Module:Video game series reviews explained

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgslocal yesno = require('Module:Yesno')local Vgwd = require('Module:Video game wikidata')

local p =

local columns =

local function sortByNumber(a,b) return a['num'] < b['num']end;

local function sortByPublicationDate(a,b) local aP = a['pubDate']; local bP = b['pubDate']; if(aP ~= nil and bP ~= nil) then return aP < bP; end; -- fallback sorting, let's assume the oldest wikidata entity is the oldest game local aQ = a['qid']; local bQ = b['qid']; if(aQ ~= nil and bQ ~= nil) then return aQ < bQ; end; -- still nothing? okay, let's just use the initial order return a['num'] < b['num'];end;

local function getVGWD(frame, reviewer) -- Obey local override on displaying this reviewer, don't bother trying to get Wikidata. if(columns[reviewer]

false) then return nil; end;

local vgwdScore = Vgwd.setReviewer(reviewer); if(vgwdScore ~= nil) then return vgwdScore; end; -- Because a game with no platforms may disable show system, we have to reenable for each game. Vgwd.setShowSystem(true);

return Vgwd.printReviewScores(frame);end;

local function checkColumn(game, column) if(game[column] ~= nil and game[column] ~= "" and columns[column] ~= false) then columns[column] = true; end;end;

local function buildGameEntry(args, num, qid) local game = game['num'] = num; game['name'] = args["game"..num]; game['mc'] = args["mc"..num]; game['gr'] = args["gr"..num]; game['oc'] = args["oc"..num]; game['fam'] = args["fam"..num]; game['sales'] = args["sales"..num]; game['year'] = args["year"..num]; if(qid ~= nil) then -- If a qid was supplied, we are doing a series pull and won't check columns here. game['qid'] = qid; else -- Pulling game data purely from arguments, so check columns. game['qid'] = args["qid"..num]; checkColumn(game, 'mc'); checkColumn(game, 'gr'); checkColumn(game, 'oc'); checkColumn(game, 'fam'); checkColumn(game, 'year'); checkColumn(game, 'sales'); end;

return game;end;

local function buildGameWikidata(frame, game) if(game['qid'] ~= nil) then local vgwdScore = Vgwd.setGame(game["qid"]); if(vgwdScore

nil) then game['updateLink'] = Vgwd.getUpdateLink; if(game['mc']

nil) then game['mc'] = getVGWD(frame, 'mc') end; if(game['gr']

nil and columns['gr']) then game['gr'] = getVGWD(frame, 'gr') end; if(game['oc']

nil and columns['oc']) then game['oc'] = getVGWD(frame, 'oc') end; if(game['fam']

nil and columns['fam']) then game['fam'] = getVGWD(frame, 'fam') end; if(game['name']

nil) then local sitelink = Vgwd.getSitelink; local label = Vgwd.getLabel; if(sitelink ~= nil) then if(sitelink ~= label) then game['name'] = "" .. label .. ""; else game['name'] = "" .. sitelink .. ""; end; else game['name'] = label; end; end; if(game['year']

nil) then local pubDate = Vgwd.getEarliestPublicationDate; game['pubDate'] = pubDate; if(pubDate ~= nil) then game['year'] = pubDate.year; end; end; else -- Entity wasn't found... How to represent? TODO. end; end; -- We don't check GR and FAM because they must be explicitly enabled by arguments. checkColumn(game, 'mc'); checkColumn(game, 'oc'); checkColumn(game, 'year'); checkColumn(game, 'sales'); return game;end;

function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p._main(frame, args)end

