceae) by the shore fly Notiphila (Notiphila) maritima (Diptera: Ephydridae). Plant species biology, 22(3), 227-230.