Nigeria Vision 2020 (also stylized as NV2020) was a strategic framework for the Federal Republic of Nigeria to develop its economic and political strength to the point by 2020, “Nigeria will be one of the 20 largest economies in the world, able to consolidate its leadership role in Africa and establish itself as a significant player in the global economic and political arena.”[1]
Nigeria’s economic potential is well recognized. It is the biggest economy in the West African sub region. Given the country's considerable resource endowment and coastal location there is potential for strong growth. Yet Nigeria has realized very little of this potential. Previous efforts at planning and visioning were not sustained. The history of economic stagnation, declining welfare and social instability, has undermined development for most of the past 30 years.
But in recent years, Nigeria has been experiencing a growth turnaround and conditions seem right for launching onto a path of sustained and rapid growth, justifying its ranking amongst the N11 countries. These are the countries identified by Goldman Sachs to have the potential for attaining global competitiveness based on their economic and demographic settings and the foundation for reforms already laid.
The previous administration had declared the intention to pursue the vision of placing Nigeria among the 20 largest economies in the world by 2020 and the current administration is committed to the attainment of this vision.[1]
In order to ensure that all stakeholders across the sectors participate in the Nigeria Vision 2020 processes, thereby guaranteeing peoples' ownership, which is a precondition for any successful development planning, ten Special Interest Groups were formed and tasked with the responsibility of developing Vision documents which cater to and focus on each group.
The Special Interest Groups are:
The main organs responsible for the development of the Vision 2020 are;
The Vision document is to be developed in the following stages:
In this stage the first two components of the framework- the NCV2020 and the NSCV2020, should be established by the end of April 2007. The NSC2020 should undertake an immediate review of all current strategy and related documents including the President's Seven Point Agenda, the NEEDS 2 and other relevant documents and prepare a Statement of National Priorities that will form the core elements of the country's development plans and budgets during the period 2008 to 2010 and constitute the foundation for V2020. The Statement of National Priorities should set specific targets to be achieved by 2010. The NSCV2020 will also refine the V2020 framework and develop guidelines for the V2020 development process.
By end of January 2008 the NSCV2020 will set up the National Technical Working Groups, one in each of the key areas of national priority and all stakeholder groups will establish their Vision 2020 Committees.
Under the overall direction of the NSC, the NTWGs will work closely with the Stakeholder Visioning Committees to develop detailed action plans and implementation strategies and commence implementation of Stage I of the Vision. At the same time Stakeholder Committees will begin the development of the next two stages of their Vision document.
Stage II should focus on achieving all the MDGs by 2015 as a general guide. Stakeholder Committees will determine their areas of focus in accordance with their progress on the MDGs.
In stage III, the National Steering Committee will develop detailed key goals and targets that must be met in order to achieve convergence with the projected positions of the top 20 economies. These goals and targets will be cascaded into sectors and sub-national levels.
The NTWGs will provide support in the form of data and methodologies as well as capacity building in their areas of specialty. They will also collate and harmonize the various stakeholder action plans and strategies into the National action plan and strategy for NV2020.
The Business Support Group is an initiative of the Secretariat of the National Steering Committee of Vision 2020, which is intended to engender Private Sector support for the NV2020 process. The Business Support Group is headed by Umaru Mutallab.[2] The key functions of the Business Support Group are to: