In theoretical computer science, monotone dualization is a computational problem of constructing the dual of a monotone Boolean function. Equivalent problems can also be formulated as constructing the transversal hypergraph of a given hypergraph, of listing all minimal hitting sets of a family of sets, or of listing all minimal set covers of a family of sets. These problems can be solved in quasi-polynomial time in the combined size of its input and output, but whether they can be solved in polynomial time is an open problem.
A Boolean function takes as input an assignment of truth values to its arguments, and produces as output another truth value. It is monotone when changing an argument from false to true cannot change the output from true to false. Every monotone Boolean function can be expressed as a Boolean expression using only logical disjunction ("or") and logical conjunction ("and"), without using logical negation ("not"). Such an expression is called a monotone Boolean expression. Every monotone Boolean expression describes a monotone Boolean function.
There may be many different expressions for the same function. Among them are two special expressions, the conjunctive normal form and disjunctive normal form. For monotone functions these two special forms can also be restricted to be monotone:
The dual of a Boolean function is obtained by negating all of its variables, applying the function, and then negating the result. The dual of the dual of any Boolean function is the original function. The dual of a monotone function is monotone. If one is given a monotone Boolean expression, then replacing all conjunctions by disjunctions produces another monotone Boolean expression for the dual function, following De Morgan's laws. However, this will transform the conjunctive normal form into disjunctive normal form, and vice versa, which may be undesired. Monotone dualization is the problem of finding an expression for the dual function without changing the form of the expression, or equivalently of converting a function in one normal form into the dual form.
As a functional problem, monotone dualization can be expressed in the following equivalent ways:
Another version of the problem can be formulated as a problem of "exact learning" in computational learning theory: given access to a subroutine for evaluating a monotone Boolean function, reconstruct both the CNF and DNF representations of the function, using a small number of function evaluations. However, it is crucial in analyzing the complexity of this problem that both the CNF and DNF representations are output. If only the CNF representation of an unknown monotone function is output, it follows from information theory that the number of function evaluations must sometimes be exponential in the combined input and output sizes. This is because (to be sure of getting the correct answer) the algorithm must evaluate the function at least once for each prime implicate and at least once for each prime implicant, but this number of evaluations can be exponentially larger than the number of prime implicates alone.
It is also possible to express a variant of the monotone dualization problem as a decision problem, with a Boolean answer:
It is an open problem whether monotone dualization has a polynomial time algorithm (in any of these equivalent forms). The fastest algorithms known run in quasi-polynomial time.The size of the output of the dualization and exact learning problems can be exponentially large, as a function of the number of variables or the input size. For instance, an
The problem of finding the prime CNF expression for the dual function of a monotone function, given as a CNF formula, can be solved by finding the DNF expression for the given function and then dualizing it. Therefore, finding the dual CNF expression, and finding the DNF expression for the (primal) given function, have the same complexity.This problem can also be seen as a special case of the exact learning formulation of the problem. From a given CNF expression, it is straightforward to evaluate the function that it expresses. An exact learning algorithm will return both the starting CNF expression and the desired DNF expression. Therefore, dualization can be no harder than exact learning.
It is also straightforward to solve the decision problem given an algorithm for dualization: dualize the given CNF expression and then test whether it is equal to the given DNF expression. Therefore, research in this area has focused on the other direction of this equivalence: solving the exact learning problem (or the dualization problem) given a subroutine for the decision problem.
outline the following algorithm for solving exact learning using a decision subroutine:
Each iteration through the outer loop of the algorithm uses a linear number of calls to the decision problem to find the unforced truth assignment, uses a linear number of function evaluations to find a minimal true or maximal false function value, and adds one clause to the output. Therefore, the total number of calls to the decision problem and the total number of function evaluations is a polynomial of the total output size.
A central result in the study of this problem, by Michael Fredman and Leonid Khachiyan, is that monotone dualization (in any of its equivalent forms) can be solved in quasi-polynomial time. Their algorithms directly solve the decision problem, but can be converted to the other forms of the monotone dualization problem as described in . Alternatively, in cases where the answer to the decision problem is no, the algorithms can be modified to return a witness, that is, a truth assignment for which the input formulas fail to determine the function value. Its main idea is to first "clean" the decision problem instance, by removing redundant information and directly solving certain easy-to-solve cases of the problem. Then, in remaining cases it branches on a carefully chosen variable. This means recursively calling the same algorithm on two smaller subproblems, one for a restricted monotone function for which the variable has been set to true and the other in which the variable has been set to false. The cleaning step ensures the existence of a variable that belongs to many clauses, causing a significant reduction in the recursive subproblem size.
In more detail, the first and slower of the two algorithms of Fredman and Khachiyan performs the following steps:
A second algorithm of Fredman and Khachiyan has a similar overall structure, but in the case where the branch variable occurs in many clauses of one set and few of the other, it chooses the first of the two recursive calls to be the one where setting the branch variable significantly reduces the number of clauses. If that recursive call fails to find an inconsistency, then, instead of performing a single recursive call for the other branch, it performs one call for each clause that contains the branch variable, on a restricted subproblem in which all the other variables of that clause have been assigned in the same way. Its running time is an exponential function of
Many special cases of the monotone dualization problem have been shown to be solvable in polynomial time through the analysis of their parameterized complexity. These include:
One application of monotone dualization involves group testing for fault detection and isolation in the model-based diagnosis of complex systems. From a collection of observations of faulty behavior of a system, each with some set of active components, one can surmise that the faulty components causing this misbehavior are likely to form a minimal hitting set of this family of sets.
In biochemical engineering, the enumeration of hitting sets has been used to identify subsets of metabolic reactions whose removal from a system adjusts the balance of the system in a desired direction. Analogous methods have also been applied to other biological interaction networks, for instance in the design of microarray experiments that can be used to infer protein interactions in biological systems.
In recreational mathematics, in the design of sudoku puzzles, the problem of designing a system of clues that has a given grid of numbers as its unique solution can be formulated as a minimal hitting set problem. The 81 candidate clues from the given grid are the elements to be selected in the hitting set, and the sets to be hit are the sets of candidate clues that can eliminate each alternative solution. Thus, the enumeration of minimal hitting sets can be used to find all systems of clues that have a given solution. This approach has been as part of a computational proof that it is not possible to design a valid sudoku puzzle with only 16 clues.