Moscow State University, Tashkent Explained

Branch of Moscow State University Named for M.V. Lomonosov in Tashkent
Native Name:Toshkentagi M. V. Lomonosov nomidagi Moskva Davlat Universiteti
Native Name Lang:uz
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Rector:Valeriy Kudryavtsev
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Moscow State University, Tashkent, or Branch of Moscow State University Named for M.V. Lomonosov in Tashkent, was established in 2006 by the government of Uzbekistan as a branch of Moscow State University. The university primarily focuses on two areas: psychology and computer science. The campus is at 22 Amir Temur Prospect.[1]


The decision of opening the branch was signed at the meeting between the presidents of the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan on 14 November 2005 in Moscow.[2] [3]

The branch was established in Tashkent on 24 February 2006 by a resolution of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.[4] [5] The branch was allocated a complex of buildings under construction, in which the academic lyceum was originally supposed to be placed at the Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute.[6]

Mission and objectives

The purpose of the university is training qualified specialists and professionals. The students are taught to the standards of Moscow State University and of international institutions, while upholding the goals of the national education system of Uzbekistan. Performance in MSU is evaluated according to legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation.

These are the official objectives of the university:


The MSU campus has one of the biggest resource centers among Uzbekistani universities, contains more than 8,000 textbooks, books, magazines, and other materials. It also has an e-library, a multimedia studio, and a video conference hall. The students are able to watch video lectures related to their studies after class. The video conference hall is mainly used by students to attend live video lectures that are broadcast from Moscow. In addition to this, there is a hall on campus that can hold 220 people and allows larger lectures and events to be held.

The campus has facilities to allow students to participate in athletics in their free time. There is a large winter sports center that has seats for spectators, and an athletics complex located outdoors, with 3 tennis courts, two volleyball pitches, and one court for basketball. To assist the students as much as possible in their studies, MSU has opened a polygraph center on the campus. This center helps the students complete their tasks faster.

There is a medical center on campus that makes up a large portion of the main building. MSU even has its own hotel with 10 rooms, which are mainly used by visiting teachers called to the university to give lectures.


Financing of works in the branch at the expense of the state budget of Uzbekistan in the form of grants listed below Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic, and payments of students on a fee-contract basis.

Now the post of the head of the branch is occupied by the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor V. B. Kudryavtsev (Moscow), deputy heads – V. A. Nosov (Moscow), T. Yu. Bazarov (Moscow), Executive director – E. M. Saydamatov, Deputy Executive Directors – T.A. O. Karshiev, A. B. Mamanazarov, Sh. Sh. Mirzaev.[8]


Currently, the branch has two types of bachelor's and master's degrees: "Psychology" and "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science". They provide students with essential theoretical, and practical knowledge, in order to become professionals on their fields.[9]

Faculty of Psychology

The main purpose of the "Faculty of Psychology" is training professionals who work and assist in fields of medical sciences, solve difficult problems, and help citizens. The length of studies in this faculty is set at five years. The lessons are given only in Russian. The curriculum involves both general and professional subjects:

  1. General psychology
  2. Experimental psychology
  3. General psychological practicum
  4. History of psychology
  5. Zoo-psychology
  6. Psycho-genetics
  7. Methodical psychology
  8. Mathematical ways of psychology
  9. Development of psychology
  10. Social psychology
  11. Psychology of work
  12. Clinical psychology
  13. Special psychology
  14. Psycho-physiology
  15. Methods of teaching psychology

Faculty of Analytical Mathematics and Computer Science

The Faculty of Analytical Mathematics and Computer Science is the main faculty at Moscow State University. It focuses on subjects in analytical mathematics, computer science, and computer programming. The length of study is set at 4 years. All of the lessons are in Russian. The curriculum's priorities are toward developing computer science skills in students. After graduation students can work at academic institutions, universities, organs of government, banks, insurance companies, finance companies, consulting companies, national and international corporations that employ computer technologies. Subjects are listed below: First year:

Second year:

Third year:

Fourth year:

Examinations at "Faculty of Analytical Mathematics and Computer Science" are held in three subjects, and they are:

  1. Algorithms. Combination
  2. Fundamentals of cryptography
  3. Mathematical logics

Scientific work

On 28 September 2018, the branch held the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of psychology in Uzbekistan".


Admission procedures and attestations are in according with standards set by Moscow State University. The curriculum, educational programs, and educational materials are also approved by Moscow State University in Tashkent. Until 2011 years the study at the Faculty of Psychology lasted for 5 years (specialist), currently the period of study in both areas – 4 years (bachelor). The term of study for graduate programs – 2 years.

