National Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia explained

The National Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia is a "living culture" that contains philosophical elements from the traditions of society and is still handed down from generation to generation. Edi Sedyawati (in the introduction to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar, 2002) added an important element in the notion of intangible cultural heritage is the nature of culture that cannot be held (abstract), such as concepts and technology, its nature can pass and disappear in time with the times such as language, music, dance, ceremony, and various other structured behaviors. Thus, cultural heritage is shared by a community or community and experiences development from generation to generation, in the flow of a tradition. The Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia records and establishes a list of intangible cultural heritage. As of June 2020, a total of 9,770 cultural heritages have been recorded and 1,086 of them have been designated.[1] [2]


The legal basis for the activities of recording, stipulating, and nominating the Intangible Cultural Heritage is as follows:

  1. Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 Number 266, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5599);
  2. Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 78 of 2007 concerning Ratification of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of 2003 (Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage);
  3. Presidential Regulation Number 7 of 2015 concerning Educational Organizations and State Ministries;
  4. Presidential Regulation Number 14 of 2015 concerning the Ministry of Education and Culture;
  5. Presidential Decree Number 121/P of 2014 concerning the Establishment of Ministries and the Appointment of Ministers of the Working Cabinet for the 2014-2019 Period;
  6. Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 42 of 2002 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2002 Number 73, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4212), as last amended by Presidential Decree Number 72 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Decisions the President Number 42 of 2002 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2004 Number 92);
  7. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 1 of 2012 concerning Organization and Work Procedure of the Ministry of Education and Culture as last amended by Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 25 of 2014 (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 Number 459);
  8. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 106 of 2013 concerning Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage;


Referring to the 2003 UNESCO convention on safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage called Intangible Cultural Heritage divided into five domains, each domain and its explanation, among others:

Performing Arts

Performing arts consist of:

  1. Dance: movement patterns (concentric, spreading); dancer (sex), location (palace, sacred building, field); accompaniment music (gamelan / gambelan, gendrang, a cappella); costumes (clothing colors, accessories, clothing motifs); lighting (blencong, torch, oncor, etc.); composition (group, individual, mix, etc.); purpose (sacred, profane); type; and dance forms;
  2. Sound Art: singer, poetry, song lyrics, tone system, instruments, location, time, clothing, genre (type);
  3. Art of Music: musical instruments, types of music, tone systems, goals, players, rules of playing musical instruments, assemblies (a combination of all musical components);
  4. Theater Arts: stage, performers, plays, costumes, time, location, musical instruments, lighting.

Traditions and Oral Expressions

Cultural works included in Traditions and Oral Expressions are:

  1. Language: alphabet, dialect, grammar, speech act, language level
  2. Ancient Manuscripts: in the form of books, chronicles, written on material (stone, copper, palm-leaf, bark-daluwang, bamboo), scripts, archives (charter, chronicles, post-service memory, ROC-OV, KV), language and writing that is not used anymore, and images in the manuscript. Ancient manuscripts can be in the form of books, letters of agreement, family letters, personal letters, scriptures, primbons, collection of songs
  3. Traditional Games and Sports: functions (entertainment and leisure use, religious games, fitness); form of play (sparring and non-sparring); type of game (such as: takraw -aga, kite, kite); rules of the game (number of players, moves, win-lose, order); player characteristics (male, female, small child, adult, old, young, married, not yet); clothing when playing (sarong, headband); play time (afternoon, evening, night, big day, full moon); game materials (earthenware, bamboo, wood, leaf); and the location of the game (like on the beach, on the field, on an open yard)
  4. Pantun: the contents of the poem, the rhymes of the poem, the grammar spoken, when it is read, the rules of reading it, the location, who is reciting, the purpose of being recited in the form of gurindam, poetry, song, poetry, poetry, pojian (religious praise), syi'ir (syllabic (religious songs), hymns.
  5. Folk Story: the contents of the story, grammar, moral and meaning of the story contained, in the form of fairy tales, myth, legend, folklore, fable, epic;
  6. Mantra (influence of local culture): language spoken, when it was read, rules for reading it, location, who read it, taboos and suggestions, goals;
  7. Prayer (influence of religion): language spoken, when it was read, rules for reading it, location, who read it, taboos and suggestions, goals;
  8. Folk song: playing, when, who (gender, stratum), location, song lyrics, accompaniment and a cappella music, order of presentation. taksu, bissu.

Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations

Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations, consisting of:

  1. Traditional ceremony: individual life cycle (birth, initiation, marriage, death) and collective life cycle (cleansing the village, nyadran); purpose (sacred, reject); location (mountain, beach / coast, river, spring); participants (individuals, families, communities); time (religious calendar, harvest time, sea time); rules (restrictions and recommendations), the order of the ceremony (the stages of the implementation of ceremonial activities); completeness (offerings, accessories, equipment);
  2. Customary law: Content (who issues, who is regulated, what is regulated, the form of the rules and adat sanctions)
  3. Social Organization System: leadership (adat, village, religion, government); structure (hierarchy); customary rules (restrictions and recommendations); social organization area (subak, banjar, wanua, banua)
  4. Traditional Kinship System: Types of kinship, hierarchy, relationships between hierarchies, rules of kinship
  5. Traditional Economic System: market based on the market (pound, kliwon, legi, wage); market based on days (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday); barter (exchanging catches and crops, renting houses with agricultural produce), bargaining, method of payment (cash, installments, auction, bonded labor, slash);
  6. Traditional Festival: destination (sacred, reject); location (mountain, beach / coast, river, spring); participants (individuals, families, communities); time (religious calendar, harvest time, sea time); rules (restrictions and recommendations), the order of the festival (the stages of the implementation of festival activities); completeness (offerings, accessories, equipment), organizer / committee;

Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe

Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe, consisting of:

  1. Knowledge about nature, (microcosm, macrocosm, adaptation, natural processing); Cosmology (astrology; date; navigation);
  2. Local Wisdom: disaster mitigation (cultural-based disaster risk reduction), ecological conservation, harmony of life, tolerance;
  3. Traditional Medicine: healing options, treatment techniques, treatment materials, healers (sanro, herbalists, sekerei, suwanggi, belian, psychics, orang pintar, physicians, sinshes); etiology of the disease (factors causing disease).

Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency

Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency, consisting of

  1. Traditional Technology (manufacturing process, design and construction, how tools work, objectives, importance of technology for the surrounding community)
  2. Traditional Architecture (building design guidance, anthropometrics - building sizes based on the human body - fathoms, inch, yelp, rare); anthropomorphic (building forms based on the human body); building based on decorative motifs; maker (pandrita lopi, pande); the direction of the building (kaja-kelod, luan-teben); division of page functions (jaba; jaba-middle; jero); division of function space; buildings are determined by status (jahe -julu).
  3. Traditional Clothing: (philosophy of form, material, decoration, color, type of accessories); user status; time and procedure for use; function (sacred, profane); user gender
  4. Traditional Accessories: (philosophy of shape, material, design, color); user status; the location of usage; user gender; time and procedure for use; function (sacred, profane);
  5. Traditional Crafts: materials (clay, wood, fabric, iron, stone, rattan, sticks, bamboo); tooling; craftsmen (pande sikek, gozali); handiwork (crafts, embroidery, plaiting, pottery, weaving); workmanship techniques (knitting, forging, woven, carving, weaving)
  6. Traditional cuisine: recipes (randang, porridge tinutuan, warm, cone); food ingredients (animal, plant); process (barapen - burnt stone -, boiled, fumigated, fermented, cooked with sand, roasted, burned, steamed, steamed, combustion with mud media); cook (male or female; old or young), time of presentation (morning, afternoon, evening, transitional ceremony, religious ceremony, state / royal ceremony), location of presentation (religious buildings, palaces, sacred areas, government buildings, mountains, sea, forest), presentation procedures (appetizers, core food, desserts), destinations (sacred, profane), serving media (shell, ongke, earthenware, leaves, plaits, shells, metal / brass containers); the meaning of food (restoring enthusiasm, success, purity), cooking utensils (steaming, frying pan, stove, brazier, sutil, scoop, irus), how to eat (using hands or using tools).
  7. Media of Transportation: knowledge about animals that can be used for transportation (horses: have origins - salasila horses -); knowledge of making modes of transportation (dokar, cart, colic, pinisi, sope-sope, padewakang)
  8. Traditional Weapons: philosophy of making weapons (legitimacy of origin); materials (metal, iron, wood, leather, bamboo, rattan), functions and roles (security, preaching, authority, supernatural powers, substitution of masculine identities, symbols of war, surrender, humiliation); makers (masters, undagi, pande), weapons users, procedures for use (abstinence / prohibition on the use of weapons and recommendations), time (holidays, religious celebrations, when there is a disaster - jamasan -), the manufacturing process (forged, granting prestige and warangan, granting warangka, making upstream / holding arms / bees' buttocks, complementing weapons (holsters), ornaments (stones and carvings).

Lists by province

Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000012013RencongTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000742013Tari SamanPerforming Arts
2014000782014DidongTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014000792014Kerawang GayoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014000802014Tari SeudatiPerforming Arts
2014000812014Rumoh AcehTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014000822014Kopiah RimanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015001742015Tari Rapa'i GelengPerforming Arts
2015001752015Tari DampengPerforming Arts
2015001762015Tari BinesPerforming Arts
2015001772015Pinto AcehTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015001782015Tari Rabbani WahidPerforming Arts
2016002952016Mak MeugangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016002962016NandongTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016002972016Tari GuelPerforming Arts
2016002982016Likok PuloPerforming Arts
2016002992016Pacu KudeTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003002016Menatakhken HineiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003012016Canang KayuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003022016MaracuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004452017Landok SampotPerforming Arts
2017004462017Rapa'i PasePerforming Arts
2017004472017Payung MesikhatTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004482017PasenatkenCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017004492017GrimphengPerforming Arts
2018005952018KeumamahTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018005962018LaweutPerforming Arts
2018005972018LikeeTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018005982018Hukôm Adat La'ôtCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018005992018Kuah BeulangongTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006002018Keni GayoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006012018PemamananTraditional Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008202019MemekTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008212019GutelTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008222019Tari SiningPerforming Arts
2019008232019Silat PelintauTraditions and Oral Expressions
2020010872020PeusijukCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2020010882020KeuneunongKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2020010892020Tari Rapa'i BubeePerforming Arts
2021012402021Kupiah MeukeutobTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015292022Canang CeureukeuhTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015302022Pisang Sale Lhok NibongTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015312022Sie ReubohTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015322022Apam AcehTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015332022Terasi LangsaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015342022Dendang LebahTraditions and Oral Expressions
2022015352022Dikee Pam PangaPerforming Arts
2022015362022Ie Bu PeudahTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015372022KasabTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015382022Rumah RungkoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2022015392022MeudayangKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2022015402022Smong (Nafi-Nafi)Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2022015412022Ambek-ambekenPerforming Arts
2022015422022MelengkanTraditions and Oral Expressions
2022015432022SidalupaPerforming Arts
2022015442022Tangis DiloTraditions and Oral Expressions
2022015452022Malamang AcehTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2023018712023Semeuleung RajaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2023018722023GegedemTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2023018732023Keujreun BlangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2023018742023Rateb BeujalanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2023018752023MadeungKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2023018762023Munirin RejeCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2023018772023Khanduri UtenCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2023018782023Geudeu-GeudeuPerforming Arts
2023018792023Langsir HalobanPerforming Arts
2023018802023Bahasa DevayanTraditions and Oral Expressions
2023018812023HiemTraditions and Oral Expressions
2024Pok TeupeunTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2024SeumapaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2024Bahasa AcehTraditions and Oral Expressions
2024Bahasa GayoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2024Do Da IdiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2024TimphanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2024Malam Boh GacaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2024PepongotenTraditions and Oral Expressions
2024TeganingTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000022013Tor-TorPerforming Arts
2013000032013Gordang SambilanPerforming Arts
2013000042013Rumah Adat KaroTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014000832014Huda-hudaPerforming Arts
2014000842014Omo HadaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014000852014Bola NafoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014000862014Serampang DuabelasPerforming Arts
2014000872014BerahoiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014000882014Merdang-MerdemCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014000892014Ulos Batak TobaPerforming Arts
2015001792015Pustaha Lak-LakTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003032016Erpangir Ku LauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003042016Sipaha Lima (Ugamo Malim)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003052016Ni 'OworuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003062016Dayok BinaturTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004502017Genderang SisibahPerforming Arts
2017004512017HolatTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004522017Toge PanyabunganTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004532017Tari GubangPerforming Arts
2017004542017BabaeTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006022018Tari DulangPerforming Arts
2018006032018Sinandong AsahanPerforming Arts
2018006042018Guro-Guro AronPerforming Arts
2018006052018PellengTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006062018GotongTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006072018Itak Poul PoulTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006082018Kala BubuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006092018MangarontasKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019008242019Tortor SombahPerforming Arts
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000052013RandangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000062013Rumah GadangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000072013Sistem Garis Keturunan Ibu di Masyarakat MinangkabauKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2014000902014Kaba Cindua MatoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014000912014Tari TogaPerforming Arts
2014000922014Songket Pandai SikekTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014000932014Rongeng PasamanPerforming Arts
2014000942014Indang PiamanPerforming Arts
2014000952014Tato MentawaiKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2014000962014Silek MinangPerforming Arts
2015002012015Ulu AmbekPerforming Arts
2015002022015RababPerforming Arts
2015002032015Salawat DulangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015002042015PasambahanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002052015BatombePerforming Arts
2016003282016Tari Tanduak (Tari Tanduk)Performing Arts
2016003292016Tari Piriang (Tari Piring)Performing Arts
2017004552017RandaiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006102018Bahasa Tansi SawahluntoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008252019BabiolaPerforming Arts
2019008262019Talempong UngganPerforming Arts
2019008272019Tari BentenPerforming Arts
2019008282019SikereiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008292019BotatahCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008302019Arak BakoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008312019Songket SilungkangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008322019Sikambang ManihPerforming Arts
2019008332019Tari KainPerforming Arts
2019008342019Anak BalamCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008352019Diki PanoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008362019Patang BalimauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008372019BadampiangTraditions and Oral Expressions
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2015002082015Kain BesurekTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002092015Kain LantungTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002102015Uemak Potong JangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004562017BekejaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017004572017Tari KejaiPerforming Arts
2018006112018Tari GandaiPerforming Arts
2018006122018Guritan Kaur BengkuluTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008742019RingitTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008752019Serunai BengkuluTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008762019Tadutan BengkuluTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008772019Masak LemangTraditions and Oral Expressions


