In theoretical physics, Nordström's theory of gravitation was a predecessor of general relativity. Strictly speaking, there were actually two distinct theories proposed by the Finnish theoretical physicist Gunnar Nordström, in 1912 and 1913 respectively. The first was quickly dismissed, but the second became the first known example of a metric theory of gravitation, in which the effects of gravitation are treated entirely in terms of the geometry of a curved spacetime.
Neither of Nordström's theories are in agreement with observation and experiment. Nonetheless, the first remains of interest insofar as it led to the second. The second remains of interest both as an important milestone on the road to the current theory of gravitation, general relativity, and as a simple example of a self-consistent relativistic theory of gravitation. As an example, this theory is particularly useful in the context of pedagogical discussions of how to derive and test the predictions of a metric theory of gravitation.
Nordström's theories arose at a time when several leading physicists, including Nordström in Helsinki, Max Abraham in Milan, Gustav Mie in Greifswald, Germany, and Albert Einstein in Prague, were all trying to create competing relativistic theories of gravitation.[1]
d\vec{u | |
Nordström's first attempt to propose a suitable relativistic scalar field equation of gravitation was the simplest and most natural choice imaginable: simply replace the Laplacian in the Newtonian field equation with the D'Alembertian or wave operator, which gives
u |
u |
\phi |
However, this theory is unacceptable for a variety of reasons. Two objections are theoretical. First, this theory is not derivable from a Lagrangian, unlike the Newtonian field theory (or most metric theories of gravitation). Second, the proposed field equation is linear. But by analogy with electromagnetism, we should expect the gravitational field to carry energy, and on the basis of Einstein's work on relativity theory, we should expect this energy to be equivalent to mass and therefore, to gravitate. This implies that the field equation should be nonlinear. Another objection is more practical: this theory disagrees drastically with observation.
Einstein and von Laue proposed that the problem might lie with the field equation, which, they suggested, should have the linear form
In response to these criticisms, Nordström proposed his second theory in 1913. From the proportionality of inertial and gravitational mass, he deduced that the field equation should be
d\left(\phiua\right) | |
ds |
u |
\phi |
Einstein took the first opportunity to proclaim his approval of the new theory. In a keynote address to the annual meeting of the Society of German Scientists and Physicians, given in Vienna on September 23, 1913, Einstein surveyed the state of the art, declaring that only his own work with Marcel Grossmann and the second theory of Nordström were worthy of consideration. (Mie, who was in the audience, rose to protest, but Einstein explained his criteria and Mie was forced to admit that his own theory did not meet them.) Einstein considered the special case when the only matter present is a cloud of dust (that is, a perfect fluid in which the pressure is assumed to be negligible). He argued that the contribution of this matter to the stress–energy tensor should be:
1 | |
8\pi |
Meanwhile, a gifted Dutch student, Adriaan Fokker had written a Ph.D. thesis under Hendrik Lorentz in which he derived what is now called the Fokker–Planck equation. Lorentz, delighted by his former student's success, arranged for Fokker to pursue post-doctoral study with Einstein in Prague. The result was a historic paper which appeared in 1914, in which Einstein and Fokker observed that the Lagrangian for Nordström's equation of motion for test particles,
u |
u |
6\Box\phi | |
\phi3 |
R=24\piT, Cabcd=0
Einstein was attracted to Nordström's second theory by its simplicity. The vacuum field equations in Nordström's theory are simply
R=0, Cabcd=0
ds2=\exp(2\psi)ηabdxadxb, \Box\psi=0
In any solution to Nordström's field equations (vacuum or otherwise), if we consider
ds2=\exp(2\psi)ηabdxadxb ≈ (1+2\psi)ηabdxadxb
In any metric theory of gravitation, all gravitational effects arise from the curvature of the metric. In a spacetime model in Nordström's theory (but not in general relativity), this depends only on the trace of the stress–energy tensor. But the field energy of an electromagnetic field contributes a term to the stress–energy tensor which is traceless, so in Nordström's theory, electromagnetic field energy does not gravitate! Indeed, since every solution to the field equations of this theory is a spacetime which is among other things conformally equivalent to flat spacetime, null geodesics must agree with the null geodesics of the flat background, so this theory can exhibit no light bending.
Incidentally, the fact that the trace of the stress–energy tensor for an electrovacuum solution (a solution in which there is no matter present, nor any non-gravitational fields except for an electromagnetic field) vanishes shows that in the general electrovacuum solution in Nordström's theory, the metric tensor has the same form as in a vacuum solution, so we need only write down and solve the curved spacetime Maxwell field equations. But these are conformally invariant, so we can also write down the general electrovacuum solution, say in terms of a power series.
