Nicolai Petkov Explained

Nicolai Petkov is Dutch computer scientist and professor emeritus of Intelligent Systems and Computer Science at the University of Groningen, known for his contributions in the fields of brain-inspired computing, pattern recognition, machine learning, and parallel computing.

Life and work

Nicolai Petkov was appointed Professor of Computer Science (chair of Parallel Computing, later Intelligent Systems and Parallel Computing) at the University of Groningen in 1991. He was PhD thesis advisor/director/supervisor (promotor in Dutch) of more than forty PhD graduates. At the University of Groningen he was head of the divisions High Performance Computing and Imaging, and Intelligent Systems (1991-2000, resp. 2000-2023), head of the Center for High Performance Computing (1993-1999), head of the Department of Computer Science (1997-1999), and scientific director of the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (now Johann Bernoulli Institute), 1998-2009. He was also member of the University Council (2011-2023) in which he was chairman of the Science Faction (2013-2023). As of 2023 he is professor emeritus of the University of Groningen.

Nicolai Petkov was/is associate editor of several scientific journals (e.g. Parallel Computing, J. Image and Vision Computing, etc.). He co-organized and co-chaired several editions of the International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP (2003 in Groningen; 2009 in Münster, Germany; 2015 in Valletta, Malta; 2021 online Cyprus), the International Workshops on Brain-Inspired Computing BrainComp in Cetraro, Italy (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019), the International Conferences on Applications of Intelligent Systems APPIS (annually since 2018) and the International Workshops on Advances and Applications of Machine Learning and AI AMALEA (annually since 2022).

Nicolai Petkov's initial research in the 1980s and early 1990s was in the field of systolic parallel algorithms. After that he worked mainly on brain-inspired computing. In this area he considers as most valuable his and his students' work on the computational modeling of non-classical receptive field inhibition (also known as surround suppression) in neural cells in the visual cortex. This pioneering work provided explanation of various visual perception effects, such as the masking effect of texture on the perception of object contours and the orientation-contrast pop-out. It led to the development of more effective computer vision algorithms for various industrial, medical and other applications. His further work was/is for the development of pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms for various types of data: image, video, audio, and time series with applications in robotics, manufacturing, agricultural industry, medicine, finance, etc.

Selected publications

Nicolai Petkov is author and editor of several books and many other scientific publications.

Articles (selection):

Books (selection):

Edited books:

External links