Counts of Montfort (Swabia) explained

The Counts of Montfort were a German noble dynasty from Swabia. They belonged to high nobility of the Holy Roman Empire and enjoyed the privileged status of Imperial immediacy.

The influential and wealthy counts of Montfort took their name from an ancestral castle named, which was situated close to today's Swiss border near Weiler, in the present-day Austrian state of Vorarlberg.

As the lords of Feldkirch (until 1390), Bregenz (until 1523), and Tettnang (until 1779), they would have a decisive influence on the development of not just Voralberg, but also Upper Swabia and Eastern Switzerland.


The counts held the lordships of the County of Feldkirch (until 1390), County of Bregenz (until 1523) and Tettnang (until 1779). They had territories in Upper Swabia and particularly in Vorarlberg, most of which they ruled. Until the 18th century, the counts were a remarkable family of the high nobility, the most important in the region of Lake Constance, but the line eventually became extinct. In a number of places, including Feldkirch, Bregenz and Langenargen, there are still signs of their history.

The counts of Montfort were originally a branch of another Swabian noble family, the counts palatine of Tübingen. Hugo II of Tübingen (d. 1182) married Elizabeth of Bregenz, and through her, Hugo would take ownership over the former territories of the counts of Bregenz, including Bregenz itself, Montfort, and Sigmaringen, making him a dominant power in the region. His marriage to Elizabeth would also provide him with close family ties to Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa and the Welfs (like Barbarossa and Henry the Lion, Elizabeth was a grandchild of the Welf duke Henry IX of Bavaria).

Upon the death of Hugo II, the majority of the former Bregenz territories would go to his second son, Hugo III (d.1228/1230), who after about 1200 would style himself "Hugo of Montfort". His territories as count included Raetia Curiensis, Tettnang, Bregenz, Feldkirch, Sonnenberg, Werdenberg, and Sargans. The new House of Montfort would adopt the arms of the County Palatine of Tübingen, but the Montfort arms would feature a red gonfalon on a silver shield instead of a gold one.

Hugo's older brother Rudolph I (1160-1219) continued the original line of the counts palatine; nevertheless, five generations later Gottfried II (d.1369) would be forced to sell Tübingen to the County of Württemberg and drop the title of count palatine in favor of the ordinary Count of Tübingen. He did, however, inherit Lichteneck via his wife Clara of Freiburg, and thenceforth his descendants would bear the title Count of Tübingen-Lichteneck. Next to Montfort-Tettang, this line would be the longest-lasting branch of the family, lasting until 1664.

Around 1779, Tettnang was sold to the Austrian House of Habsburg in order to pay debts. Several years later, the line became extinct upon the death of Count Anton IV in 1787. The Habsburgs added the Montfort lands to their Further Austrian possessions.


Hugo I of Montfort founded Feldkirch in the early years of the 13th century, building his castle (called "Schattenburg") on a hill overlooking the town. The town and castle would become the focal point of the Montfort-Feldkirch territories, with Schattenburg taking the place of the original Montfort castle. In 1375, burgrave Rudolph IV of Montfort sold the fiefdom to the Habsburg Duke Leopold III of Austria.


Hugo II of Tübingen (†1182) inherited the County of Bregenz via his wife, Elizabeth of Bregenz. The Montfort-Bregenz branch of the dynasty continued until the middle of the 14th century, when its lands fell to Montfort-Tettnang, which starting in 1354 would be known as Montfort-Tettnang-Bregenz. This house would produce at least one figure of historical significance, the minstrel (Minnesänger) and statesman Hugo of Montfort (1357–1423).

In 1362 Hugo inherited the lands of the counts of Pfannberg via his wife Margaret. Hugo took residence at Pfannberg Castle in 1401, joining the Styrian nobility. The family would sell Pfannberg Castle in 1524 and move their residence to Peggau Castle, renaming themselves Montfort-Bregenz-Beckach (the contemporary form of Peggau).

In 1451, a portion of the Montfort-Bregenz territory was sold to the Habsburgs by Elizabeth of Hochberg, heir of Count William VII (†1422) of Montfort. The rest of the original Bregenz territories would be sold in 1523, though the Styrian branch of the family retained the Montfort-Tettnang lands until the extinction of the dynasty in 1787.

