Nika Award for Best Supporting Performance explained

Nika Award for Best Supporting Performance
Presenter:Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Science
Holder:Garmash for Tender Age (2001)
Website:Official site of the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Science

The Nika Award for Best Supporting Performance (Russian: Ника за лучшую роль второго плана) is given annually by the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Science and presented at the Nika Awards.

In the following lists, the titles and names in bold with a light blue background are the winners and recipients respectively; those not in bold are the nominees.

Winners and nominees


YearWinner and nomineesInternational titleOriginal titleTransliterated title
(per BGN/PCGN standard)
1988Other LifeДругая жизньDrugaya zhizn
1988The Second Attempt of Viktor KrokhinВторая попытка Виктора КрохинаVtoraya popytka Viktora Krokhina
1988The ForestЛесLes
1989The SinnerГрешникFreshnik
1989Kings of CrimeВоры в законеVory v zakone


YearWinner and nomineesInternational titleOriginal titleTransliterated title
(per BGN/PCGN standard)
1990The Humble CemeteryСмиренное кладбищеSmirennoe kladbishche
1990To Kill a DragonУбить драконаUbit drakona
1991It, SV - Spalnyy vagon, The Royal HuntОно, СВ - Спальный вагон, Царская охотаOno, SV - Spalnyy vagon, Tsarskaya okhota
1991The Asthenic SyndromeАстенический синдромAstenicheskiy sindrom
1991The Feasts of Belshazzar, or a Night with StalinПиры Валтасара, или Ночь со СталинымPiry Valtasara, ili noch so Stalinym
1992Promised HeavenНебеса обетованныеNebesa obetovannye
1992House Under the Starry Skies, Sons of BitchesДом под звёздным небом, Сукины детиDom pod zvyozdnym nebom, Sukiny deti
1992Humiliated and InsultedУниженные и оскорблённыеUnizhennye i oskorblennye
1993Encore, Once More Encore!Анкор, ещё анкорAnkor, escho ankor
1993Autumn TemptationsОсенние соблазныOsennie soblazny
1993To See Paris and Die, ChichaУвидеть Париж и умереть, ЧичаUvidet Parizh i umeret, Chicha
1994The KillerУбийцаUbiytsa
1994Window to ParisОкно в ПарижOkno v Parizh
1995Katya IsmailovaПодмосковные вечераPodmoskovnye vechera
1996A MoslemМусульманинMusulmanin
1996What a Wonderful GameКакая чудная играKakaya chudnaya igra
1996What a Wonderful GameКакая чудная играKakaya chudnaya igra
1997A Man for a Young GirlМужчина для молодой женщиныMuzhchina dlya molodoy zhenshchiny
1997Summer PeopleЛетние людиLetnie lyudi
1997The InspectorРевизорRevizor
1998Time of a DancerВремя танцораVremya tantsora
1998Cops and RobbersПолицейские и ворыPolitseyskie i vory
1998Three StoriesТри историиTri istorii
1999Country of the DeafСтрана глухихStrana glukhikh
1999Totalitarian RomanceТоталитарный романTotalitarnyy roman
1999Composition for Victory DayСочинение ко Дню ПобедыSochinenie ko Dnyu Pobedy


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YearWinner and nomineesInternational titleOriginal titleTransliterated title
(per BGN/PCGN standard)
2000The BarracksБаракBarak
2000Voroshilov SharpshooterВорошиловский стрелокVoroshilovskiy strelok
2000Chinese Tea SetКитайский сервизKitayskiy serviz
2001Tender AgeНежный возрастNezhniy vozrast
2001The Bremen Town Musicians & CoБременские музыканты & CoBremenskie muzykanty & Co
2001The Captain's DaughterРусский бунтRusskiy bunt