Not One Light Red: A Modified Document Explained

Not One Light Red: A Modified Document
Type:studio album
Artist:Various Artists
Genre:indie rock
Label:Sunset Alliance (SA 006)
This Argonaut Records
Chronology:Not One Light Red
Next Title:Not One Light Red: A Desert Extended
Next Year:2003

Not One Light Red: A Modified Document is a compilation album created by Scott Tennent (formerly of Half Visconte and then the current manager of Modified Arts) and David Jensen (formerly of Before Braille) to serve 3 essential missions. Its first mission was to create a record that would showcase and introduce local Phoenix bands to the rest of the United States. Second, it was supposed to serve to help promote the local Phoenix music and art venue, The Modified (also known as Modified Arts).[1] Finally, it was to serve as a springboard for a national independent record label based in the Phoenix area along the same lines as Kill Rock Stars in Olympia, Washington and Dischord Records in Washington, D.C.[2]

Notable tracks on the record include:

The art for the album also reflects its desire to promote the Phoenix-based artists showcased at The Modified. Its cover art is a painting called "The Swimmer" by Sergio Aguirre,[2] [1] [4] and the rest of the packaging features paintings and illustrations by Brent Bond, Jill Betterly, and Lisa Williamson.[2] [1]

Three years later, Sunset Alliance worked to continue this series by releasing Not One Light Red: A Desert Extended[5] This record would hope to extend interest in Phoenix bands by also including some national and international favorites such as Cursive and Kristofer Astrom.

External links

Notes and References

  1. Mehr, Bob. Indie Year 2000, The Phoenix New Times, Dec. 7, 2000 retrieved 03-19-12
  2. Mehr, Bob. Flashing Red, The Phoenix New Times, Feb. 1, 2001 retrieved 03-19-12
  3. Mehr, Bob. Heavy Construction, The Phoenix New Times, May 31, 2001 retrieved 2012-07-08
  4. Kevin Modified Memories: David Jensen (Art for Starters),, Nov. 5, 2009 retrieved 03-19-12
  5. Listing for Not One Light Red: A Desert Extended