Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies explained

Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies
Editors:Jason D. BeDuhn, Dylan M. Burns, Johannes van Oort
Title Orig:Nag Hammadi Studies
Language:English, German, French
Discipline:History of religion, philology
Publisher:Brill Publishers
Pub Date:1971–present
Media Type:Print, digital
Number Of Books:106
Website:Official webpage

Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies (NHMS;) is an academic book series on Gnosticism, the Nag Hammadi library, Manichaeism, and related subjects.[1] The series was founded as Nag Hammadi Studies (NHS;) in 1971 and is published by Brill.[2] The series includes monographs, conference proceedings, festschrifts, collected papers, and bibliographies published in English, German, and French.


The original Nag Hammadi Studies (NHS), published since 1971, was edited by James M. Robinson, Martin Krause, and Frederik W. Wisse and included volumes 1–31 and 34–35.

In 1993, the series was renamed as Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies due to the addition of books on Manichaeism. As of 2023, the series editors are Jason D. BeDuhn, Dylan M. Burns, and Johannes van Oort. The volumes are 32–33 and 36 onwards. The latest volume number is 106 as of December 2023.

Some of the volumes are currently part of the online Coptic Gnostic Library.[3]


Volume Year Subject Type Title Author(s) or editor(s) Language
1 1971 Nag Hammadi Bibliography Nag Hammadi Bibliography, 1948-1969 David Scholer
2 1972 Gnosticism L'évangile de vérité Jacques-Étienne Ménard French
3 1972 Nag Hammadi Essays on the Nag Hammadi Texts in Honour of Alexander Böhlig Martin Krause
4 1975 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codices III, 2 and IV, 2: The Gospel of the Egyptians. (The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit). Edited with Translation and Commentary Alexander Böhlig, Frederik Wisse
5 1975 Nag Hammadi L'Évangile selon Thomas: Tr. française, introduction, et commentaire par J.-É. Ménard Jacques-Étienne Ménard French
6 1975 Nag Hammadi Essays on the Nag Hammadi Texts in Honour of Pahor Labib Martin Krause
7 1974 Nag Hammadi Les textes de Nag Hammadi: Colloque du Centre d'Histoire des Religions. Strasbourg, 23-25 octobre 1974 Jacques-Étienne Ménard French
8 1977 Gnosticism Gnosis and Gnosticism: Papers Read at the Seventh International Conference on Patristic Studies. Oxford, September 8th-13th 1975 Martin Krause
9 1978 Gnosticism Pistis Sophia
10 1978 Gnosticism The Enthronement of Sabaoth: Jewish Elements in Gnostic Creation Myths Francis T. Fallon
11 1979 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codices V, 2-5 and VI with Papyrus Berolinensis 8502, 1 and 4 Douglas M. Parrott
12 1978 Gnosticism Die Polemik der Gnostiker gegen das kirchliche Christentum: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nag Hammadi-Traktate 'Apokalypse des Petrus' (NHC VII, 3) und 'Testimonium Veritatis' (NHC IX, 3) German
13 1978 Gnosticism The Books of Jeu and the Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex
14 1978 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi and Gnosis: Papers Read at the First International Congress of Coptology (Cairo, December 1976)
15 1981 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codices IX and X
16 1981 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codices. Greek and Coptic Papyri from the Cartonnage of the Covers J. W. B. Barns, G. M. Browne, J. C. Shelton
17 1981 Nag Hammadi Gnosis and Gnosticism: Papers Read at the Eighth International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, September 3rd-8th, 1979 Martin Krause
18 1984 Nag Hammadi Die Anapausis im Evangelium Veritatis: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung des valentinianisch-gnostischen Heilsgutes der Ruhe im Evangelium Veritatis und in anderen Schriften der Nag-Hammadi Bibliothek Jan Helderman German
19 1984 Gnosticism Hellenistische Erlösung in christlicher Deutung: Die gnostische Naassenerschrift. Quellen kritische Studien - Strukturanalyse - Schichten scheidung - Rekonstruktion der Anthropos - Lehr-schrift Josef Frickel German
20 2003 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codex II, 2-7, together with XIII, 2* Brit. Lib. Or. 4926(1) and P. Oxy. 1, 654, 655: I. Gospel According to Thomas, Gospel According to Philip, Hypostasis of the Archons, Indexes
21 2003 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codex II, 2-7, together with XIII, 2* Brit. Lib. Or. 4926(1) and P. Oxy. 1, 654, 655: II. On the Origin of the World, Expository Treatise on the Soul, Book of Thomas the Contender
22 1985 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codex I (The Jung Codex): I. Introductions, Texts, Translations, Indices