Number registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000132013Tenun SiakTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015001832015KobaPerforming Arts
2015001842015Pacu JalurTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015001852015Menumbai PelalawanKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016003092016Randai KuantanPerforming Arts
2016003102016Nyanyi PanjangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003112016Bedewo BonaiKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016003122016Debus Indragiri HuluPerforming Arts
2016003132016Calempong OguongPerforming Arts
2016003142016Joget SondePerforming Arts
2017004732017Tunjuk Ajar MelayuTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017004742017SijobangPerforming Arts
2017004752017Silat PerisaiPerforming Arts
2017004762017Zapin ApiPerforming Arts
2017004772017Zapin MeskomPerforming Arts
2017004782017ManongkahKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2017004792017Perahu BeganduangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017004802017BatoboTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017004812017Rumah LontiokTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004822017Selembayung RiauTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004832017Onduo RokanPerforming Arts
2018006332018Silek Tigo BulanPerforming Arts
2018006342018Syair Siak Sri IndrapuraTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006352018Ratik Bosa/Ratik TagakCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006362018Ghatib BeghanyutCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006372018Lukah Gilo RiauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006382018BasiacuongTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006392018Belian RiauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006402018Silat PangeanPerforming Arts
2018006412018Kotik Adat KamparCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006422018BadondongTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006432018Nandung Indragiri HuluTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006442018Kayat Kuansing/Kayat Rantau KuantanTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006452018Pantun AtuiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006462018Tari GendongPerforming Arts
2019008382019Burung KwayangPerforming Arts
2019008392019Tari CegakPerforming Arts
2019008402019Zapin Siak Sri InderapuraPerforming Arts
2019008412019Syair Surat KapalTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008422019Tepuk Tepung Tawar RiauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008432019Dikei SakaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000142013MakyongPerforming Arts
2013000152013Gurindam Dua BelasTraditions and Oral Expressions
2013000162013GazalTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001112014Pantun MelayuTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001122014Gendang SiantanPerforming Arts
2014001132014GubangPerforming Arts
2015001802015Teater BangsawanPerforming Arts
2015001812015Joget DangkongPerforming Arts
2015001822015Tudung MantoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003072016Gasing KepriTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003082016Langlang BuanaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017004842017BejenjangKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2017004852017Tari InaiPerforming Arts
2018006472018Tepuk Tepung Tawar Kepulauan RiauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006482018Bubur Lambok LinggaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006492018Mandi Syafar Kepulauan RiauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006502018Ratib Saman LinggaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006512018Silat Pengantin Kepulauan RiauPerforming Arts
2018006522018Syariful Anam KarimunCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008442019Tradisi Basuh LantaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008452019Tujuh Likur dan Pintu Gerbang LinggaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008462019Berkhatam Al-Qur'an LinggaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008472019Sunat MudimCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008482019Bersih Tembuni LinggaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008492019Bela KampongCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008502019Kue Mueh Pengantin LinggaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008512019Kepurun LinggaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008522019Tudung Saji Pandan LinggaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008532019Permainan Ambong GileTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008542019Gasing LinggaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008552019Permainan Tangkap AyamTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008562019Tam-Tam Buku LinggaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008572019Layang-Layang LinggaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008582019Kain Lipat 44Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008592019Tuturan Asal Mula Nama Kampung NerekehTraditions and Oral Expressions
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000122013KrinokPerforming Arts
2014001032014Aksara Kaganga (Aksara Incung)Traditions and Oral Expressions
2014001042014Seloko Melayu JambiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001052014Senandung JoloTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015001932015KompanganPerforming Arts
2015001942015KuawTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015001952015Tari AnggutPerforming Arts
2015001962015Tari BesayakPerforming Arts
2015001972015Tari Piring TujuhPerforming Arts
2015001982015Tari PisangPerforming Arts
2015001992015Tupai JenjangPerforming Arts
2015002002015Upacara BesaleCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003222016Tale Nek Jei (Tale Keberangkatan Haji)Traditions and Oral Expressions
2016003232016Upacara AsyeikKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016003242016Tauh (Betauh)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003252016Tari Kain KromongPerforming Arts
2016003262016Musik Kromong MandianginPerforming Arts
2016003272016Musik KalinongPerforming Arts
2017004612017Tari ElangPerforming Arts
2017004622017Tomboi Sialong/Tomboi Ngambek RapaKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2017004632017Sebelik SumpahTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004642017Ambung Orang RimboTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004652017CawotTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004662017Ubat Ramuon Orang RimboKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2017004672017Belangun Orang RimboCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017004682017HompongonKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2017004692017Musik Gambang Dano LamoPerforming Arts
2017004702017Tari KadamPerforming Arts
2018006202018Rangguk KumunPerforming Arts
2018006212018Lapaek Koto Dian RawangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006222018Kenduri SkoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006232018Tauh LempurPerforming Arts
2018006242018Ntak AwoPerforming Arts
2018006252018Ampek Gonjie Limo GonopTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006262018Perkampungan Tradisional Rumah Tuo Rantau PanjangKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2018006272018Tari Iyo-IyoPerforming Arts
2018006282018Ngagoah Imo Pulau TengahPerforming Arts
2019008602019Betauh PerentakCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008612019SungkuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008622019TkudKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019008632019Lubuk LaranganKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019008642019DidengTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008652019Malam Tari InaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008662019Nek PungPerforming Arts
2019008672019Tapa MenggalaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008682019Dzikir Berdah Muaro JambiPerforming Arts
2019008692019Tari Ayam BiringPerforming Arts