Counts of Montfort

Below, a list of the counts of Montfort, numbered by order of ascension:

House of Tübingen

Partitions of Montfort under Tübingen rule

County of Montfort
County of

County of Tettnang
County of Bregenz
(1st creation)
      <---Tettnang--->      <---Bregenz--->
Sold to Austria      <---Tettnang--->
      <---Tettnang--->County of

(2nd creation)
County of

County of

      <---Tettnang--->County of

County of

      <---Tettnang--->Sold to Austria
      <---Tettnang--->County of

(3rd creation,
half of
previous county)

      <---Tettnang--->      <---Rothenfels--->
Sold to Austria
Sold to Königsegg
Sold to Austria

Table of rulers

(Note: Here the numbering of the counts is the same for all counties, as all were titled Counts of Montfort, despite the different parts of land or particular numbering of the rulers. The counts are numbered by the year of their succession.)

RulerBornReignDeathRuling partConsortNotes
Hugo Ic.11601208-12281228 or 12 March 1230/4MontfortMatilda of Eschenbach-Schnabelburg
two children

Matilda of Wangen
five children
Son of Count Palatine Hugo of Tübingen, was the first count of Montfort, and the founder of the Montfort branch.
Hugo IIc.11951228-1257/6011/15 August 1257/60[1] MontfortElisabeth of Burgau
eight children
Sons of Hugo I, ruled together until 1230, when Rudolph inherited Werdenberg. Henry became bishop at Chur in 1251. For Rudolph I's descendants see Counts of Werdenberg. After Hugo's death the county was divided.
Henry Ic.11901228-125114 November 1272[2] MontfortUnmarried
Rudolph Ic.11901228-1230September 1244, 7 October 1247 or 19 May 1248MontfortClementia of Kyburg
six children
Ulrich I?1260-12877 April 1287[3] Montfort-BregenzAgnes of Helfenstein
two children
Son of Hugo II, inherited Bregenz.
Henry III[4] ?1260-c.1280?17 January 1307Montfort-BregenzUnmarriedSon of Hugo II, possibly co-ruled with Ulrich in Bregenz, which was probably the part which retained the main of the original county. As he was already cited as canon at Chur in 1282, he probably left the rule of the county earlier.
?1260-130219 October 1302Montfort-FeldkirchAgnes of Groningen
seven children
Son of Hugo II, inherited Feldkirch.
Hugo III?1260-130921 May or 5 December 1309[5] Montfort-TettnangElisabeth
two children
Son of Hugo II, inherited Tettnang.
Hugo IV?1287-133826 July 1338Montfort-BregenzUnmarriedSold half of Bregenz to Austria. Left no descendants and Bregenz was annexed to Tettnang.
Ulrich II12661302-134317 February 1350Montfort-FeldkirchUnmarriedSons of Rudolph III, ruled jointly. Rudolph became, in 1322, Bishop of Constance, and probably had to abdicate form the county. During the co-rulership, the brothers favored the settlement of Jews in Feldkirch.[6] In 1343 his nephews forced Ulrich to abdicate.
Rudolph III?1302-132227/8 March 1334Montfort-FeldkirchUnmarried
Hugo V?1302-131011 August 1310[7] Montfort-FeldkirchAnna of Veringen
eight children
Frederick?1310-132125 March 1321Montfort-FeldkirchUnmarriedSons of Hugo V, co-ruled with their uncle.
Berthold?1310-131818 January 1318Montfort-Feldkirch
William I?1309-1338c.1350[8] Montfort-TettnangElisabeth von Schlüsselberg
one child

Maria Anna Magdalena von Schwarzenberg
no children

Kunigunde from the House of Rappoltstein
four children

no children
Inherited Bregenz in 1338. After his death his sons divided the land.
1338-1348/50Montfort-Tettnang and Montfort-Bregenz
Rudolph IV the Elder?1343-13751375[9] Montfort-FeldkirchUnmarriedSons of Hugo V, were ruling jointly with their uncle (Ulrich II) and brothers (Berthold and Frederick) since 1310. However, they gained more independence after deposing their uncle in 1343.
Hugo VI?1343-c.1360c.1360[10] Montfort-FeldkirchMargaret of Furstenberg
no children

