North Thompson Star/Journal Explained

North Thompson Star/Journal
Type:Weekly newspaper
--≫ Publisher:Al Kirkwood
Editor:Jill Hayward
Headquarters:Barriere, British Columbia, Canada
Circulation Date:2022
Circulation Ref:[1]
Website:North Thompson Star/Journal

North Thompson Star/Journal is a newspaper in Barriere, British Columbia published weekly. Serving the North Thompson Valley from Heffley Creek to Blue River, the Star/Journal focuses on issues and events. North Thompson Star/Journal became a paid-distribution newspaper March 6, 2006

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 2022-12-01 . 2023 BCYCNA Ma Murray Awards Newspaper Excellence Circulation Categories . 2023-05-09 . The British Columbia & Yukon Community News Media Association.