South Sumatra

Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000082013DulmulukPerforming Arts
2013000092013Songket PalembangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014000972014Tari Gending SriwijayaPerforming Arts
2014000982014Tembang Batanghari SembilanPerforming Arts
2014000992014PempekTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001002014Guritan BesemahPerforming Arts
2014001012014Rumah UluTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001022014Limas PalembangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002062015Kue Lapan JamTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002072015SenjangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003302016Ande-AndeTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003312016Rejung Sumatera SelatanTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003322016Warahan Sumatera SelatanTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003332016BidarCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017004582017Rumah BesemahTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004592017LakTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004602017Tari PengutonPerforming Arts
2018006132018Adat Timbang Kepala KeboCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006142018NgobengCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006152018Tari KebaghPerforming Arts
2018006162018Tari Silampari Kahyangan TinggiPerforming Arts
2018006172018Pindang PalembangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006182018Tikar Purun PedamaranTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006192018Surat UluTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008782019MidangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008792019Tanjak PalembangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008802019Cak IngklingPerforming Arts
2019008812019Kelentangan BanyuasinPerforming Arts
2019008822019Tempoyak PalembangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008832019Benteng-Bentengan Musi RawasTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008842019Tam-Tam Duku Musi RawasTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008852019Tari Sambut Muara EnimPerforming Arts


Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000192013TapisTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001142014Lamban PesagiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001152014Tari MelintingPerforming Arts
2014001162014Gamolan PekhingPerforming Arts
2014001172014MuayakTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001182014Sigeh PengutenPerforming Arts
2015002112015Gulai TabohTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002122015Sekura Cakak BuahCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002132015Sulam UsusTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002142015SeruitTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002152015Cakak PepadunCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003342016Warahan LampungTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003352016KakiceranCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003362016MaduaroTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003372016Tenun Ikat InuhTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003382016TupingTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004862017NyambaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017004872017BediomCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017004882017Tari Bedayou Tulang BawangPerforming Arts
2018006532018DadiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006542018Siger LampungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006552018Ketaro Adat LappungTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006562018Nyuncun PahakhKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2018006572018Tari Bedana LampungPerforming Arts
2018006582018SebambanganCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006592018Nyubuk MajeuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006602018Cangget Agung LampungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006612018KiasTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006622018Tari KiamatPerforming Arts
2018006632018Piil PesinggiriKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2018006642018Badik LampungKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2018006652018MekhatinCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008862019MuwagheiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008872019Hadra UganPerforming Arts
2019008882019Ngunduh DamakhKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019008892019NgejalangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008902019Tari DibingiPerforming Arts
2019008912019Tari Ittar MuliPerforming Arts
2019008922019RinggetTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008932019PanggehTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008942019Mukew SahurTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008952019Ngakuk MajuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008962019AdokCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008972019BlangiranCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008982019BedikekhTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008992019HahiwangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009002019Pincak KhakotTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009012019Pengangkonan AnakCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009022019Tari SelapananPerforming Arts
Number registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000172013DambusPerforming Arts
2013000182013Muang JongCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001062014Adat NganggungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001072014Campak DalungTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001082014Adat Taber KampungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001092014Perang KetupatCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001102014Tari KedidiPerforming Arts
2015001862015Adu Kerito SurongTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015001872015Kain CualTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015001882015Upacara Adat Nujuh JeramiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015001892015Maras TaunCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015001902015Kopiah ResamTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015001912015Lempah KuningTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015001922015Tradisi Ruwah KuburCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003152016Telo' SerojaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003162016Besaoh Dalam BeumeKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016003172016Memarung, PanggungKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016003182016Tari Gajah MenunggangPerforming Arts
2016003192016Sepen PenyokPerforming Arts
2016003202016Rudat Bangka BelitungPerforming Arts
2016003212016Pakaian Pengantin PaksianTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004712017GanganTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004722017Antu BubuTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006292018SerimbangPerforming Arts
2018006302018Hadrah Gendang Empat BelitongPerforming Arts
2018006312018Emping BerasTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006322018Sepen BudingPerforming Arts
2019008702019Gangan Buntal DaratTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019008712019Lesong KetintongCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019008722019Nirok NangokTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019008732019Pentiaw UbiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000212013Ondel-ondelPerforming Arts
2013000222013Topeng Betawi dan LenongPerforming Arts
2014001212014Upacara BabaritCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001222014Nasi UdukTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001232014Sayur BesanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001242014Kerak TelorTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001252014Gabus PucungTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001262014Roti BuayaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001272014Bir PletokTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001282014BlenggoPerforming Arts
2015002212015TanjidorPerforming Arts
2015002222015Palang PintuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002232015Sohibul HikayatTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015002242015Gambang KromongPerforming Arts
2015002252015Silat BeksiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003412016Samrah BetawiPerforming Arts
2016003422016Gambang RancagPerforming Arts
2016003432016Topeng JantukPerforming Arts
2016003442016Keroncong TuguPerforming Arts
2016003452016Topeng BlantekPerforming Arts
2016003462016Soto BetawiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003472016Gado-gado BetawiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003482016Rias BesarTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004942017Kebaya KerancangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004952017Batik BetawiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004962017Topeng TunggalTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017004972017Penganten SunatCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017004982017Rebana BiangPerforming Arts
2017004992017Hadroh BetawiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017005002017Dodol BetawiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005012017Silat CingkrikPerforming Arts
2018006692018Bahasa BetawiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006702018Caca GulaliTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006712018Cici PutriTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006722018Kembang KelapeTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006732018UnculPerforming Arts
2018006742018Nasi Ulam BetawiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006752018Silat Tiga BerantaiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018006762018Zapin BetawiPerforming Arts
2018006772018Wayang Kulit BetawiPerforming Arts
2019009032019Arsitektur Rumah BetawiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009042019Silat Mustika KwitangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009052019Silat Pusaka DjakartaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009062019Silat TroktokTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009072019Rabo-RaboCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009082019Mandi-MandiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009092019Sate LembutTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009102019Pindang Bandeng BetawiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009112019Ketupat Sayur BabanciTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009122019Bubur AseTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009132019Laksa BetawiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009142019Kue Akar KelapeTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009152019Kue SengkulunTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009162019Selendang MayangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009172019Wak-Wak GungTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009182019Galasin BetawiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009192019Petak Umpet BetawiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009202019Bentengan BetawiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009212019Nujuh Bulanin BetawiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009222019Ketupat Lepas BetawiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009232019Dukun Beranak BetawiKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019009242019Congklak BetawiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009252019Silat Sabeni TenabangTraditions and Oral Expressions
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000242013KujangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000252013Ronggeng GunungPerforming Arts
2013000262013SisingaanPerforming Arts
2013000732013AngklungPerforming Arts
2014001292014Tari Topeng CirebonPerforming Arts
2014001302014Kuda RenggongPerforming Arts
2014001312014JaipongPerforming Arts
2014001672014Kertas DaluangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002262015SintrenPerforming Arts
2015002272015Upacara NgarotCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002282015Mamaos CianjuranPerforming Arts
2016003492016Mapag Tamba (Nibaaken Tamba)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003502016Ngalungsur Geni (Ngalungsur Pusaka)Traditions and Oral Expressions
2016003512016RahenganCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003522016Pencak Silat Jawa BaratPerforming Arts
2016003532016BadengPerforming Arts
2016003542016Lais GarutPerforming Arts
2016003552016Kelom GeulisTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003562016Lukis kaca CirebonTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005022017GembyungPerforming Arts
2017005032017Iket SundaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005042017Kolecer Jawa BaratTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005052017LeuitTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005062017NyangkuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006782018Angklung BuncisPerforming Arts
2018006792018BadudPerforming Arts
2018006802018BebegigPerforming Arts
2018006812018GaokPerforming Arts
2018006822018Gondang BuhunCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006832018Hajat LautCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006842018Kuda KosongCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006852018Ngabungbang BatulawangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006862018NgalaksaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006872018Reog DongkolPerforming Arts
2018006882018Sate MaranggiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006892018TarawangsaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018006902018Tari KedemplingPerforming Arts
2018006912018Tari UmbulPerforming Arts
2018006922018TarlingPerforming Arts
2018006932018UyegPerforming Arts
2019009262019BadawangPerforming Arts
2019009272019BajidoranPerforming Arts
2019009282019BelenderanPerforming Arts
2019009292019BenjangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009302019CingcowongCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009312019DomyakPerforming Arts
2019009322019Kawin CaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009332019Panjang Jimat Kasepuhan CirebonCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009342019Reak DogdogPerforming Arts
2019009352019Seren Taun CigugurCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009362019Seren Taun Kasepuhan Banten Kidul, Kabupaten SukabumiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009372019Tari Randu KentirPerforming Arts
2019009382019Topeng BanjetPerforming Arts
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000202013Debus BantenPerforming Arts
2014001192014Pencak Silat BandrongPerforming Arts
2014001202014UbrugPerforming Arts
2015002162015Tari CokekPerforming Arts
2015002172015Angklung BuhunPerforming Arts
2015002182015Seni Rampak BedugPerforming Arts
2015002192015Sate BandengTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002202015Seba BaduyCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003392016Seren Taun Banten KidulCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003402016Angeun LadaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004892017Golok SulangkarTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004902017Golok CiomasTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017004912017Zikir Saman BantenTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017004922017PatingtungPerforming Arts
2017004932017Wayang Garing SerangPerforming Arts
2018006662018Rudat BantenPerforming Arts
2018006672018KojaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006682018Maca SyekhTraditions and Oral Expressions