Bertha of Kirchberg
two children
Ulrich III?1359-c.1362c.1362[11] Montfort-FeldkirchUnmarriedEldest son of Rudolph IV, probably co-ruled with his father after his uncle Hugo's death.
Hugo VII?1348/50 - 13543 November 1354Montfort-TettnangUnmarriedSon of William I, inherited Tettnang. Had no descendants and the comital throne passed to his brother Henry.
William II?1348/50 - 1373/418 May 1373 or 14 June 1374Montfort-BregenzUnknown
one child

Ursula de Ferrette
no children

Margaret of Schaumberg
26 March 1369 or 16 June 1373[12]
no children
Son of William I, inherited Bregenz. After his death his grandchildren divided the land.
William III?1348/50 - 136819 October 1368Montfort-BregenzUrsula of Hohenberg
two children
Son of William II, co-ruled with his father, predeceasing him.
Henry IV?1354-1407/81407/8[14] Montfort-TettnangAdelaide of Habsburg-Laufenburg
before 1370
four children

Klara von Ellenbach
one child
Henry V?c.1380?-1395c.1395Montfort-TettnangAnna of Waldburg
one child
Son of Henry I, co-ruled with his father, predeceasing him.
Conrad?1373/4-13931393Montfort-BregenzAgnes of Montfort-Feldkirch
two children
Son of William II, co-ruled with his father, predeceasing him. Through his marriage became son-in-law of Hugo VI.
Hugo VIII13571373/4-14234 April 1423Montfort-PfannbergMargaret of Pfannberg
one child

Clementia of Toggenburg
before 1401
no children

Anna of Neuhaus
before 1426
one child
Son of William III, inherited Montfort. He was also a minnesinger (troubadour).
Ulrich IV?c.1390-1410?c.1410?Montfort-PfannbergJudith of Stadeck
before 1410
two children
Son of Hugo VIII, co-ruled with his father, predeceasing him.
Rudolph V the Younger?137516 November 1390Montfort-FeldkirchUnmarriedIn 1375 sold the county to the Habsburgs.
In 1375, Feldkirch was sold to the Archduchy of Austria
William IV?1393-14221422Montfort-BregenzKunigunde of Toggenburg
September/October 1387[15]
one child
William V?1408-14391439Montfort-TettnangKunigunde of Werdenberg-Bludenz
one child
Sons of Henry I, ruled jointly. After William's death, his sons divided the land into Tettnang, Werdenberg and Rothenfels.
Rudolph VI?1408-14258 December 1425Montfort-TettnangUnmarried
John I?1425-c.1431c.1431Montfort-TettnangProbably co-ruled with his father after the death of his uncle Rudolph.
Elisabeth?1422-14434 June 1458Montfort-BregenzEberhard of Nellenburg
one child

William, Margrave of Hachberg-Sausenberg
17 August 1422 or 23 February 1424
(annulled 1436)
two children
Last countess of Bregenz. In 1443 she sold the county to Austria.
In 1443 Bregenz was sold to the Archduchy of Austria
StephenAfter 14011423-143714/27 August 1437Montfort-PfannbergUnmarriedRuled jointly. Stephen was an uncle of Herman I, who was son of Ulrich IV.
Herman I?1423-1434/522 January 1434 or 24 July 1435Montfort-PfannbergMargareta of Celje
15 March 1430
four children[16]
Herman II?1437-14821482Montfort-PfannbergCecilia of Liechtenstein-Murau
five children
Sons of Herman I, ruled jointly.
John II?1437-1469April 1469Montfort-PfannbergA woman from the Sternberg family
no children
George I?1437-14471447Montfort-PfannbergUnmarried
Ulrich V the Elder?1439-149529 September 1495Montfort-TettnangUrsula of Hachberg
one child
Sons of William V, ruled jointly.
Rudolph VII?1439-144511 December 1445Montfort-TettnangBeatrice of Helfenstein
no children
Henry VI1439-144423 November 1444Montfort-WerdenbergUnknown
one child
Son of William V, inherited Werdenberg.
Hugo IX1439-149116 October 1491Montfort-RothenfelsElisabeth of Werdenberg-Heiligenberg
before 1462
one child

