Ney Yépez Cortés Explained

Ney Yépez Cortés (born 1968, in Quito) is an Ecuadorian writer, journalist, poet, songwriter, screenwriter, lecturer, and teacher of tai chi, Reiki and Qigong.[1]

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction called Yépez Cortés "one of the most cited authors of the new generation of Ecuadorian science fiction writers".[2] His first book of short stories Mundos abiertos was a collection of stories written in a 15-year period. One of the stories, "Segundo tiempo", was written when he was 16 years old. He published surrealist poems in the magazine Ixo facto. The success of his first book of short stories led to a second collection titled Historias ocultas which he wrote in a 2-month period.

In 2006 Yépez Cortés published his first novel Las sombras de la Casa Mitre, and its sequel El árbol de las brujas was published in 2009. These two books are part of a trilogy whose third book has not yet been published (as of 2013). In 2013 he published the book "La vuelta del músico", of short stories.



He has also written manuals on Eastern philosophy and practices:

As a musician-composer, he has performed compositions in different musical genres and has edited the following works:

Notes and References

  1. ‘Biografía’ al estilo Ney
  2. Culture : Ecuador : SFE : Science Fiction Encyclopedia