function p._main(frame, args) -- Get specified values of column display parameters. Nil = Unspecified. if(args["mc"]) then columns['mc'] = yesno(; end if(args["gr"]) then columns['gr'] = yesno(; end if(args["oc"]) then columns['oc'] = yesno(args.oc); end if(args["fam"]) then columns['fam'] = yesno(args.fam); end if(args["sales"]) then columns['sales'] = yesno(args.sales); end if(args["years"]) then columns['year'] = yesno(args.years); end local seriesQid = args["seriesQid"]; -- Should be nil, but for testing we have to be able to supply one. Vgwd.setDateFormat(args["df"]); Vgwd.setSystem(nil); Vgwd.setGenerateReferences(true); Vgwd.setShowUpdateLink(false); Vgwd.setUpdateLinkStyle("pen"); local games = ; local gameRead = ; -- Look for locally provided gameN and qidN parameters first. Build a table containing all the arguments. for k, v in pairs(args) do if(string.find(k, "game%d+") or string.find(k, "qid%d+")) then local num = tonumber(string.match(k, "%d+")) if(num ~= nil) then if(gameRead[num]

nil) then gameRead[num] = true; table.insert(games, buildGameEntry(args,num)); end; end; end; end;

-- Did we find any games specified on the arguments? if(#games > 0) then -- Sort by entry. table.sort(games, sortByNumber); -- Retrieve missing data with Wikidata if possible, for each entry. for i, game in ipairs(games) do games[i] = buildGameWikidata(frame,game); end; else -- If we didn't get any games from the arguments, try to pull the parts of the series from Wikidata. -- Reset vgwd to current page, presumably a series. local vgwdScore = Vgwd.setGame(seriesQid); if(vgwdScore

nil) then local parts = Vgwd.getParts; for i, qid in ipairs(parts) do -- Build an entry. local game = buildGameEntry(i,qid) -- Retrieve the data from Wikidata and store in the table. table.insert(games, buildGameWikidata(frame,game)); end; table.sort(games, sortByPublicationDate); else -- Entity wasn't found... How to represent? TODO. end; end;

local ret = "

" if args.title then ret = ret .. args.title elseif columns['sales'] then if columns['fam'] then ret = ret .. "Sales and review scores" elseif columns['gr'] or columns['mc'] or columns['oc'] then ret = ret .. "Sales and aggregate review scores" else ret = ret .. "Sales" end elseif columns['fam'] then if columns['gr'] or columns['mc'] or columns['oc'] then ret = ret .. "Japanese and Western review scores" else ret = ret .. "Famitsu review scores" end else ret = ret .. "Aggregate review scores" end

if args.updated then ret = ret .. "
As of " .. args.updated .."." end ret = ret .. " \n" ret = ret .. "! scope=\"col\"

Game \n" if columns['year'] then ret = ret .. "! scope=\"col\" Year\n" end if columns['sales'] then ret = ret .. "! scope=\"col\" " .. (args.sales_title or "Units sold") .. " \n" end if columns['fam'] then ret = ret .. "! scope=\"col\" " .. (args.fam_title or "Famitsu") .. " \n" end if columns['gr'] then ret = ret .. "! scope=\"col\" " .. (args.gr_title or "GameRankings") .. " \n" end if columns['mc'] then ret = ret .. "! scope=\"col\" " .. (args.mc_title or "Metacritic") .. " \n" end if columns['oc'] then ret = ret .. "! scope=\"col\" " .. (args.oc_title or "OpenCritic") .. " \n" end -- Print the reviews for i,game in ipairs(games) do ret = ret .. "-\n" ret = ret .. "! scope=\"row\" " .. game['name'] .. " " if(game['updateLink']) then ret = ret .. " " .. game['updateLink']; end; ret = ret .. "\n" if columns['year'] then ret = ret .. "style=\"text-align: center;\" " .. (game['year'] or ) .. " \n" end if columns['sales'] then ret = ret .. "style=\"text-align: center;\" " .. (game['sales'] or ) .. " \n" end if columns['fam'] then ret = ret .. "style=\"text-align: center;\" " .. (game['fam'] or ) .. " \n" end if columns['gr'] then ret = ret .. "style=\"text-align: center;\" " .. (game['gr'] or ) .. " \n" end if columns['mc'] then ret = ret .. "style=\"text-align: center;\" " .. (game['mc'] or ) .. " \n" end if columns['oc'] then ret = ret .. "style=\"text-align: center;\" " .. (game['oc'] or ) .. " \n" end end;

ret = ret .. "


return retend

return p