Elisabeth of Hohenlohe
(d.24 December 1488)before 1488
one child
Son of William V, inherited Rothenfels.
William VI?1444-14835 February 1483Montfort-WerdenbergClementia von Hewen
two children
Left no descendants. Werdenberg merged in Rothenfels.
In 1483 Werdenberg was annexed by Rothenfels.
In 1482 half of Bregenz was recovered by Hugo, son of Herman II.
Hugo X?1482-15251550Montfort-BregenzVeronica of Waldburg
no children
Son of Herman II, bought half of Bregenz for himself, just to sell it once more in 1525.
In 1525 the half of Bregenz was sold again to the Archduchy of Austria.
George II?1482-1544March/30 May 1544Montfort-Pfannberg
Catherine of Poland
after 1522
one child
Sons of Herman II, ruled jointly. John was a canon in Salzburg.
Herman III?1482-15151515Montfort-PfannbergUnmarried
John III?1482-1483c.1483Montfort-Pfannberg
?1491-152919 September 1529Montfort-RothenfelsApollonia of Kirchberg
before 1518
no children

Magdalena of Oettingen
23 June 1524
no children
Half-brothers, ruled jointly. John and his full brothers, Ulrich (who became Knight Hospitaller) and Henry (who became canon at Augsburg and Strasbourg) left no descendants and were succeeded by his nephews, sons of Hugo XI, their half-brother.
Ulrich VI?1491-152016 April 1520Montfort-RothenfelsUnmarried
Henry VII?1491-151212 January 1512Montfort-RothenfelsUnmarried
Hugo XI?1491-151924 April 1519Montfort-RothenfelsAnna of the Palatinate-Zweibrücken-Bitsch
four children
Before 14391495-152023 April 1520Montfort-TettnangMagdalena of Oettingen
24 February 1485
no children
Left no surviving descendants. Tettnang merged in Rothenfels.
William VIIc.14851495-15098 January 1509Montfort-TettnangUnmarriedCo-ruled with his father, but predecesed him.
In 1520 Tettnang was annexed by Rothenfels.
Hugo XIIc.15001529-156421 November 1564Montfort-RothenfelsMaria Magdalena of Schwarzenberg
before 1543
six children
Sons of Hugo XI, ruled jointly.
John V (II)[17] c.14901529-15471547Montfort-RothenfelsJeanne d'Arenberg
no children
?1529-154121 March 1541Montfort-RothenfelsEleonore of Wolfstein
before 1523
no children
Jacobc.15301544-15733 May 1572[18] Montfort-PeggauKatharina Fugger
9 February 1553
five children
Ulrich VIII1564-15756 April 1575Montfort-RothenfelsUrsula of Solms-Lich
two children
After his death, the county was annexed by the Barony of Konigsegg, depriving Ulrich's sons from succession.
In 1575 Rothenfels was annexed by the Barony of Königsegg.
John VI[19] c.15571573-161921 February 1619Montfort-PeggauSybilla Fugger
4 October 1587
three children
Sons of Jacob, ruled jointly.[20]
Wolfgang II?1573-15961596Montfort-PeggauUnmarried
George III?1573-15901590Montfort-PeggauAnna von Lobkowicz
no children[21]
Anton I?1573-1592?1595[22] Montfort-PeggauUnmarried?
Hugo XIII1 April 1599[23] 1619-16622 July 1662Montfort-PeggauJohanna Euphroysne of Waldburg
7 October 1618
four children
Sons of John VI, ruled jointly.
Herman IV?1619-16411641Montfort-PeggauUnmarried
John VII[24] ?1619-16231623Montfort-Peggau
14 October 1635[25] 1662-170615 June 1706Montfort-PeggauMaria Victoria of Spauer-Flavon
two children
Sons of Hugo XIII, ruled jointly.
John VIII[26] 25 November 16271662-168612 September 1686Montfort-PeggauAnna Eusebia of Königsegg
one child

