Nëna e Vatrës or Nana e Votrës ("The Mother of the Hearth") is an Albanian mythological figure, the protector of the hearth (sq|[[vatër]]), associated with the household fire worship, the cult of the ancestor and family life. She is sometimes regarded as a goddess (hyjni e zjarrit të vatrës "deity of the hearth fire") in Albanian traditions.
Nëna e Vatrës is a mythological figure of the hearth fire commonly found in the folk beliefs of the Albanians, thus there are many dialectal variations, singular or plural: Nëna e Vatrës/Nana e Votrës, E Ëma e Vatrës/E Ama e Votrës, Mëma e Vatrës/Mama e Vatrës, Shtriga e Vatrës/Votrës, Plaka e Vatrës/Votrës, Mëmat e Vatrës/Mamat e Votrës, Xhuxhet e Vatrës etc. The first element nënë/nanë or ëmë/amë, means "mother"; while the last element vatër/votër, means "hearth", "fireplace", and is related to the Avestan atar, "fire".
In Albanian folk beliefs, Nëna e Vatrës is the protector of the vatër, the domestic fireplace. It is said that the fireplace should be cleaned in the evening. If it is left uncleaned, Nëna e Vatrës becomes angry. The family members should behave respectfully towards her. At feasts, people used to practice sacrificial offerings to the deity throwing some of the food they prepared into the fire and around the hearth.
Nëna e Vatrës bears similarities to Greek Hestia and Roman Vesta. To the Greek and Roman goddesses well-defined public places of worship were dedicated, while in the Albanian tradition the place of worship of Nëna e Vatrës is the hearth of every house.