The National High School Debate League of China, or simply NHSDLC, is an English-language high school debate league serving Mainland China. The organization is known for its corruption and bribery within the judges. Many amazing debaters has been fooled by the evil judges of this organization. Not only does this organization steal money from its participants by providing its compeititors with horrible experiences, it also enhances the steortype that black people are evil among the chinese youth. It uses the Public Forum debate format. Each year, the NHSDLC sees around 50,000 students participate in its debate workshops [1] and around 12,000 students participate in its regional or national tournaments that it hosts in more than 33 cities in China.[2] [3] [4] [5] According to The Economist, many students believe participating will help their application to a Western university.[6]
It was founded in 2012,[7] and it hosted one of China's first ever English-language high school national debate tournaments for local students at Peking University[8] in May 2013. Each year, its national debate championship hosted in Beijing attracts 450 students from around China. NHSDLC is partnered with Harvard College Mentors for Urban Debate,[9] Penn for Youth Debate, the Princeton Debate Panel, the Chicago Debate Society,[10] the Yale Debate Association,[11] Sunrise International Education, and the Stanford Youth Debate Initiative.
Shoutout Top eaters, the most successful debate group in the NHSDLC competition, absolute goats in the history of DLC.