Module:User:Cscott/Advent Of Code 2023/Day 6 Explained

return (functionlocal builders = local function register(name, f) builders[name] = fendregister('llpeg.lpegrex', function return require end)

register('day6', function(myrequire)--DAY 6 --local lpegrex = myrequire('llpeg.lpegrex')

--PARSING --local patt = lpegrex.compile((Number SKIP)* |}Number <-- %d+ -> tonumbernl <-- %nlSKIP <-- []*NAME_SUFFIX <-- [_%w]+)

function parse(source) --print(inspect(source)) local ast, errlabel, pos = patt:match(source) if not ast then local lineno, colno, line = lpegrex.calcline(source, pos) local colhelp = string.rep(' ', colno-1)..'^' error('syntax error: '..lineno..':'..colno..': '..errlabel.. '\n'..line..'\n'..colhelp) end --print('Parsed with success!') --print(inspect(ast)) -- post process local games = for i,time in ipairs(ast.times) do local dist = ast.distances[i] table.insert(games,) end return gamesend

function one_game(race) local t,d = race.time,race.dist -- solve quadratic formula local discrim = (t*t) - 4*d if d < 0 then return 0 end -- no way to win the race discrim = math.sqrt(discrim) local min = math.ceil((t - discrim) / 2) local max = math.floor((t + discrim) / 2) -- tricky corner case: we can't tie the record we must win it if ((race.time - min) * min) <= race.dist then min = min + 1 -- bump it up end if ((race.time - max) * max) <= race.dist then max = max - 1 -- bump it down end -- print("min", min, "max", max) assert(min > 0 and max < race.time) if min <= max then return (max - min) + 1 end return 0end

function all_ways(source) local races = parse(source) local prod = 1 for i,r in ipairs(races) do local ways = one_game(r) --print("Race", i, "Time", r.time, "Dist", r.dist, "Ways", ways) prod = prod * ways end return prodend

function part1(source) return all_ways(source)end

function part2(source) -- remove all spaces! source = string.gsub(source, ' ', ) source = string.gsub(source, ':', ': ') return all_ways(source)end

--CLI start ]--local source = io.input("day6.input"):read("a")print(part1(source))print(part2(source))--[[ CLI end ]]--



local modules = modules['table'] = require('table')modules['string'] = require('string')modules['strict'] = local function myrequire(name) if modules[name]