Mohammed al-Mahdi al-Fasi also known as Abu Isa Abu Abdallah Mohammed al-Mahdi ibn Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Yusuf al-Fihri al-Fasi was a well-known mystic, biographer and historian from Fes. A member of the prominent al-Fasi family.[1] He was born in Ksar al-Kebir on May 17, 1624[2] and died 20 February 1698. He was buried in the mausoleum of his great grandfather Abu l-Mahasin Yusuf al-Fasi.
He was the author of the following works on mysticism:
Al-Mahdi wrote the following biographical works, on his great grandfather Abu l-Mahasin Yusuf al-Fasi:
On the traditions of the people of Fes he wrote: