Muhammad Aziz Arfaj Explained

Muhammad Aziz Arfaj
Native Name:محمد عزيز العرفج
Birth Date: 15 October 1979 df=y
Birth Place:Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Muhammad Aziz Al-Arfaj is a Saudi writer, poet and journalist.[1] [2]


He was born on 15 October 1980 in the city of Riyadh and raised there after his father moved for a long period of time from Khab Al-Muraydisiyah, one of the villages adjacent to the city of Buraidah in Al-Qassim region, north of Najd, and his marriage to his mother, who belongs to the Banu Al-Asmar tribe in Asir, southern Saudi Arabia.

His father, who came from a rural family interested in agriculture, was an inspector and advisor in the Saudi Ministry of Interior after completing his university education at the College of Sharia in Riyadh. He was a popular poet, oral tale narrator, memorizer of lengthy Arabic anecdotes, and a lover of history, while his mother, who was also from a mountainous environment, was concerned with in agriculture as well, an abyss of collecting intangible heritage, and saying folk poetry.

The writer Muhammad Arfaj is a researcher in Nabati poetry, al-Humayni poetry, al-Hourani poetry, folklore, and popular poetry in the Arab world. He writes in Al-Riyadh newspaper in particular and in many Arab and international newspapers and has published many books, novels and books. The most prominent of them is the novel "The Top Floor" and the book "Popular Heritage In The Arab Narrative".

In 2003, he moved from the city of Riyadh to the city of Aden in Yemen to work for several years in the diplomatic corps, and his name was closely associated with the Yemeni cultural scene through his work for years during which he was able to approach Yemeni heritage and literature, and this crystallized in the form of dozens of studies that he wrote On Yemeni literature and the Humayni poetry in particular, and a novel titled "The Top Floor" was published for him, which was printed in Beirut, its events take place in the Yemeni environment.

In Yemen, he made contributions to the Hamini Nabatean relations between the Humayni and Nabati poetry and he is also the first to discover the original homeland of Bani Hilal, the owners of the Hilali biography.[3]

Then he submitted his resignation from working in the Saudi diplomatic corps and returned to Riyadh to be a member of the Literary Club in Riyadh. He resided in the city of Chicago in the United States of America, and established the Spiritual Cultural Forum[4] there before returning again to Riyadh and settling there.

His books


The Seasons – a Divan of Free Poetry.Arabic2016
Rural Najd – A Divan of Nabati Poetry.Arabic2020
The Land of Yemen – A Divan of Humayni's PoetryArabic
Clouds of Love: A Divan of Nabati Poetry.[5] Arabic2020141

Short story

TitleLanguagePublisherYearPagesISBNOCLC Number
Shivers between crying and terror.[6] [7] ArabicAl-intishar Alarabi Foundation2018461141735673
Wednesday TroublesArabic201661
And She Came Back After An Absence.[8] Arabic2018
A Piece Of Ice.Arabic2019

Children's literature and arts

TitleLanguagePublisherYearPagesISBNOCLC Number
Saqt Allewa: a novel for boys.[10] [11] ArabicHail Literary and Cultural Club201771 1193218981
Baby Feather Series.Arabic

Women's culture and arts

A Woman's Feelings (Part One) Early life, poets, readings, dialogues.[12] [13] Arabic2016
A Woman's Feelings (Part Two) Formation Sculpture Orgami[14] Arabic2020

Literature letters

From Ali Saleh to Mr. Trump.Arabic2020
To whom do you leave your son, father?.Arabic2020

Literary and intellectual studies

TitleLanguagePublisherYearPagesISBNOCLC Number
Myths of the Islamic Awakening: Studies[15] ArabicArwiqah Foundation for Studies, Translation and Publishing: Ruya Center for Studies20192201104685524
Folk tale and oral poetry in theatre, story and novel: Studies.[16] [17] [18] ArabicNajran Literary and Cultural Club2019190
The roots of Nabati poetry in the art of chanting and weights and the rooting of Nabati poetry and the stages of its development and its influence by Hamini and the Sufi school.[19] [20] ArabicHamalil Foundation for Media20151291960392
Folklore in the Arab narrative.[21] ArabicThe Arabic Magazine.20131049184190
Captain of the investigations of folk arts in the Arab Gulf.[22] Arabic201468
Nabati Poetry Roots.[23] ArabicHamalil Foundation for Media2015220


