Morne Diablotin National Park Explained

Morne Diablotin National Park is a national park in the northern mountain ranges of Dominica, an island nation in the Caribbean. The park comprises, amounting to 4.4% of the nation's area. It was established in January 2000, primarily to protect the habitat of the endangered sisserou parrot, an endemic bird species that is a national symbol of Dominica.

The park is home to 1,447-meter high Morne Diablotin, the tallest mountain on the island and the second highest mountain in the Lesser Antilles. It is also home to the Syndicate Nature Trail.[1] [2]

During the 18th century, the land was home to at least six different encampments of escaped slaves. Dr. John Imray, a Scottish physician, completed the first recorded scaling of Morne Diablotin in 1867. Today, the park is home to 18 different avian species.[3]

See also


15.5°N -85°W

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Syndicate Nature Trail - Ministry of Tourism . 2024-01-06 . . Dominica Ministry of Tourism.
  2. Web site: Syndicate Nature Trail . 2024-01-06 . . Dominica Division of Forestry, Wildlife and National Parks.
  3. "Morne Diablotin National Park." Sites – Important Bird Areas. BirdLife International. Retrieved 3 January 2012.