Mons Dieter Explained

Mons Dieter
Width Km:20
Listing:Lunar mountains
Translation:Masculine name Dieter
Location:the Moon

Mons Dieter is a mountain (hill) on the Moon, located in King, an impact crater (along with other peaks Mons André, Mons Ardeshir, Mons Dilip), at 5°N 120.3°W. It has a diameter of 20km (10miles).[1] The mountain was named Dieter, a German male name, in 1976. The mountain is never visible from the Earth, as it is located on the far side of the Moon.[2] [3] [4] [5]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Book: Chunlai Li. Jianjun Liu. Lingli Mu. The Chang'E-1 Topographic Atlas of the Moon. 3 December 2015. Springer. 978-3-662-48439-5. 202–.
  2. Web site: Mons Dieter. 28 January 2016. 15 August 2020. dead.
  3. Web site: Mons Dieter. AstroLink. 28 January 2016. German.
  4. Web site: Mons (Mountains). dead. 2 February 2016. 28 January 2016.
  5. Web site: Mons Dieter. The Moon Wiki. 28 January 2016.