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000722013KerisTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001322014Lumpia SemarangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002292015Ukir JeparaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003572016Jolenan SomongariCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003582016Upacara Adat Apeman YaqowiyuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003592016Ruwatan Rambut GimbalCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003602016Meron PatiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003612016Turonggo Seto BoyolaliPerforming Arts
2016003622016Tari GambyongPerforming Arts
2016003632016Joglo PencuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005252017Tempe Jawa TengahTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005262017Barongan BloraPerforming Arts
2017005272017Gethuk Goreng SokarajaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007212018Manten KajiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007222018Tari Topeng Endel TegalPerforming Arts
2018007232018Kalang Obong KendalCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007242018Grebeg Besar DemakCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007252018Hak-HakanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007262018Gambang SemarangPerforming Arts
2018007272018Begalan BanyumasCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007282018Kethek Ogleng WonogiriPerforming Arts
2018007292018Sedulur Sikep BloraKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019009392019DolalakPerforming Arts
2019009402019Suran Tutup Ngisor Kabupaten MagelangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009412019Lengger BanyumasPerforming Arts
2019009422019Jaranan MargowatiPerforming Arts
2019009432019Sintren Kabupaten PekalonganPerforming Arts
2019009442019Tari Prajuritan Kabupaten SemarangPerforming Arts
2019009452019Ngasa Kabupaten BrebesCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009462019Jamu Jawa TengahTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009472019Dakon Jawa TengahTraditions and Oral Expressions
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000332013Gerabah KasonganTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001412014Bedhaya SemangPerforming Arts
2015002302015Rumah Joglo YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002312015Upacara Mubeng BetengCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002322015GudegTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002332015Upacara Saparan Gamping (Bekakak)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003642016Suran Mbah DemangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003652016Upacara Tawur Kesanga YogyakartaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003662016Labuhan Keraton YogyakartaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003672016Langendriya YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2016003682016Tari AnggukPerforming Arts
2016003692016Langen Mandra WanaraPerforming Arts
2016003702016Jathilan YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2016003712016Lurik YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003722016Bakpia YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005072017Beksan Lawung Ageng Keraton YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2017005082017Beksan Bandabaya Pura PakualamanPerforming Arts
2017005092017BaduiPerforming Arts
2017005102017Khuntulan YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2017005112017MontroPerforming Arts
2017005122017Rinding Gumbreng Gunung KidulCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005132017SrandulCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005142017Panjidur YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2017005152017Wayang Topeng PedalanganPerforming Arts
2017005162017Bancakan Bayi YogyakartaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005172017Tata Cara Palakrama YogyakartaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005182017Beksan Golek MenakPerforming Arts
2017005192017Srimpi Rangga JanurPerforming Arts
2017005202017Dadung AwukPerforming Arts
2017005212017Blangkon YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005222017Krumpyung Kulon ProgoPerforming Arts
2017005232017Wedang Uwuh ImogiriTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005242017Tenun Serat GamplongTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018006942018Wayang Beber Remeng MangunjoyoPerforming Arts
2018006952018Wayang Wong Gaya YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2018006962018Wayang Kancil YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2018006972018Beksan JebengPerforming Arts
2018006982018Beksan FloretPerforming Arts
2018006992018Bedhaya Tejanata PakualamanPerforming Arts
2018007002018Bedhaya Kuwung-KuwungPerforming Arts
2018007012018Beksan Guntur SegaraPerforming Arts
2018007022018Bedhaya Angron SekarPerforming Arts
2018007032018Beksan Bugis Gaya YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2018007042018Kethek Ogleng Gunung KidulPerforming Arts
2018007052018Gejog Lesung YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2018007062018Macapatan YogyakartaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007072018Benthik YogyakartaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007082018Peksi MoiPerforming Arts
2018007092018Saparan WonoleloCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007102018Rebo PungkasanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007112018Geplak BantulTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007122018Geblek KulonprogoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007132018Dandan KaliCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007142018Tayub YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2018007152018Brongkos YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007162018Beksan EthengPerforming Arts
2018007172018Golek Lambangsari YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2018007182018Batik Nitik YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007192018Beksan Golek Pucung KethoprakPerforming Arts
2018007202018Nini Thowong YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2019009482019Sate Klathak JejeranTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009492019Gerobak Sapi YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009502019Andong YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009512019Mie LethekTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009522019Topeng Panji YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009532019Kerajinan Kulit Tatah Sungging YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009542019KipoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009552019Dawet Camcau YogyakartaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009562019GrowolTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009572019Dawet SambalTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009582019Pewarna Alami YogyakartaKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019009592019Sawah SurjanKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019009602019Jamasan Pusaka SuroloyoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009612019Cembengan YogyakartaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009622019Kampung PituCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009632019Sadranan Logantung GunungkidulCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009642019Sadranan Alas Wonosadi GunungkidulCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009652019Sadranan Gunung Genthong GunungkidulCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009662019Kembul Sewu Dulur Saparan Bendung KhayanganCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009672019Nguras EncehCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009682019Upacara Adat Tunggul WulungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009692019Upacara Buka Cupu Kyai PanjalaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009702019Jabar JuwesPerforming Arts
2019009712019Lengger TapengPerforming Arts
2019009722019Dagelan MataramPerforming Arts
2019009732019Srimpi RenggawatiPerforming Arts
2019009742019Srimpi TejaPerforming Arts
2019009752019OglekPerforming Arts
2019009762019Dhakon YogyakartaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009772019Sholawat Maulud JawiTraditions and Oral Expressions
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000282013Reog PonorogoPerforming Arts
2013000292013Keraben SapeTraditions and Oral Expressions
2013000302013Sapi SonokPerforming Arts
2013000312013Gandrung BanyuwangiPerforming Arts
2013000322013KentrungPerforming Arts
2014001332014Tari SeblangPerforming Arts
2014001342014Wayang Topeng MalangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001352014Tumpeng SewuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001362014Syiir MaduraTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001372014KasadaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001382014LudrukPerforming Arts
2014001392014Jaran BodhagPerforming Arts
2014001402014DongkrekPerforming Arts
2015002342015Larung SembonyoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002352015Singo UlungPerforming Arts
2015002362015Wayang BeberPerforming Arts
2015002372015Tanean lanjangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003732016Entas-Entas TenggerCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003742016Keboan-Aliyan OsingCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003752016Mecak-TenggerCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003762016Jaran KecakPerforming Arts
2016003772016Wayang Krucil MalanganPerforming Arts
2016003782016LodhoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005282017Sandhur ManduroPerforming Arts
2017005292017NyadarCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005302017CeprotanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005312017Jamasan Gong Kyai PradahCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005322017Damar KurungTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007302018Celurit MaduraTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007312018Janger BanyuwangiPerforming Arts
2018007322018Manten Kucing TulungagungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007332018Rawon Nguling PrrobolinggoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007342018Reog Cemandi SidoarjoPerforming Arts
2018007352018Sandur Bojonegoro dan TubanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007362018Wayang ThengulPerforming Arts
2018007372018Topeng Jatiduwur JombangPerforming Arts
2019009782019Mocoan Lontar Yusup BanyuwangiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009792019Jaran Kepang Jawa TimurPerforming Arts
2019009802019Bantengan Jawa TimurPerforming Arts
2019009812019Reog BulkiyoPerforming Arts
2019009822019Larung Sesaji Pantai TambakrejoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009832019Ajaran Samin Surosentiko BojonegoroKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019009842019Sanggring GumenoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009852019Besutan JombangPerforming Arts
2019009862019Riyaya Undhuh-Undhuh MojowarnoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009872019Kedhuk BejiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009882019Kethek Ogleng PacitanPerforming Arts
2019009892019Kiprah GlipangPerforming Arts
2019009902019Kerapan Sapi BrujulKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019009912019HodoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009922019OjhungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009932019Mamaca SitubondoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019009942019Pengantin Putri JenggoloCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009952019SaronenPerforming Arts
2019009962019Jamasan Pusaka Kanjeng Kyai UpasCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009972019Gemblak TubanPerforming Arts
Number registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000352013Bidai (Bide')Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000362013Songket SambasTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001482014NyobengCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002542015KledikPerforming Arts
2015002552015BekanaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015002562015Tenun Ikat DayakTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002572015Bubur PaddasTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003932016Meriam KarbitTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003942016Upacara Robo-roboCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005332017NyangahatnTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017005342017JongganPerforming Arts
2017005352017Sape Kalimantan BaratTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005362017Tumpang NegeriCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005372017Tari Pinggan SekadauPerforming Arts
2017005382017Gawai Dayak Kalimantan BaratCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005392017Tenun Corak Insang Kota PontianakTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005402017Arakan Pengantin Kota PontianakCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005412017Saprahan Melayu Kota PontianakTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007582018Panganten Dayak KanayatnCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007592018Faradje'Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007602018Naik Dango Dayak KanayatnCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007612018Sayo' Keladi PontianakTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007622018Pacri Nenas PontianakTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007632018SilotongPerforming Arts
2018007642018Mani' Bunga Setaman MelawiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010342019Ikan Asam Pedas PontianakTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010352019Tandak SambasPerforming Arts
