No Two Alike Explained

Author:Judith Rich Harris
Pub Date:2006
Publisher:W.W. Norton

No Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality[1] is a book by psychology researcher Judith Rich Harris. It was published in February 2006. Harris attempts to explain why people are so different in personality, even identical twins who grow up in the same home.[2]

No Two Alike expands on some of the ideas from her previous book The Nurture Assumption, especially the effect of birth order on personality and criticism of developmental psychology. She also attempts to answer some of the criticisms leveled at The Nurture Assumption.

Harris proposes that three distinct mental systems shape personality:

The book was translated into Hebrew in 2006.[3]



  1. J. Rich Harris, No Two Alike, W.W. Norton & Co., New York, USA, 2006
  2. Web site: No Two Alike website (Judith Rich Harris) . . 2011-05-25.
  3. Book: ריץ' האריס . ג'ודית . he:אין שניים דומים. . 2006 . . . 9789651320217.
  4. Web site: William Saletan. William Saletan . 'No Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality,' by Judith Rich Harris - The New York Times Book Review - New York Times . . 2006-03-05 . 2011-05-25.
  5. Kaighobadi. F.. Shackelford. T. K.. Book Review: Investigating the Mystery of Individuality. Evolutionary Psychology. 6. 1. 147470490800600. 2008. 1474-7049. 10.1177/147470490800600108. free.
  6. Web site: No Two Alike website (Judith Rich Harris) . . 2011-05-25.