Murbach hymns explained

Murbach hymns
Alternative Title(S):Murbacher Hymnen
Compiled By:Monastery workshop
Language:Latin and Old High German
Date:Early 9th century
Provenance:Reichenau and Murbach Abbeys
Series:Grouped with the Frankish hymnal
Manuscript(S):MS Junius 25 Bodleian Library
Length:193 folia, 27 hymns

The Murbach hymns (de|Murbacher Hymnen, also German: Murbacher Hymnar "Murbach hymnal") are a collection of 27 early medieval Latin hymns with interlinear Old High German translation. The hymns are intended to be sung at certain times of the day in the course of the year, being introduced with the header Incipiunt hymni canendi per circulum anni.

Grouped with the Frankish Hymnal, an early medieval extension of the Ambrosian hymns of the Milanese Rite,the Murbach hymns are preserved in a single manuscript of the early 9th century, now part of the Junius collection in the Bodleian Library (MS Junius 25), originally kept at Murbach Abbey, Alsace.[1]


Bodleian MS Junius 25 consists of 193 folia, containing the text of the hymns, among various Latin texts and Latin-German glosses, on foll. 122v–129, 116/117. It is the product of an Alamannic monastery workshop, most likely of the first quarter of the 9th century. The hymns were most likely written down in Reichenau, the interlinear version may have been written in Murbach Abbey, where the manuscript was kept until at least the 15th century (based a dated note made in the ms.).[2]

The manuscript was acquired by Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn, who published glosses from the ms. in 1652. Later in the 17th century it was owned by Isaac Vossius. Franciscus Junius copied the text of the hymns from the ms. while it was in Vossius' possession. The ms. passed into possession of Junius at an unknown date, and was acquired as part of Junius' collection by the Bodleian Library after his death in 1677.

The text of the hymns was first printed by George Hickes in 1703, and by Rasmus Nyerup in 1787.The first philological edition of the text was published by Jacob Grimm in 1830, based on a copy of the text in Junius' hand. Eduard Sievers in 1874 published a new edition based on the original manuscript.Recent critical editions have been published by Simbolotti (2009) and Gerhards (2018).

The collection is classified as belonging to the "Frankish hymnal" by Helmut Gneuss (1968, 2000),[3] grouped with five other collections of the 8th to 9th century.[4] The Latin hymns are described as of Ambrosian or "pseudo-Ambrosian" type. The final hymn on fol. 117v is the Te Deum, the others appear to be original to the "Frankish Hymnal" tradition.Grimm's Latin text was reprinted by Migne (1845) in PL 17 in a collection of "hymns attributed to Saint Ambrose" (hymni S. Ambrosio attributi).[5]

Interlinear version

Opinions on the status of the Old High German translation have varied:Thoma (1958) judged them as wholly dependent on the Latin text and not forming a coherent German text of its own.Sonderegger (1964) by contrast argued that the interlinear version in certain passages does represent a grammatical Old High German text with a poetic quality and "surprising eloquence" (mit erstaunlicher Sprachgewalt).Haubrich (1988) likewise admitted a "literary and poetic ambition" on the part of the author of the interlinear version.[6]

List of hymns

Grimm (1830) counted 26 hymns, but Sievers (1874) identified the final verse of Grimm's hymn 25 as a separate hymn with a single verse, numbered 25a, for a total of 27 hymns.Hymns 1 - 21 are on foll. 122v - 129v. The final six hymns, 22 - 26, are part of the preceding quaternum in the manuscript, on foll. 116r - 117v, followed by nine pages (foll. 118r - 122r) of Latin to Old High German glosses. In spite of being edited as forming the conclusion of the collection by their 19th-century editors, they were most likely written down slightly earlier than the 21 hymns that follow.[2] The incipit of the 27 hymns are as follows (Gerhards 2018:13):