23 1985 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codex I (The Jung Codex): II. Notes
24 1984 Gnosticism Another Seed: Studies in Gnostic Mythology
25 1985 Nag Hammadi L'exégèse de l'âme: Nag Hammadi Codex II, 6. Introduction, traduction et commentaire French
26 1984 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codex III, 5: The Dialogue of the Savior
27 1991 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codices III, 3-4 and V,1 with Papyrus Berolinensis 8502,3 and Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 1081: Eugnostos and the Sophia of Jesus Christ Douglas M. Parrott
28 1990 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codices XI, XII, XIII Charles W. Hedrick
29 1985 Gnosticism The Immovable Race: A Gnostic Designation and the Theme of Stability in Late Antiquity Frank Williams
30 1995 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codex VII
31 1991 Nag Hammadi Nag Hammadi Codex VIII John H. Sieber
32 1997 Nag Hammadi Bibliography Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1970-1994 David Scholer
33 1995 Nag Hammadi The Apocryphon of John: Synopsis of Nag Hammadi Codices II,1 - III,1 and IV,1 with BG 8502,2 Michael Waldstein, Frederik Wisse
34 1987 Nag Hammadi Les logia de la vie dans l'Evangile selon Thomas: A la recherche d'une tradition et d'une rédaction Margaretha Lelyveld French
35 1997 Gnosticism The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis: Book I (Sects 1-46) Frank Williams
36 1993 Gnosticism The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Book II and III: Book II and III (Sects 47-80, De Fide) Frank Williams
37 1995 Manichaeism The Kephalaia of the Teacher: The Edited Coptic Manichaean Texts in Translation with Commentary Iain Gardner
38 1996 Nag Hammadi The Gospel According to Philip: The Sources and Coherence of an Early Christian Collection Martha Turner
39 1996 Gnosticism Collected papers Studies in Gnosticism and Alexandrian Christianity
40 1996 Nag Hammadi The Woman Jesus Loved: Mary Magdalene in the Nag Hammadi Library and Related Documents Antti Marjanen
41 1996 Gnosticism Heralds of That Good Realm: Syro-Mesopotamian Gnosis and Jewish Traditions John Reeves
42 1996 Gnosticism Gnosis und Spätantike Religionsgeschichte: Gesammelte Aufsätze German
43 1997 Manichaeism Emerging from Darkness: Studies in the Recovery of Manichaean Sources
44 1997 Nag Hammadi The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years: Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature Commemoration John D. Turner, Anne McGuire
45 1998 Manichaeism Manichaeism in Central Asia and China
46 1998 Manichaeism Collected papers Studies in Manichaean Literature and Art Manfred Heuser, Hans-Joachim Klimkeit
47 1999 Nag Hammadi Jesu Lehren im Thomasevangelium Thomas Zöckler German
48 1999 Gnosticism "Zerstört die Werke der Weiblichkeit": Maria Magdalena, Salome und andere Jüngerinnen Jesu in christlich-gnostischen Schriften Silke Petersen German
49 2001 Manichaeism Augustine and Manichaeism in the Latin West: Proceedings of the Fribourg-Utrecht Symposium of the International Symposium Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS) Johannes van Oort, Otto Wermelinger, Gregor Wurst
50 2001 Manichaeism The Light and the Darkness: Studies in Manichaeism and its World
51 2001 Nag Hammadi Mental Perception: A Commentary on NHC, VI, 4, The Concept of Our Great Power Frank Williams
52 2006 Nag Hammadi Poetics of the Gnostic Universe: Narrative and Cosmology in the Apocryphon of John Zlatko Pleše
53 2005 Manichaeism Femme, Gnose et Manichéisme: De l'espace mythique au territoire du réel French
54 2002 Gnosticism For the Children, Perfect Instruction: Studies in Honor of Hans-Martin Schenke on the Occasion of the Berliner Arbeitskreis für koptisch-gnostische Schriften's Thirtieth Year Hans-Gebhard Bethge, Stephen Emmel, Karen King, Imke Schletterer
55 2008 Gnosticism Collected papers Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica. Collected Essays of Gilles Quispel
56 2004 Manichaeism Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God: A Study of Titus of Bostra's Contra Manichaeos — The Work's Sources, Aims and Relation to its Contemporary Theology Nils Arne Pedersen
57 2005 Manichaeism Mediaeval Manichaean Book Art: A Codicological Study of Iranian and Turkic Illuminated Book Fragments from 8th-11th Century East Central Asia
58 2005 Gnosticism Gnostic Revisions of Genesis Stories and Early Jesus Traditions
59 2005 Nag Hammadi Thomasine Traditions in Antiquity: The Social and Cultural World of the Gospel of Thomas Jon Ma. Asgeirsson, April DeConick, Risto Uro
60 2005 Gnosticism The Spiritual Seed — The Church of the 'Valentinians
61 2007 Manichaeism Frontiers of Faith: The Christian Encounter with Manichaeism in the Acts of Archelaus Jason BeDuhn, Paul Mirecki
