A nested loop join is a naive algorithm that joins two relations by using two nested loops.[1] Join operations are important for database management.
Two relations
algorithm nested_loop_join is for each tuple r in R do for each tuple s in S do if r and s satisfy the join condition then yield tuple <r,s>
This algorithm will involve nr*bs+ br block transfers and nr+br seeks, where br and bs are number of blocks in relations R and S respectively, and nr is the number of tuples in relation R.
The algorithm runs in
The block nested loop join algorithm[2] is a generalization of the simple nested loops algorithm that takes advantage of additional memory to reduce the number of times that the
If the inner relation has an index on the attributes used in the join, then the naive nest loop join can be replaced with an index join.
algorithm index_join is for each tuple r in R do for each tuple s in S in the index lookup do yield tuple <r,s>
The time complexity for this variation improves from