Entrance examinations

To complete the admission procedure, students must pass examinations approved by Moscow State University and Uzbekistan's ministry of higher education. Interested applicants must provide needed documents and pass 3 examinations according to the faculty they choose. The Faculty of Psychology requires passing 3 written examinations in general subjects:

Interested applicants in the Faculty of Analytical Mathematics and Computer Science must also pass written examinations in 3 general subjects:

Applicants who have completed the examination procedure are offered positions at the university as students.

Branch training

The lessons are taught in Russian by teachers from Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation. The head branch of Moscow State University annually sends specialists to the school to supervise the organization of lessons and to act as scientific advisors for the bachelor's and master's degree theses.[10]

As of 2017, each faculty has 20 budgeted and 30 contracted places for studying in the bachelor-degree program and 4 budgeted and 6 contracted places in the master's program.[11]

Graduates will be awarded with original Moscow State University diplomas.


In 2018, 434 students were enrolled at the branch, which in 397 were undergraduate and 37 were undergraduate. 90% undergraduates are consist of bachelor graduates of the branch. The representing team of the branch by (T.Sytdikov, B.Soliev, A.Bystrygova, trainer – B. Ashirmatov) qualified for the final stage of the International Student Competition in programming in 2014, where it took the 37th place among the 122 participant teams.[12] [13]

Among the students there are prize-winners in international sports competitions – Farangis Aliyeva (1st place for Open CIS Cup – ITF World Taekwondo Cup).[14]

Branch graduates

In 2019, the Tashkent branch of MSU graduated over 600 specialists. Some of them continued their studies as postgraduate students in Moscow State University and defended their thesis for the competition Candidate of Science degrees.

Graduates of the branch work in various ministries of Uzbekistan (Information Technologies and Communications, Higher and Secondary Special Education, Public Education; Preschool Education), Institute of Mathematics of Academy of Sciences, in the scientific and practical research center "Oila" ("Family"), National University of Uzbekistan, in the "Lukoil" company, in the Republican Center for Social Adaptation of Children, the public children's fund "Sen yolg`iz emassan" ("You are not alone"), "Association of Psychologists of Uzbekistan", and the Federation of Gymnastics of Uzbekistan.

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Moskva Davlat Universiteti . Moscow State University . . 8 June 2018.
  2. Web site: Заявления для прессы по итогам российско-узбекистанских переговоров . Statements for the press following the Russian-Uzbek negotiations . 14 November 2005 . . ru . 28 April 2024.
  3. News: В Ташкенте открыт филиал МГУ имени Ломоносова . A branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University was opened in Tashkent . 31 August 2006 . . ru . 28 April 2024.
  4. Постановление Президента Республики Узбекистан «Об организации деятельности филиала Московского государственного университета имени М. В. Ломоносова в г. Ташкенте» от 24 февраля 2006 года № ПП-290
  5. News: Президент Узбекистана принял участие в открытии филиала МГУ имени М.Ломоносова в Ташкенте . 31 August 2006 . ИА REGNUM.
  6. Постановление Кабинета Министров Республики Узбекистан «О завершении строительства здания филиала Московского государственного университета имени М. В. Ломоносова в г. Ташкенте» от 9 марта 2006 года № 39
  7. Web site: Новости Филиала . Branch News . Branch of Moscow State University, named after MV Lomonosov, in the city of Tashkent . ru . 17 March 2017.
  8. Web site: Руководство филиала. 3 September 2017. ru. 4 July 2017.
  9. Web site: Факультеты . Faculties . Branch of Moscow State University, named after MV Lomonosov, in the city of Tashkent . ru . 7 June 2018.
  10. News: Рамиль Исламов . Дипломы с Воробьёвых гор . Diplomas from Sparrow Hills . October 2018 . . 201 (28912) . 2 . ru . 18.
  11. Постановление Кабинета Министров Республики Узбекистан «О приеме в Филиал Московского государственного университета имени М. В. Ломоносова в городе Ташкенте» от 31 мая 2017 года № 325
  12. Web site: Студенческая команда программистов из Узбекистана заняла 37 место среди 122 команд из 41 страны на чемпионате мира по программированию. 25 June 2014. 9 February 2019.
  13. Web site: Команда из Узбекистана вышла в финал мирового чемпионата по программированию ACM ICPC. 9 December 2013. 9 February 2019.
  14. Web site: Таэквондо: Команда Узбекистана завоевала 17 золотых медалей. 5 December 2016. 9 February 2019.