62 2008 Gnosticism The Gospel of Judas in Context: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas, Paris, Sorbonne, October 27th-28th, 2006
63 2008 Gnosticism The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis: Book I: (Sects 1-46) Second Edition, Revised and Expanded Frank Williams
64 2009 Manichaeism New Light on Manichaeism: Papers from the Sixth International Congress on Manichaeism
65 2008 Nag Hammadi Bibliography Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1995-2006 David Scholer, Susan Wood
66 2009 Manichaeism Pentadic Redaction in the Manichaean Kephalaia Timothy Pettipiece
67 2009 Gnosticism Valentinian Ethics and Paraenetic Discourse: Determining the Social Function of Moral Exhortation in Valentinian Christianity Philip L. Tite
68 2009 Gnosticism Paradise Reconsidered in Gnostic Mythmaking: Rethinking Sethianism in Light of the Ophite Evidence Tuomas Rasimus
69 2009 Manichaeism Manichaeism and Its Legacy J. Kevin Coyle
70 2009 Manichaeism Biblical Argument in Manichaean Missionary Practice: The Case of Adimantus and Augustine Jacob Albert van den Berg
71 2009 Gnosticism The Codex Judas Papers: Proceedings of the International Congress on the Tchacos Codex Held at Rice University, Houston Texas, March 13–16, 2008 April D. DeConick
72 2010 Nag Hammadi The Paraphrase of Shem (NH VII,1): Introduction, Translation and Commentary Michel Roberge
73 2010 Nag Hammadi Images of Rebirth: Cognitive Poetics and Transformational Soteriology in the Gospel of Philip and the Exegesis on the Soul Hugo Lundhaug
74 2010 Manichaeism In Search of Truth. Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism: Studies for Johannes van Oort at Sixty
75 2011 Gnosticism Gnosis und Judentum: Alttestamentliche und jüdische Motive in der gnostischen Literatur und das Ursprungsproblem der Gnosis Jaan Lahe German
76 2011 Nag Hammadi Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty
77 2012 Hermeticism La voie d'Hermès: Pratiques rituelles et traités hermétiques Anna Van den Kerchove French
78 2012 Gnosticism Der Same Seths: Hans-Martin Schenkes Kleine Schriften zu Gnosis, Koptologie und Neuem Testament Gesine Schenke Robinson, Gesa Schenke, Uwe-Karsten Plisch German
79 2012 Gnosticism The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III. De Fide: Second, revised edition Frank Williams
80 2012 Manichaeism Die Bibel bei den Manichäern und verwandte Studien von Alexander Böhlig† Peter Nagel, Siegfried Richter German
81 2013 Gnosticism Cosmology and Fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman Antiquity: Under Pitiless Skies Nicola F. Denzey
82 2013 Gnosticism Gnosticism, Platonism and the Late Ancient World: Essays in Honour of John D. Turner Kevin Corrigan, Tuomas Rasimus
83 2013 Manichaeism Augustine and Manichaean Christianity: Selected Papers from the First South African Conference on Augustine of Hippo, University of Pretoria, 24–26 April 2012
84 2013 Nag Hammadi Collected papers The Gospel of Thomas and Christian Origins: Essays on the Fifth Gospel Stephen J. Patterson
85 2013 Gnosticism Practicing Gnosis: Ritual, Magic, Theurgy and Liturgy in Nag Hammadi, Manichaean and Other Ancient Literature. Essays in Honor of Birger A. Pearson
86 2014 Nag Hammadi The Nag Hammadi Story (2 vols.): From the Discovery to the Publication
87 2014 Manichaeism Mani at the Court of the Persian Kings: Studies on the Chester Beatty Kephalaia Codex Iain Gardner, Jason D. BeDuhn, Paul Dilley
88 2015 Manichaeism Mani in Dublin: Selected Papers from the Seventh International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 8–12 September 2009 Siegfried G. Richter, Charles Horton, Klaus Ohlhafer
89 2015 Gnosticism The Books of Jeu and the Pistis Sophia as Handbooks to Eternity: Exploring the Gnostic Mysteries of the Ineffable Erin Evans
90 2015 Manichaeism Mani's Pictures: The Didactic Images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China
91 2015 Nag Hammadi Linguistic Manifestations in the Trimorphic Protennoia and the : Analysed against the Background of Platonic and Stoic Dialectics Tilde Bak Halvgaard
92 2018 Manichaeism The Chapters of the Wisdom of My Lord Mani: Part III: Pages 343-442 (Chapters 321-347) Iain Gardner, Jason D. BeDuhn, Paul Dilley
93 2018 Nag Hammadi The Gospel of Thomas and Plato: A Study of the Impact of Platonism on the "Fifth Gospel" Ivan Miroshnikov
94 2018 Manichaeism L'Hymnaire manichéen chinois Xiabuzan 下部讚 à l'usage des Auditeurs: Un manuscrit trouvé à Dunhuang, traduit, commenté et annoté Lucie Rault French
95 2019 Nag Hammadi The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate (NHC I, 5): A Study of Determinism and Early Christian Philosophy of Ethics Paul Linjamaa
96 2019 Gnosticism Valentinianism