Nr.fol.IncipitIncipit (OHG)UseOHNHChevalier no.
22116rAeterna Christi munera Euuige [chris]tes lonMartyrs OH 44 NH 117 600
23116rTempus noctis surgentibus Cit thera naht erstantantemNocturnsOH 5 20328
24116vRex aeterna domine Cuning euuigo truhtinNocturns OH 3NH 31 17393
25117rAeterne rerum conditor Euuigo rachono felahantoNocturns OH 2NH 4 647
26 [25a]117rTe decet laus Thir krisit lopMatins Sunday 20075
27 [26]117vTe deum laudamus Thih cot [lobo]mesVigils Sunday OH 6 20086
1122vMediae noctis tempore Mittera nahti zite Nocturns Sunday OH 1 11420
2123rDeus qui celi lumen es Cot du der himiles leoht pist Matins SundayOH 7 4491
3123vSplendor paternae gloriae Schimo faterlicher tiurida Matins Monday OH 8NH 15 19349
4124rAeterne lucis conditor Euuiges leohtes sceffento Matins Tuesday OH 9 626
5124vFulgentis auctor aetheris Scinantes ortfrumo himiles Matins Wednesday OH 10 6608
6124vDeus aeterne luminis Cot euuiges leohtes Matins ThursdayOH 11 4415
7125rChriste caeli domine Crist hi[mi]les t[ruh]tinMatins FridayOH 12 2845
8125vDiei luce reddita Tago leohte arkepanemu Matins SaturdayOH 13 4586
9126rPostmatutinis laudibus Aftermorganlichem lopum Prime during LentOH 22 15175
10126vDei fide qua vivimus Kotes kalaubu dera lebemesTerce during Lent OH 36 NH 51 4323
11126v Certum tenentes ordinem Kauuissa habente antreitida TerceOH 23 2272
12127r Dicamus laudes domino Chuedem lop t[ruhti]ne SextOH 24 4573
13127r Perfectum trinum numerum Duruhnoht drisca ruauaOH 25 NH 53 14836=14835
14127r Deus qui claro lumine Kot der heitaremu leohteVespers Sunday OH 28 4490
15127v Deus qui certis legibus [Cot] der kauuissem euuomVespers OH 27 4489
16127vChriste qui lux es et dies Christ du der leoht pist inti take OH 30NH 12 2934
17128r Meridiae orandum est Mittes takes za petonne istSext during Lent OH 37 NH 52 11506
18128r Sic ter quaternis trahitur So driror feorim kazokan istVespers OH 38 NH 54 18913
19128v Aurora lucis rutilat Tagarod leohtes lohazitOH 41 NH 72 1644
20129r Hic est dies verus dei Deser ist tak uuarer cotesMatins and Vespers at Easter OH 39 7793
21129v Ad cenam agni providi Za nahtmuase lambes kauuareVespers at Easter OH 40 NH 70 110

Hymns 2, 6 - 9, 11 - 12, 23 and 26 (single verse) are unique to the Frankish Hymnal tradition,hymns 10, 13 - 14, 17 - 19 and 21 are first recorded in the Frankish Hymnal and are received into the New Hymnal.Of the hymns adopted from the earlier Old Hymnal tradition, authorship of Ambrose is likely for hymn 25 (Aeterne rerum conditor), and thought uncertain but possible for hymns 3, 20 and 22.[7]


Notes and References

  1. MS. Junius 25, Summary Catalogue no.: 5137 (
  2. Gerhards (20181, 27ff).
  3. Helmut Gneuss, "Zur Geschichte des Hymnars", Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 35.2 (2000) 227 - 247 (p. 228).
  4. Voetz (2013:277).
  5. Patrologia Latina vol. 17 (1845), 1171ff. The Junius ms. is described col. 1164, abbreviated O. (for bibliotheca Oxoniensis).
  6. Andreas Kraß, "Murbacher Hymnen" in: Joachim Heinzle, L. Peter Johnson (eds.), Wolfram-Studien XIV: Übersetzen in Mittelalter Cambridger Kolloquium 1994 (1996), 89 - 91.
  7. Inge B. Milfull, The Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church: A Study and Edition of the 'Durham Hymnal' (1996), 473f.