Néstor Cerpa Cartolini Explained

Néstor Cerpa Cartolini
Birth Date:14 August 1953
Birth Place:Lima, Peru
Death Cause:Killed in Operation Chavín de Huántar
Death Place:Lima, Peru
Occupation:Guerrilla, political activist

Néstor Cerpa Cartolini (14 August 1953 – 22 April 1997) was a member, then leader of the Peruvian Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA). He was sometimes known by the nom de guerre "Evaristo". He was killed by Peruvian government forces during Operation Chavín de Huántar in 1997.


Early years

Cerpa was born in the Lima working class district of La Victoria.[1] As a union leader in the 1970s he was involved in the takeover by workers of the Cromotex textile factory in December 1978, which was violently ended by the military government in February 1979, resulting in the deaths of several workers. Following the release of the survivors in late 1979, Cerpa organized a sit-in at the United Nations communications office in Lima.[2]


In the early 1980s he became involved with the nascent MRTA and quickly rose to be the leader of the San Martín Zone Committee, and thence to the national leadership of the MRTA. As an MRTA militant he is alleged to have led and/or participated in:

In late 1985 Cerpa travelled to Colombia, where he headed the "Leoncio Prado" Squad, one of three MRTA squads that participated in a joint military venture with Colombia's M-19 movement and Ecuador's ¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo! and Quintín Lame guerrillas.[4]

After his return to Peru, and following the capture of Victor Polay, Cerpa became the most prominent leader within the MRTA and one of the few publicly known faces within the movement.

Following the April 1992 "self-coup" by Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori, the MRTA suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Peruvian police and military, which coupled with internal problems, had brought the organization to the brink of defeat.[5] In this context, Cerpa and the MRTA leadership looked to a spectacular action to break the MRTA out of its growing isolation.[6] [7]

In December 1996, Cerpa led an MRTA commando squad in seizing the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima, which started what is now called the Japanese embassy hostage crisis. The MRTA's main demand was for the exchange of the hostages for 465 members of the MRTA in prison,[8] including Cerpa's wife Nancy Gilvonio, the Chilean members of the organization, and U.S. citizen Lori Berenson. The government rejected the demands, and on 22 April 1997, after 126 days, a 140-man team of commandos of the Peruvian Armed Forces stormed the Japanese ambassador's residence to rescue all the hostages. One hostage and two soldiers died in the assault, as did Cerpa along with the rest of the MRTA squad. His lasts words were "¡Vete a la mierda!"

On 24 April 1997, Cerpa's body was interred without ceremony in Nueva Esperanza Cemetery, located in the Lima suburb of Villa María del Triunfo.[9]

External links

Notes and References

  1. https://www.scribd.com/doc/8575336/MRTA-Biografia-y-documentos-de-Nestor-Cerpa-Cartolini Biografía y documentos de Nestor Cerpa Cartolini
  2. https://www.scribd.com/doc/8575336/MRTA-Biografia-y-documentos-de-Nestor-Cerpa-Cartolini Biografía y documentos de Nestor Cerpa Cartolini
  3. https://www.scribd.com/doc/8575336/MRTA-Biografia-y-documentos-de-Nestor-Cerpa-Cartolini Biografía y documentos de Nestor Cerpa Cartolini
  4. https://www.scribd.com/doc/8575336/MRTA-Biografia-y-documentos-de-Nestor-Cerpa-Cartolini Biografía y documentos de Nestor Cerpa Cartolini
  5. Gordon H. McCormick, Sharp Dressed Men: Peru's Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement. RAND, 1993.
  6. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/42a/045.html Interview with Isaac Velasco, European representative of the MRTA
  7. https://www.scribd.com/doc/8575336/MRTA-Biografia-y-documentos-de-Nestor-Cerpa-Cartolini Biografía y documentos de Nestor Cerpa Cartolini
  8. Dirección Nacional del MRTA Comunicado No. 1 (17 December 1996)
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/1997/04/29/world/as-a-rebel-s-path-ends-hard-turf-but-soft-hearts.html New York Times, April 26, 1997