Narrow-gauge railways in Bosnia and Herzegovina explained

Most Bosnian-gauge railway lines were built during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Several gauge railways were planned in order to link the extensive narrow-gauge railways in the Austro-Hungarian Empire with those in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Until the outbreak of the Balkan Wars in 1912 several were constructed.

Between World War I and World War II the network was extended significantly, at the end connecting the Adriatic Coast with Belgrade, with the network growing to around 1500 km in length.

Construction of a new standard-gauge line from Sarajevo to Ploče on the Adriatic in 1966 replaced the Narentabahn (Narenta railway) from Sarajevo to the coast and had the effect of isolating the south-western narrow-gauge system from the railways starting at Sarajevo. With the demise of a connecting network all the other remaining narrow-gauge lines were then at risk and restricted to local traffic.

The system based on the Adriatic closed in 1975. By 1979 the rest of the Bosnian lines had closed. In Serbia the last line closed in 1983. The most modern diesel railcars were sold to the Portuguese Railways (where they regauged to metre gauge for use on the Douro Valley metre-gauge lines, such as the Tua line), becoming Portuguese train type 9700.

Central gauge network

"Steinbeis" railways

Approximately 400 km, 1902–75.

Built as a group of four main forest railways of the "Bosnische Forstindustrie AG Otto Steinbeis".[1] All four railways started off from Srnetica.[2]

  1. SrneticaŠipovo - Jajce
    • In Jajce it connected directly further to Donji Vakuf via the Spalato railway)
  2. Srnetica - DrvarLička KaldrmaKnin (Croatia)
    • In Knin it had an interchange connection to the normal gauge railway system of Croatia.
    • "Unska pruga" normal gauge railway was built in 1948 in the vicinity of this railway in the section between Knin and Lička Kaldrma, but both railways had their own distinct routes and even operated simultaneously for a short period of time.
  3. SrneticaGornji Ribnik

These four main forestry railrays had numerous local forestry logging branches near Grmeč, Klekovača, Oštrelj, Manjača and Glamoč.[3]

"Spalato" railway

Spalato Bahn (Splitska pruga); 104.5 km, built 1893–95, Connecting the Steinbeis railway with the Bosna railway.[4]

Bosna railway

Bosnabahn (BHStB), 355.2 km

Railroad's demise:

Tuzla basin railway

Karanovac - Gračanica

Teslić basin railway

Zavidovići - Olovo - Han Pijesak - Kusače

Podlugovi - Breza - Vareš industrial railway

Semizovac - Srednje - Čevljanovići – Ivančići

Narenta railway

Narenta railway (German: Narentabahn, Bosnian: Neretvanska pruga); 178.4 km, constructed 1885 – 1891.

Ploče - Metković; 1942 extension to a planned sea harbour in Ploče.

Dalmatian and Zelenika railways

See also: Nikšić–Podgorica railway.

Dalmatiner Bahn (Dalmatinska pruga); 188.6 km, built 1901.[7]

East Bosnian railway

Bosnische Ostbahn (Bosanska istočna pruga) 166.4 km, built 1906.[9]

Upper Drina railway

In the 1960s, plans were made to regauge the lines to standard gauge. However, this was not realised. On 28 May 1978 the line was closed for commercial traffic.

The track bed is currently very visible in the landscape, with several stations, tunnels still visible. A small part of the track is still in service as a heritage railway rebuilt between 1999 and 2003, Šargan Eight.


There were numerous private industrial and mostly forestry narrow gauge railroads in operation throughout the late 19th and most of 20th century, with varying construction and deconstruction dates.

Some of them were isolated, while some had direct connections to one of the main state narrow gauge railroads.

Only some of those railroads are mentioned below.

Bosanska Mezgraja–Bijeljina railway

Bosanska Mezgraja – Bijeljina - Ugljevik;

An isolated gauge railway.

Sinj railway

SplitSinj (completed in Croatia); 40 km, 1903–62. A planned extension via Aržano to Bugojno (and further on existing tracks to Sarajevo) never materialized because of World War I and the line remained isolated from the Bosnian network.[11]

Banovići coal-mine railway

A gauge industrial line opened in 1947 near Tuzla.[12] Still in commercial operation.

See also

Further reading

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Eisenbahngeschichte Alpen - Donau - Adria.
  2. Web site: Steinbeis line.
  3. Web site: 760net - Schmalspur international Bosnien - Steinbeisbahn.
  4. Web site: Eisenbahngeschichte Alpen - Donau - Adria.
  5. Web site: Eisenbahngeschichte Alpen - Donau - Adria.
  6. Web site: - Ukinuta željeznička pruga Karanovac - Gračanica.
  7. Web site: Eisenbahngeschichte Alpen - Donau - Adria.
  8. Web site: Eisenbahngeschichte Alpen - Donau - Adria.
  9. Web site: Eisenbahngeschichte Alpen - Donau - Adria.
  10. Web site: Uskotračne željeznice - Grafikoni. 16 September 2016. Croatian. Narrow-gauge railways - Graphs. registration .
  11. Web site: Eisenbahngeschichte Alpen - Donau - Adria.
  12. Web site: Banovice coal mine.