Maria Katharina of Sulz
12 August 1658
two children[27]
26 November 1670[28] 1706-173317 December 1733Montfort-PeggauMaria Anna of Thun-Hohenstein
16 May 1693
two children
Anton III, son of John VIII, shared rule with his cousin Sebastian, son of Anton II.
Sebastian7 October 1684[29] 1706-17286 February 1728Montfort-PeggauUnmarried
Maximilian Joseph Ernest20 January 1700[30] 1733-175917 March 1759Montfort-PeggauMaria Antonia of Waldburg
26 January 1722
one child
Son of Anton II.
Francis Xavier3 November 1722[31] 1759-178024 March 1780Montfort-PeggauSophia Theresa Maximiliane of Limburg-Bronkhorst
1 December 1758
no children
After his death the county was sold to Austria.
In 1780, Pfannberg was sold to the Archduchy of Austria

Prince of Montfort

In 1810, the Tettnang territory was adjudicated to the Kingdom of Württemberg. In 1816, King Frederick I vested his daughter Catharina and her husband Jérôme Bonaparte with the titles of Princess and Prince of Montfort (French: prince de Montfort).[32] This princely title continued in the family by descent.[33]

See also


External links

Notes and References

  1. Stälin, C. F. (1847) Wirtembergische Geschichte (Stuttgart, Tübingen), Teil II, p. 448.
  2. MGH Necrologia Germaniæ, Band I, p. 644.
  3. MGH Necrologia Germaniæ, Band I, p. 147.
  4. This count Henry is officially known as III, albeit the fact that there's no known Henry II in the family tree of the Montforts. In fact he is from the generation that immediately follows the one where Henry I belongs.
  5. MGH Necrologia Germaniæ, Band I, p. 150.
  6.,Rudolf%20III.%20von Vorarlberg Chronik
  7. He was already dead by 7 October 1310, according to Vanotti (1845), 12, p. 544.
  8. Living in a document dated 6 February 1348, but already dead on another of 3 November 1353, according to Vanotti (1845), 19, p. 552 and Vanotti (1845), 20, p. 553.
  9. His daughter Anna renounced her paternal inheritance in a document dated 6 June 1375, according to Vanotti (1845), Anhang, 94, p. 485.
  10. Mentioned in a charter dated 23 June 1360, according to Bergmann, Grafen von Montfort (1848), Heft III, XXXII, p. 79.
  11. Referenced as living in a charter dated 8 April 1362, according to Fink (2016), p. 154.
  12. They are referred as married by a document dated 16 June 1373, according to Tangl, K. Die Grafen von Pfannberg, Archiv für Kunde österreichischer Geschichts-Quellen, Band XVIII (Vienna, 1857), 230, p. 196.
  13. They are referred as married by a document dated 1367, according to Vanotti (1845), Anhang, 86, p. 483.
  14. Referenced as dead in a document of his sons, dated 18 October 1408, according to Vanotti (1845), 34, p. 578.
  15. Contract of marriage dated 29 September 1387, according to Vanotti (1845), Anhang, 122, p. 488.
  16. Herman I. von Montfort
  17. Known sometimes as John II: Graf Johann II. von Montfort-Rothenfels (ca. 1490-1547)
  18. Jakob von Montfort
  19. Johann VI. von Montfort
  20. They're attested in 1592: Geschichte der Grafen von Montfort und von Werdenberg
  21. Georg III von Montfort
  22. Anton von Montfort
  23. Hugo XV. von Montfort
  24. Johann VII von Montfort
  25. Johann Anton I van Montfort Tettnang
  26. Johann VIII. von Montfort
  27. Johann VIII. von Montfort
  28. Anton II van Montfort Tettnang
  29. Sebastian van Montfort Tettnang
  30. Maximilian Joseph Ernst van Montfort Tettnang
  31. Franz Xavier van Montfort Tettnang
  32. Book: Antoine-Vincent Arnault. Antoine Jay. Étienne de Jouy. Jacques Marquet de Norvins. Biographie nouvelle des contemporains. 1821. Librairie historique. Paris. French. 239.
  33. Book: Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review. 1860. Henry & Parker. London. 208.