Module:YouTubeSubscribers explained


local p =

-- taken from parseDate(dateStr, precision) precision = precision or "d"

local i, j, index, ptr local parts =

if dateStr

nil then return parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] -- year, month, day end

-- 'T' for snak values, '/' for outputs with '/Julian' attached i, j = dateStr:find("[T/]")

if i then dateStr = dateStr:sub(1, i-1) end

local from = 1

if dateStr:sub(1,1)

"-" then -- this is a negative number, look further ahead from = 2 end

index = 1 ptr = 1

i, j = dateStr:find("-", from)

if i then -- year parts[index] = tonumber(mw.ustring.gsub(dateStr:sub(ptr, i-1), "^%+(.+)$", "%1"), 10) -- remove '+' sign (explicitly give base 10 to prevent error)

if parts[index]

-0 then parts[index] = tonumber("0") -- for some reason, 'parts[index] = 0' may actually store '-0', so parse from string instead end

if precision

"y" then -- we're done return parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] -- year, month, day end

index = index + 1 ptr = i + 1

i, j = dateStr:find("-", ptr)

if i then -- month parts[index] = tonumber(dateStr:sub(ptr, i-1), 10)

if precision

"m" then -- we're done return parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] -- year, month, day end

index = index + 1 ptr = i + 1 end end

if dateStr:sub(ptr) ~= "" then -- day if we have month, month if we have year, or year parts[index] = tonumber(dateStr:sub(ptr), 10) end

return parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] -- year, month, dayend

-- taken from function datePrecedesDate(aY, aM, aD, bY, bM, bD) if aY

nil or bY

nil then return nil end aM = aM or 1 aD = aD or 1 bM = bM or 1 bD = bD or 1

if aY < bY then return true elseif aY > bY then return false elseif aM < bM then return true elseif aM > bM then return false elseif aD < bD then return true end

return falseend

function getClaimDate(claim) if claim['qualifiers'] and claim['qualifiers'][POINT_IN_TIME_PID] then local pointsInTime = claim['qualifiers'][POINT_IN_TIME_PID] if #pointsInTime ~= 1 then -- be conservative in what we accept error("Encountered a statement with zero or multiple point in time (P85) qualifiers. Please add or remove point in time information so each statement has exactly one") end local pointInTime = pointsInTime[1] if pointInTime and pointInTime['datavalue'] and pointInTime['datavalue']['value'] and pointInTime['datavalue']['value']['time'] then return parseDate(pointInTime['datavalue']['value']['time']) end end return nilend

-- for a given list of statements find the newest one with a matching qualfunction newestMatchingStatement(statements, qual, targetQualValue) local newestStatement = nil local newestStatementYr = nil local newestStatementMo = nil local newestStatementDay = nil for k, v in pairs(statements) do if v['rank'] ~= "deprecated" and v['qualifiers'] and v['qualifiers'][qual] then local quals = v['qualifiers'][qual] -- should only have one instance of the qualifier on a statement if #quals

1 then local qual = quals[1] if qual['datavalue'] and qual['datavalue']['value'] then local qualValue = qual['datavalue']['value'] if qualValue

targetQualValue then local targetYr, targetMo, targetDay = getClaimDate(v) if targetYr then local older = datePrecedesDate(targetYr, targetMo, targetDay, newestStatementYr, newestStatementMo, newestStatementDay) if older

nil or not older then newestStatementYr, newestStatementMo, newestStatementDay = targetYr, targetMo, targetDay newestStatement = v end end end end end end end return newestStatementend

-- for a given property and qualifier pair returns the newest statement that matchesfunction newestMatching(e, prop, qual, targetQualValue) -- first check the best statements local statements = e:getBestStatements(prop) local newestStatement = newestMatchingStatement(statements, qual, targetQualValue) if newestStatement then return newestStatement end -- try again with all statements if nothing so far statements = e:getAllStatements(prop) newestStatement = newestMatchingStatement(statements, qual, targetQualValue) if newestStatement then return newestStatement end return nilend

function getEntity (frame) local qid = nil if frame.args then qid = frame.args["qid"] end if not qid then qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage end if not qid then local e = nil return e end local e = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qid) assert(e, "No such item found: " .. qid) return eend

-- find the channel ID we are going to be getting the sub counts forfunction getBestYtChanId(e) local chanIds = e:getBestStatements(YT_CHAN_ID_PID) if #chanIds

1 then local chan = chanIds[1] if chan and chan["mainsnak"] and chan["mainsnak"]["datavalue"] and chan["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"] then return chan["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"] end end return nilend

function returnError(frame, eMessage) return frame:expandTemplate .. ""end

-- the date of the current YT subscriber countfunction local e = getEntity(frame) assert(e, "No qid found for page. Please make a Wikidata item for this article") local chanId = getBestYtChanId(e) assert(chanId, "Could not find a single best YouTube channel ID for this item. Add a YouTube channel ID or set the rank of one channel ID to be preferred") local s = newestMatching(e, SUB_COUNT_PID, YT_CHAN_ID_PID, chanId) if s then local yt_year, yt_month, yt_day = getClaimDate(s) if not yt_year then return nil end local dateString = yt_year .. "|" -- construct YYYY|mm|dd date string if yt_month and yt_month ~= 0 then dateString = dateString .. yt_month .. "|" -- truncate the day of month --if yt_day and yt_day ~= 0 then -- dateString = dateString .. yt_day --end end return frame:expandTemplate end error("Could not find a date for YouTube subscriber information. Is there a social media followers statement (P8687) qualified with good values for P585 and P2397?")end

function p.dateNice(frame) local status, obj = pcall(, frame) if status then return obj else return returnError(frame, obj) endend

-- the most up to date number of subscribersfunction p.subCount(frame) local subCount = nil local e = getEntity(frame) if not e then subCount = -424 return tonumber(subCount) end local chanId = getBestYtChanId(e) if chanId then local s = newestMatching(e, SUB_COUNT_PID, YT_CHAN_ID_PID, chanId) if s and s["mainsnak"] and s['mainsnak']["datavalue"] and s['mainsnak']["datavalue"]["value"] and s['mainsnak']["datavalue"]['value']['amount'] then subCount = s['mainsnak']["datavalue"]['value']['amount'] end else subCount = -404 end if subCount then return tonumber(subCount) else subCount = -412 return tonumber(subCount) endend

function p.subCountNice(frame) local status, obj = pcall(p.subCount, frame) if status then if obj >= 0 then return frame:expandTemplate else return obj end else return returnError(frame, obj) endend

return p