2019010362019Saprahan SambasCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010372019Senggayong SukadanaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010382019Ratip Saman SambasPerforming Arts
2019010392019Tari Lesong MualangPerforming Arts
2019010402019TemetTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010412019PengerihTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019010422019Kawen Adat Samagat Dayak TamambalohCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Number registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2014001492014HandepKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2014001502014TiwahCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002582015SapunduTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002592015Sansana BandarTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015002602015Mamapus LewuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005472017NahunanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005482017Wadian DadasCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Number registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000392013SasiranganTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001462014MadihinTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001472014Aruh BaharinCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002612015Pasar TerapungKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2015002622015LamutTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015002632015KuridingPerforming Arts
2015002642015Bubungan TinggiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002652015Ba'ayun MuludCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003952016BatatambaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003962016MamandaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003972016Tari Baksa KambangPerforming Arts
2016003982016Wayang Kulit BanjarPerforming Arts
2016003992016Air GuciTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005422017Tari Topeng BanjarPerforming Arts
2017005432017Kuda GipangPerforming Arts
2017005442017Sinoman HadrahPerforming Arts
2017005452017Wayang GungPerforming Arts
2017005462017BalogoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007652018Mappanretasi PagatanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007662018Tenun PagatanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007672018Damarwulan BanjarmasinPerforming Arts
2019010432019Nasi AstakonaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010442019Arsitektur Rumah LantingTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010452019Bagasing Kalimantan SelatanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010462019Anyaman Purun Kalimantan SelatanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010472019Kurung-kurungTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010482019BawanangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010492019Itatamba BanuaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010502019Ma'iwuuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010512019NimbukCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Number of registrationYeatCultural worksDomain
2013000402013Ulap DoyoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000412013Belian BawoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2013000422013HudoqPerforming Arts
2015002662015Upacara Adat KwangkayCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002672015Undang-Undang Kerajaan Kutai (UU Panju Selaten)Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2015002682015Lom PlaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002692015MandauTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002702015BlontangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004002016Erau KartanegaraCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004012016Sarung Tenun SamarindaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004022016Petis Udang PaserTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005492017Ronggeng PaserPerforming Arts
2019010242019GenikngPerforming Arts
2019010252019GanjurPerforming Arts
2019010262019Tari GongPerforming Arts
2019010272019Kelentangan Kutai BaratPerforming Arts
2019010282019Tari Perang Dayak Bahau SaqPerforming Arts
2019010292019Suliikng DewaPerforming Arts
2019010302019Tari Dewa MemanahPerforming Arts
2019010312019NgerangkauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010322019Sapeq Kalimantan TimurPerforming Arts
2019010332019NgarangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2015002712015Upacara Nata Umo Maipunsubon Sawat DanganCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002722015Niva bi'o Mepung TukungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002732015IncautCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002742015BepadawCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004032016Na' Ngadan Amai Bio (Upacara Adat Kenyah)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004042016Ngukab Fulung, Ngripak Ulung (Upacara Adat Dayak Lundayeh)Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016004052016Jugit Demaring (Tari Klasik Kesultanan Bulungan)Performing Arts
2016004062016Bening dayak kenyah kalimantan utara (Gendongan Bayi)Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005502017Jatung UtangPerforming Arts
2017005512017LalatipPerforming Arts
2017005522017Penurunan Padaw Tuju DulungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007682018Biduk BebandungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007692018Bebelen/ Bebalong/BabiliTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007702018Melah dan Lakin NgayauCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007712018Inter KesumaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007722018Betik Dayak Kenyah Uma' LungTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010212019DolopCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010222019MamatCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010232019PekibanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000342013MakepungTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001422014Performing Arts Tektekan BaliPerforming Arts
2015002382015Gringsing TengananTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002392015EndekTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002402015Sangging Kamasan BaliTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002412015Barong KetPerforming Arts
2015002422015JogedPerforming Arts
2015002432015Tari Legong KratonPerforming Arts
2015002442015Dramatari Wayang WongPerforming Arts
2015002452015Dramatari GambuhPerforming Arts
2015002462015Topeng SidakaryaPerforming Arts
2015002472015Baris UpacaraPerforming Arts
2015002482015Tari SanghyangPerforming Arts
2015002492015RejangPerforming Arts
2016003792016Ngrebeg MekotekCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003802016Ter-teranCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003812016Gebug EndeCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005532017BetutuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005542017Kare-kare Tenganan PegringsinganCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005552017Gamelan SelondingPerforming Arts
2017005562017Usaba DangsilCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005572017Usaba SumbuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005582017Siat Tipat BantalCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005592017Tari LekoPerforming Arts
2018007382018Siat Geni Desa Adat TubanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007392018Jegog JembranaPerforming Arts
2018007402018Terompong BerukPerforming Arts
2018007412018MegibungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007422018Mesabat-Sabatan BiuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007432018Songket BeratanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007442018Tari Baris Wayang LumintangPerforming Arts
2018007452018Tari Baris Cina Renon dan SanurPerforming Arts
2018007462018Basmerah (Nyambleh Sasih Kanem) Desa Taman PohmanisCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007472018Ngarebong KesimanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007482018Seni Lukis BatuanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007492018Tari Taruna JayaPerforming Arts
2018007502018Nyakan DiwangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019009982019Kerajinan Perak CelukTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019009992019Asta Kosala KosaliKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019010002019Baris Sumbu Desa Adat SemanikCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010012019Gerabah Banjar Basang TamiangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010022019Mabuug Buugan Desa Adat KedongananCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010032019Ngaro Banjar Medura Intaran SanurCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010042019Legong BinohPerforming Arts
2019010052019Janger Kedaton Sumerta dan Pegok SesetanPerforming Arts
2019010062019Sate RentengTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010072019Usaba Dimel Desa Adat SelatCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010082019Cakepung BudhakelingPerforming Arts
2019010092019PentingPerforming Arts
2019010102019Ngrebeg Keris Ki Baru GajahCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010112019PengalantakaKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019010122019Baris JangkangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010132019Gambuh Desa Adat TumbakbayuhPerforming Arts
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000572013Gendang BeleqPerforming Arts
2013000582013Wayang Kulit SasakPerforming Arts
2014001432014PeriseanCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002502015Ayam TaliwangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003822016Pacoa Jara, Pacu MbojoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016003832016Gegerok TandakCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005602017Kareku KandeiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007512018Bau NyaleCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007522018Tenun PringgaselaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010142019Kayaq SandonganPerforming Arts
2019010152019Tari SirehPerforming Arts
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000592013Sasandu (Sasando)Performing Arts
2013000602013CaciTraditions and Oral Expressions
2013000612013Rumah Bale (Arsitektur Sumba)Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000752013Tenun Ikat SumbaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001442014LodokKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2014001452014Penti Weki Peso Beo Reca Rangga Wali NtaungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002512015Mbaru Niang Wae ReboKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2015002522015PasolaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002532015EtuTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016003842016RepitCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003852016KureCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003862016Wulla PoduCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003872016Leru Weru (Upacara Pesta Kacang)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003882016MatekioCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003892016RebaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016003902016Tarian LikuraiPerforming Arts
2016003912016Tarian Pado'aPerforming Arts
2016003922016Se'iTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005612017BonetPerforming Arts
2018007532018Leva NuangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007542018Ela MaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007552018HoleCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007562018Lego-LegoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007572018VeraTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019010162019Ikat Tenun SikkaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010172019MangenjingCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010182019Ala BaloeCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010192019KebalaiPerforming Arts
2019010202019GawiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Nomor registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000462013Saiyyang Pattu'duPerforming Arts
2014001562014Passayang-sayangTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001572014SandeqKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2015002782015Loka Sattai/Loka Ro'do/Loka AnjoroiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002792015Kain Tenun SukomandiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004132016MangaroCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004142016Perkawinan adat MandarCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004152016KekeTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004162016CalongTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004172016Masossor ManurungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005682017Lipa Saqbe MandarTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007942018Mappatammaq Al-QuranCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007952018Maulidan SalaboseCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007962018PupuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010662019KaliandaqdaqTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019010672019SibaliparriKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019010682019Pande BassiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010692019Pakacaping TommuanePerforming Arts
2019010702019PannetteTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000522013PinisiKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2013000532013Pa'gelluPerforming Arts
2013000542013SinriliqTraditions and Oral Expressions
2013000552013PakkarenaPerforming Arts
2014001612014Pepepepeka Ri MakkaPerforming Arts
