Nicolas Frochot Explained

Nicolas Thérèse Benoît Frochot (20 March 1761 - 29 July 1828) was a senior French civil servant and conseiller d'État, as well as the first holder of the office of Prefect of the Seine.


Born in Dijon into a middle-class family, his father was Jean Etienne, who wore "the oratorian collet for seven years"[1] before becoming advocate to the parliament of Dijon in 1754. Nicolas' mother was Antoinette Geneviève Charpy.[2] In 1785 he married Denise Petit (1757–1832), daughter of a notary and royal provost at Aignay-le-Duc, who he succeeded. The marriage made him brother-in-law to Claude-Auguste Petit de Beauverger.

He was elected a deputy of the third estate for the bailliage of Montagne à Châtillon in the estates general on 25 March 1789.


  1. Claude Courtépée, « Remarques d'un voyageur curieux sur les abbayes de Fontenai, d'Oigni, du Val-des Choux… 1758 », Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon, 1903, p. 120-121. Serialised by gallica.
  2. Archives nationales, base Leonore, LH/1039/57, dossier de Légion d'honneur de Nicolas Thérèse Benoît Frochot (avec extrait de baptême).

Bibliography (in French)