In any Lorentzian manifold (with appropriate tensor fields describing any matter and physical fields) which stands as a solution to Nordström's field equations, the conformal part of the Riemann tensor (i.e. the Weyl tensor) always vanishes. The Ricci scalar also vanishes identically in any vacuum region (or even, any region free of matter but containing an electromagnetic field). Are there any further restrictions on the Riemann tensor in Nordström's theory?
To find out, note that an important identity from the theory of manifolds, the Ricci decomposition, splits the Riemann tensor into three pieces, which are each fourth-rank tensors, built out of, respectively, the Ricci scalar, the trace-free Ricci tensor
1 | |
4 |
b} | |
{{S | |
;b |
Thus, according to Nordström's theory, in a vacuum region only the semi-traceless part of the Riemann tensor can be nonvanishing. Then our covariant differential constraint on
In general relativity, something somewhat analogous happens, but there it is the Ricci tensor which vanishes in any vacuum region (but not in a region which is matter-free but contains an electromagnetic field), and it is the Weyl curvature which is generated (via another first order covariant differential equation) by variations in the stress–energy tensor and which then propagates into vacuum regions, rendering gravitation a long-range force capable of propagating through a vacuum.
We can tabulate the most basic differences between Nordström's theory and general relativity, as follows:
type of curvature | Nordström | Einstein | ||
R | scalar | vanishes in electrovacuum | vanishes in electrovacuum | |
Sab | once traceless | nonzero for gravitational radiation | vanishes in vacuum | |
Cabcd | completely traceless | vanishes always | nonzero for gravitational radiation |
Another feature of Nordström's theory is that it can be written as the theory of a certain scalar field in Minkowski spacetime, and in this form enjoys the expected conservation law for nongravitational mass-energy together with gravitational field energy, but suffers from a not very memorable force law. In the curved spacetime formulation the motion of test particles is described (the world line of a free test particle is a timelike geodesic, and by an obvious limit, the world line of a laser pulse is a null geodesic), but we lose the conservation law. So which interpretation is correct? In other words, which metric is the one which according to Nordström can be measured locally by physical experiments? The answer is: the curved spacetime is the physically observable one in this theory (as in all metric theories of gravitation); the flat background is a mere mathematical fiction which is however of inestimable value for such purposes as writing down the general vacuum solution, or studying the weak field limit.
At this point, we could show that in the limit of slowly moving test particles and slowly evolving weak gravitational fields, Nordström's theory of gravitation reduces to the Newtonian theory of gravitation. Rather than showing this in detail, we will proceed to a detailed study of the two most important solutions in this theory:
We will use the first to obtain the predictions of Nordström's theory for the four classic solar system tests of relativistic gravitation theories (in the ambient field of an isolated spherically symmetric object), and we will use the second to compare gravitational radiation in Nordström's theory and in Einstein's general theory of relativity.
The static vacuum solutions in Nordström's theory are the Lorentzian manifolds with metrics of the form
ds2=\exp(2\psi)ηabdxadxb, \Delta\psi=0
Adopting polar spherical coordinates, and using the known spherically symmetric asymptotically vanishing solutions of the Laplace equation, we can write the desired exact solution as
-infty<t<infty, 0<r<infty, 0<\theta<\pi, -\pi<\phi<\pi
2 | |
r | |
0 |
Just as happens in the corresponding static spherically symmetric asymptotically flat solution of general relativity, this solution admits a four-dimensional Lie group of isometries, or equivalently, a four-dimensional (real) Lie algebra of Killing vector fields. These are readily determined to be
The geodesic equations are readily obtained from the geodesic Lagrangian. As always, these are second order nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
If we set
t |
=E\left(1+m/r\right)2 ≈ E\left(1+2m/r\right)
\phi |
| |||||
\left(1+m/r\right)4 |
L2/r2-\epsilon | |
\left(1+m/r\right)2 |
rc ≈ L2/m-3m
It makes sense to ask how much force is required to hold a test particle with a given mass over the massive object which we assume is the source of this static spherically symmetric gravitational field. To find out, we need only adopt the simple frame field
1 | |
r |
1 | |
r\sin(\theta) |
m | |
r2 |
The tidal tensor measured by a static observer is
m | |
r3 |
m2 | |
r4 |
In our discussion of the geodesic equations, we showed that in the equatorial coordinate plane
r |
2=(E2-V) (1+m/r)4
r |
d | |
dr |
r |
r |
1 | |
2 |
d | |
dr |
m4 | |
L8 |
In other words, nearly circular orbits will exhibit a radial oscillation. However, unlike what happens in Newtonian gravitation, the period of this oscillation will not quite match the orbital period. This will result in slow precession of the periastria (points of closest approach) of our nearly circular orbit, or more vividly, in a slow rotation of the long axis of a quasi-Keplerian nearly elliptical orbit. Specifically,
\omega\rm ≈
m2 | |
L4 |
1 | |
r2 |
L | |
r2 |
m | |
r3 |
\Delta\phi=2\pi\Delta\omega ≈ -\pi\sqrt{
m3 | |
r5 |
\Delta\phi | |
\omega\rm |
≈ -
\pim | |
r |
\Delta\phi | |
\omega\rm |
6\pim | |
r |
For example, according to Nordström's theory, the perihelia of Mercury should lag at a rate of about 7 seconds of arc per century, whereas according to general relativity, the perihelia should advance at a rate of about 43 seconds of arc per century.
Null geodesics in the equatorial plane of our solution satisfy
-dt2+dr2 | |
(1+m/r)2 |
R2 | |
r2-R2 |
dt ≈
1 | |
\sqrt{r2-R2 |
R1 | |
\int | |
R |
dt ≈
m+R1 | |
R1 |
2-R | |
\sqrt{R | |
1 |
2-R | |
\sqrt{R | |
1 |
2} | |
\sqrt{1-(R/R | |
1) |
R2 | |
\int | |
R |
dt ≈
m+R2 | |
R2 |
2-R | |
\sqrt{R | |
2 |
2-R | |
\sqrt{R | |
2 |
2} | |
\sqrt{1-(R/R | |
2) |
2-R | |
\sqrt{R | |
1 |
2-R | |
\sqrt{R | |
2 |
2} | |
\sqrt{1-(R/R | |
1) |
2} | |
\sqrt{1-(R/R | |
2) |
R/R1, R/R2
The corresponding result in general relativity is
4R1R2 | |
R2 |
R/R1, R/R2
We can summarize the results we found above in the following table, in which the given expressions represent appropriate approximations:
Newton | Nordström | Einstein | |||||||||||||
Acceleration of static test particle | m r−2 | m r−2 | m r−2 + m2 r−3 | ||||||||||||
Extra-Coulomb tidal force | 0 | m2 r−4 diag(-1,1,1) | 0 | ||||||||||||
Radius of circular orbit | R = L2 m −1 | R = L2 m −1 | R = L2 m−1 - 3 m | ||||||||||||
Gravitational red shift factor | 1 | 1 + m r −1 | 1 + m r −1 | ||||||||||||
Angle of light bending | \delta\phi=
| 0 | \delta\phi=
| ||||||||||||
Rate of precession of periastria | 0 |
| ||||||||||||
Time delay | 0 | 2m | 2m+2m log\left(
\right) |
The last four lines in this table list the so-called four classic solar system tests of relativistic theories of gravitation. Of the three theories appearing in the table, only general relativity is in agreement with the results of experiments and observations in the solar system. Nordström's theory gives the correct result only for the Pound–Rebka experiment; not surprisingly, Newton's theory flunks all four relativistic tests.
In the double null chart for Minkowski spacetime,
ds2=-2dudv+dx2+dy2, -infty<u,v,x,y<infty
ds2=\exp(2f(u)) \left(-2dudv+dx2+dy2\right), -infty<u,v,x,y<infty
This Lorentzian manifold admits a six-dimensional Lie group of isometries, or equivalently, a six-dimensional Lie algebra of Killing vector fields:
\partialx, \partialy
x\partialv+u\partialx, y\partialv+u\partialy
(u,v,x,y)\longrightarrow(u, v+xλ+
u | |
2 |
λ2, x+uλ, y)
In contrast, the generic gravitational plane wave in general relativity has only a five-dimensional Lie group of isometries. (In both theories, special plane waves may have extra symmetries.) We'll say a bit more about why this is so in a moment.
Adopting the frame field
1 | |
\sqrt{2 |
1 | |
\sqrt{2 |
1 | |
\sqrt{2 |
1 | |
2 |
\exp(-4f(u)) \left(f'(u)2-f''(u)\right){\rmdiag}(0,1,1)
The exact solution we are discussing here, which we interpret as a propagating gravitational plane wave, gives some basic insight into the propagation of gravitational radiation in Nordström's theory, but it does not yield any insight into the generation of gravitational radiation in this theory. At this point, it would be natural to discuss the analog for Nordström's theory of gravitation of the standard linearized gravitational wave theory in general relativity, but we shall not pursue this.