2014001622014TongkonanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001632014BadikTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002752015Ma'badongCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002762015GanrangPerforming Arts
2015002772015Coto MakassarTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004072016Ma'ragaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004082016MappadendangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004092016Tudang SipulungCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004102016Mappalili SigeriCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004112016Maudu LompoaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004122016Lipa SabbeTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005622017Maccera Manurung Kaluppini (Enrekang)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005632017Tari SalonrengPerforming Arts
2017005642017BarongkoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005652017Balla To Kajang (Rumah Kajang)Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005662017Kelong Pakkiyo BuntingTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017005672017Passura'Traditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007732018Rumah Adat KarampuangTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007742018KapurungTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007752018Pajjaga Bone BallaPerforming Arts
2018007762018KajangkiPerforming Arts
2018007772018Gambus OgiPerforming Arts
2018007782018Songkabala Accera KalompoangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007792018Parade Pasukan A'jaga TubaraniPerforming Arts
2018007802018Sirawu' Sulo/Sirempek ApiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007812018Mattopang ArajangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007822018Rambu Solo'Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007832018Annyorong LopiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007842018Mangrara BanuaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007852018Mappogau Hanua SinjaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007862018Marrimpa Salo SinjaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007872018Kelong Batti'-Batti'Traditions and Oral Expressions
2018007882018Maccera ArajangCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007892018Songko To Bone/Songko ReccaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007902018MappacciCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018007912018PassureqTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007922018Mangaru'Traditions and Oral Expressions
2018007932018Mallangi Arajang Ri GoarieCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010522019KondobulengTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019010532019Massulo BeppaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010542019Maccera TasiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010552019DidekTraditions and Oral Expressions
2019010562019SalokoaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Numberb of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2015002822015Kain Tenun DonggalaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002832015Upacara Melabot TumpeCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004212016PadungkuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005742017KaledoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005752017KakulaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007982018Dade NdateTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018007992018Modulu-DuluCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010572019NobaliaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010582019Guma Sulawesi TengahTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010592019LaloveTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010602019TorompioPerforming Arts
2019010612019VainoTraditions and Oral Expressions
Number registrationYearCulturalDomain
2013000472013Tari RaigoPerforming Arts
2013000482013KalosaraKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2013000492013KabantiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2013000502013LariangiPerforming Arts
2013000512013KaghatiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001582014MoseheCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001592014LuloPerforming Arts
2014001602014KariaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002802015Tari LindaPerforming Arts
2017005692017KantolaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017005702017Istana Malige ButonTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005712017Kaago-AgoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000432013Tari MaengketPerforming Arts
2013000442013Mane'ePengetahuan dan kebiasaan perilaku mengenai alam dan semesta
2013000452013KolintangPerforming Arts
2014001512014TuludeCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001522014Kain KoffoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001532014KabelaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002812015Musik BiaPerforming Arts
2016004182016TagonggongTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004192016MogamaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004202016MonibiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005722017MasamperPerforming Arts
2017005732017TinutuanTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018007972018FiguraPerforming Arts
2019010622019GundePerforming Arts
2019010632019Cakalang Fufu Sulawesi UtaraTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010642019Wale WangkoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010652019SopulutTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000562013Molapi SarondePerforming Arts
2014001542014TumbilotoheCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001552014KarawoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002842015Permainan Polo PaloTraditions and Oral Expressions
2015002852015Tradisi Lisan TanggomoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016004222016LohiduTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016004232016TahuliTraditions and Oral Expressions
2016004242016Dayango/WumbungoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004252016LanggaPerforming Arts
2016004262016Binthe BiluhutaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005762017Paiya Lohungo LopoliTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017005772017Tuja'iTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017005782017WunungoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017005792017Tidi LopolopaloTraditions and Oral Expressions
2017005802017PalebohuTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018008002018DikiliCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018008012018Me'erajiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018008022018PulangaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018008032018MomeatiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018008042018MolalungaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018008052018MomuhutoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018008062018TolobalangoTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018008072018Bantayo PoboideKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019010712019Upiya KaranjiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010722019MolontaloCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010732019MohuntingoCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010742019Tidi Lo o'ayabuPerforming Arts
2019010752019IlabuloTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010762019TiliayaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010772019Tepa TonggoTraditions and Oral Expressions
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000622013Ehe LawnPerforming Arts
2013000632013Tais PetTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000642013Maku-makuPerforming Arts
2014001642014Rofaer War (Cuci Parigi)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001652014TyarkaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2014001662014PoyaPerforming Arts
2015002862015Cuci Negeri SoyaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002872015InasuaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002882015Obor PattimuraCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2015002892015PelaKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016004272016Sasi MalukuKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016004282016Pukul SapuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004292016Belang BandaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004302016SopiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004312016BaileoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005812017Minyak Kayu PutihKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2017005822017Dansa TaliPerforming Arts
2017005832017EnbalKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2017005842017TahuriTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018008082018Pataheri/MatahenaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018008092018Gula SaparuaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018008102018Tari LensoPerforming Arts
2019010782019BametiKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000652013Bambu GilaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2013000662013Soya-soyaPerforming Arts
2015002902015HibualamoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002912015Tari Legu SahuPerforming Arts
2016004322016Seri GodobaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004332016Tide-TidePerforming Arts
2016004342016KukuhanaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005852017SasaduTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018008112018Yangere/Tali Dua Halmahera UtaraPerforming Arts
2018008122018Rion-RionCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010792019Adat Pia BakaiCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2019010802019Halua Kanari Maluku UtaraTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2019010812019Laka BakaPerforming Arts
2019010822019Bela YaiPerforming Arts
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2015002922015PapedaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004412016Banondit (Rumput Kebar)Knowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016004422016Bihim (Tari Tumbutana)Community Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004432016Mod Aki Aksa IgkojeiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004442016Igya Ser HanjopKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2017005892017FarariorCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005902017FarbakbukCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005912017Kuk Kir KnaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005922017MansorandakCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005932017Mbaham- Matta/Ko On Kno Mi Mombi Du QponaCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005942017Anu Beta TubatKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2019010842019WalaPerforming Arts
2019010852019SrarPerforming Arts
2019010862019OrokPerforming Arts
Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomainImage
2013000672013Yosim PancarPerforming Arts
2013000682013Ukiran AsmatTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000772013NokenTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002932015Tomaku BakuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2015002942015KotekaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004352016Wor BiakCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2016004362016ElhaKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016004372016AkerKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2016004382016HonaiTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004392016KhombowTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2016004402016TerfoTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2017005862017NdambuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005872017YuCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2017005882017PokemTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018008132018Aimaro Hena TajeCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2018008142018BhukereKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2018008152018SireuwTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2018008162018Snap MorKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2018008172018AkonipukKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2018008182018HelaehiliTraditions and Oral Expressions
2018008192018KaramoPerforming Arts
2019010832019MbitoroTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency

Joint heritage

Number of registrationYearCultural worksDomain
2013000102013Aksara dan Naskah Ka Ga NgaTraditions and Oral Expressions
2013000112013Tabot atau TabuikCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2013000232013Pantun BetawiTraditions and Oral Expressions
2013000272013Calung Banyumas dan Jawa BaratPerforming Arts
2013000372013Rumah Panjang DayakTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000382013KarungutPerforming Arts
2013000692013BarappenCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2013000702013TifaPerforming Arts
2013000712013Batik IndonesiaTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2013000762013WayangPerforming Arts
2014001682014Gamelan Jawa Gaya Surakarta dan YogyakartaPerforming Arts
2014001692014SekatenCommunity Customs, Rites, and Celebrations
2014001702014PawukonKnowledge and Habits of Behavior Regarding Nature and the Universe
2014001712014MenduPerforming Arts
2014001722014Pakaian Kulit KayuTraditional Crafts Skills and Proficiency
2014001732014Tari CakalelePerforming Arts

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Statistik Kebudayaan 2020. live. 29 January 2022. en. . 6 May 2021 .
  2. Web site: Statistik Kebudayaan 2021. live. 29 January 2022. en. . 17 November 2021 .