Module:WDL explained


local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgslocal roundAndPad = require('Module:Math')._precision_format

local p =

local function total(frame, played, won, drawn, lost, category) if played

'-' or played

'—' then return '—' elseif not played then if not won and not drawn and not lost then return end return frame:expandTemplate elseif tonumber(played) ~= (won or 0) + (drawn or 0) + (lost or 0) then return '

error' .. (category or ) .. '' else return frame:expandTemplate endend

local function displayWinPercent(frame, winPercent, decimals) local retval = if winPercent < 10 then retval = '

00' elseif winPercent < 100 then retval = '0' end return retval .. frame:expandTemplateend

local function pct(frame, played, won, drawn, lost, decimals) if played

'-' or played

'—' then return '—' elseif not played then if not won and not drawn and not lost then return elseif (won or 0) + (drawn or 0) + (lost or 0) <= 0 then return '

!—' end return displayWinPercent(frame, 100 * (won or 0) / (((won or 0) + (drawn or 0) + (lost or 0)) or 1), decimals) elseif tonumber(played) <= 0 then return '!—' else return displayWinPercent(frame, 100 * (won or 0) / played, decimals) endend

function p.main(frame, otherargs) local args = otherargs or getArgs(frame) local tableprefix = string.format('| style="%stext-align:%s" |', and 'font-weight:bold;background:#efefef;' or , args.align or 'center') local retval = tableprefix .. total(frame, args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args.demospace and or '') .. '\n' retval = retval .. tableprefix .. frame:expandTemplate .. '\n' retval = retval .. tableprefix .. frame:expandTemplate .. '\n' retval = retval .. tableprefix .. frame:expandTemplate .. '\n' if args['for'] then retval = retval .. tableprefix .. frame:expandTemplate .. '\n' end if args.against then retval = retval .. tableprefix .. frame:expandTemplate .. '\n' end if args.diff

'yes' then if tonumber(args['for']) and tonumber(args.against) then retval = retval .. tableprefix .. string.format('%s%d\n', tonumber(args['for']) < tonumber(args.against) and '−' or '+', math.abs(args['for'] - args.against)) else retval = retval .. tableprefix .. '

!—\n' end end return retval .. tableprefix .. pct(frame, args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args.decimals)end

return p