New Studies

Einar Thomassen, Christoph Markschies
97 2020 Manichaeism Mani and Augustine: Collected Essays on Mani, Manichaeism and Augustine
98 2020 Gnosticism The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus's Mysticism
99 2020 Manichaeism Manichaeism and Early Christianity: Selected Papers from the 2019 Pretoria Congress and Consultation
100 2021 Manichaeism The Manichaean Church in Kellis: Social Networks and Religious Identity in Late Antique Egypt Håkon Fiane Teigen
101 2022 Manichaeism Women in Western and Eastern Manichaeism: Selected Papers from the International Conference Les femmes dans le manichéisme occidental et oriental held in Paris, University of Paris Sorbonne, 27–28 June 2014
102 2022 Manichaeism Religion and the Everyday Life of Manichaeans in Kellis: Beyond Light and Darkness Mattias Brand
103 2022 Nag Hammadi The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices: Selected Papers from the Conference "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices" in Berlin, 20–22 July 2018 Dylan M. Burns, Matthew J. Goff
104 2023 Manichaeism The Medinet Madi Library of Manichaean Codices at 90: Papers from the Symposium at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, 18–19 October 2019 Jason D. BeDuhn, Paul Dilley, Iain Gardner
105 2023 Manichaeism The Manichaeans of the Roman East: Manichaeism in Greek anti-Manichaica & Roman Imperial Legislation Rea Matsangou
106 2023 Gnosticism Before Valentinus: The Gnostics of Irenaeus
107 2024 Nag Hammadi The Monks of the Nag Hammadi Codices: Contextualising a Fourth-Century Monastic Community Paula Tutty

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies . Brill . 1993 . 2023-12-30.
  2. Web site: Nag Hammadi Studies . Brill . 1971 . 2023-12-30.
  3. Web site: The Coptic Gnostic Library Online . University Library . 2021-10-20 . 2023-12-30.