Sultan of Songs and difficult departure.[24] Arabic2013with other Arab writers.
Abdul Karim Al -Jahiman .. Echoes of departure.[25] Arabic2014with other Saudi writers.
Narratives of Khaled Al-YoussefArabic2020with other Arab writers.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Manhom . من هو محمد عزيز العرفج؟ ملف الشخصية من هم؟ . 2022-08-15 . . ar.
  2. Web site: محمد عزيز العرفج . 2022-08-15 . جائزة كتارا للرواية العربية . ar.
  3. Web site: العرفج يعقب على التحريف والتصحيف الذي لحق بالشعر البدوي في مقدمة ابن خلدون الحافي خلط بين بني هلال عامر وبني هلال القرية الموجودة بعسير . 1 April 2007 .
  4. Web site: العرفج يؤسس "ملتقى الروح الثقافي" بشيكاغو . . 5 March 2016.
  5. Book: العرفج, محمد عزيز . غيوم المحبة : ديوان شعر نبطي . 2020 . 978-603-8324-78-3 . 1st . Arabic.
  6. Book: العرفج, محمد عزيز . رعشات بين البكاء و الرعب : قصص قصيرة / Raʻshāt bayna al-bukāʼ wa-al-ruʻb : qiṣaṣ qaṣīrah . مؤسسة الإنتشار العربي،, Bayrūt : Muʼassasat al-Intishār al-ʻArabī, 2018 . 2018 . 9789953931456 . Beirut . Arabic . 1141735673.
  7. Web site: نور . مكتبة . كتاب رعشات بين البكاء والرعب . 2022-08-15 . . ar.
  8. Web site: ياسر . آية . 7 December 2020 . محمد العرفج يؤكد أن مثقف الأمس يختلف عن مثقف اليوم آية ياسر . 2022-08-15 . MEO . ar.
  9. Web site: ثقافة وفنون : نادي القصة اليمني ينظم أمسية (الرواية السعودية المعاصرة رواية الدور الأعلى نموذجاً) . 2022-08-15 . . ar.
  10. Book: العرفج, محمد عزيز . سقط اللوى : رواية للفتيان / Siqṭ al-liwá : riwāyah lil-fityān . نادي حائل الأدبي الثقافي،, Ḥāʼil : Nādī Ḥāʼil al-Adabī al-Thaqāfī, . . 2017 . 9786039086932 . Hail . Arabic . 1193218981.
  11. Web site: سقط اللوى (رواية للشباب) لـ محمد عزيز العرفج . 2022-08-15 . . ar.
  12. Web site: وقعت دار #سما_للنشر_والتوزيع_الكويت مع الكاتب والروائي السعودي : #محمد_عزيز_العرفج لنشر اصداره القادم… Arabic . signed dar #سما_للنشر_والتوزيع_الكويت With the Saudi writer and novelist: #محمد_عزيز_العرفج To publish the next edition... . 2022-08-15 . Twitter.
  13. Book: العرفج, محمد عزيز . أحاسيس امرأة . 978-603-8301-12-8 . Arabic.
  14. Book: العرفج, محمد عزيز . أحاسيس امراة : تشكيل . نحت . أورجامي . 978-603-8301-13-5 . 1st . Arabic.
  15. Book: عرفج, محمد عزيز . خرافات الصحوة الإسلامية : دراسات / Khurāfāt al-ṣaḥwah al-Islāmīyah : dirāsāt . مؤسسة أروقة للدراسات والترجمة والنشر : مركز رؤية للدراسات،, al-Qāhirah : Muʼassasat Arwiqah lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr : Markaz Ruʼyah lil-Dirāsāt . 2019 . 9789777971898 . Cairo . Arabic . 1104685524.
  16. Book: عرفج, محمد عزيز . الحكاية الشعبية والشعر الشفاهي في المسرح والقصة والرواية : دراسات / al-Ḥikāyah al-shaʻbīyah wa-al-shiʻr al-shafāhī fī al-masraḥ wa-al-qiṣṣah wa-al-riwāyah : dirāsāt . النادي الأدبي الثقافي بنجران، Najrān : al-Nādī al-Adabī al-Thaqāfī bi-Najrān, . . 2019 . 9789777972123 . Najran . Arabic . 1122542928.
  17. Web site: 28 January 2014 . روائي سعودي: الموروث الشعبي كان رافدا لأدباء كثيرين . 2022-08-15 . العربية . ar.
  18. Web site: نور . مكتبة . كتاب الحكاية الشعبية والشعر الشفاهي في المسرح والقصة القصيرة والرواية . 2022-08-15 . . ar.
  19. Book: عرفج, محمد عزيز . جذور الشعر النبطي في فن الترنيم و الأوزان و تأصيل الشعر النبطي و مراحل تطوره و تأثره بالحميني و المدرسة الصوفية . مؤسسة هماليل للإعلام . Arabic . 1291960392.
  20. Web site: نور . مكتبة . كتاب جذور الشعر النبطي . 2022-08-15 . . ar.
  21. Book: العرفج, محمد عزيز . الموروث الشعبي في السرد العربي . المجلة العربية . Riyadh . Arabic . 1049184190.
  22. Web site: Limited . Elaph Publishing . 29 April 2014 . كتاب "ربّان الفنون الشعبية" للباحث العرفج . 2022-08-15 . Elaph – إيلاف . ar.
  23. Web site: نور . مكتبة . كتاب جذور الشعر النبطي . 2022-08-15 . . ar.
  24. Web site: 27 March 2014 . طرح الخزامى في كتاب عن المرشدي .
  25. مقال العرفج في كتاب عن رحيل الجهيمان . Alriyadh . 16797.