Mohammed Akensus Explained

Mohammed Akensus (also Akensous) or Abu Abdallah Mohammed ben Ahmad Akensus al-Marrakushi (1797, (Sous) - 1877) was a Moroccan historian [1] [2] and a minister under Mulay Slimane and moulay Abd al-Rahman. He is from the Berber tribe of Ida u-Kansus which inhabited the Sous region in southern Morocco.[3]

He wrote on the reign of moulay Mohammed ben Abdallah and is the author of Al-Djaish al-aramram (The Great Army), lith. Fas (1918).


  1. Mohamed Kholti, Les Plus beaux écrits de l'Union française et du Maghreb, La Colombe, 1947, p. 29
  2. Mohamed Lakhdar, La vie littéraire au Maroc sous la dynastie alaouite, Rabat, 1971, p. 355
  3. Encyclopedia: Akanṣūs. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Brill. Lévi-Provençal. E. 2nd.