local p = local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgslocal yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local mRedirect = require('Module:Redirect')
local mUnicode = require('Module:Unicode data')local mCategory = require('Module:Unicode data/category')local mVersion = require('Module:Unicode data/version')local mAliases = require('Module:Unicode data/aliases')
local frame
--------------------- General settings-------------------local pdfLink = "" Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)"local cellType =
local hardcodedNumberedAbbrSets =
local specialFormatSets =
--------------------------- pseudo-object oriented-------------------------function newCodepoint(x) if type(x)
"number" then return endend
--------------------------- Sundry small functions-------------------------local function expandTemplate(template, argslist) return frame:expandTemplateend
local function fromHex(hexStr) return tonumber(hexStr, 16)end
local function splitColonList(strList) local tab = local segments = mw.text.split(strList, '[;\n\t]') for _,v in pairs(segments) do local tmp = mw.text.split(v, ':') if tmp[1] and tmp[2] then tab[fromHex(tmp[1])] = mw.text.trim(tmp[2]) end end return tabend
local function getCategory(codepoint) local category = mUnicode.lookup_control(codepoint.int) if category ~= "unassigned" then return category elseif mUnicode.is_noncharacter(codepoint.int) then return "noncharacter" else return "reserved" endend
local function getAliasValues(n, key) local tbl = if mAliases[n] then for i,t in ipairs(mAliases[n]) do if(not key or t[1]
----------------------- A single unicode cell within the table---------------------local function getCellAbbr(codepoint, category, args) local function getHardcodedNumberedAbbr(codepoint) for key, value in pairs(hardcodedNumberedAbbrSets) do if codepoint.int >= value.first and codepoint.int <= value.last then return value.str .. (codepoint.int - value.first + value.startNum) end end return nil end --for key, value in pairs(specialFormatSets) do -- if codepoint.int >= value.first -- and codepoint.int <= value.last then -- return value.func(codepoint.int, alias) -- end --end local function getAliasAbbr(codepoint) local tbl = getAliasValues(codepoint.int, "abbreviation") return tbl[1] or nil end local function abbrFromString(codepoint, args) local abbr = "" local name = mUnicode.lookup_name(codepoint.int) local words = mw.text.split(name, ' ') for _,w in pairs(words) do abbr = abbr .. string.sub(w, 1, 1) end return abbr end
--override if (args['abbr_sub'] and args['abbr_sub'][codepoint.int]) then return args['abbr_sub'][codepoint.int] end --exception listed at top local abbr1 = getHardcodedNumberedAbbr(codepoint) if abbr1 then return abbr1 end --abbr on list local abbr2 = getAliasAbbr(codepoint) if abbr2 then return abbr2 end --make own abbr if category
"format" then return '
' .. abbrFromString(codepoint) .. '' end return falseendlocal function aliasesStr(codepoint) local aliasStr = "" if mAliases[codepoint.int] then for i,t in ipairs(mAliases[codepoint.int]) do aliasStr = aliasStr .. " (alias " .. t[2] .. ")" end end return aliasStrend
local function linkChar(unicodeChar, codepoint, args) if (args['link_sub'] and args['link_sub'][codepoint.int]) then return '' .. unicodeChar .. '' elseif args['link']
"wikt" then return '' .. unicodeChar .. '' endend
local function createCell(cell, codepoint, args) -- sub functions local function emptyCell(categoryStr) cellType[categoryStr].flag = true -- flag[categoryStr] = true end local function abbrCell(abbr) cell:addClass("abbr-cell") cell:tag("div"):addClass("abbr-box"):wikitext(abbr) end -- main func begins local category = getCategory(codepoint) cell:addClass(category) local abbr = getCellAbbr(codepoint, category, args) if category
"noncharacter" then emptyCell(category) elseif abbr then abbrCell(abbr) else local unicodeChar = '&#x'.. codepoint.hex .. ';' unicodeChar = linkChar(unicodeChar, codepoint, args) or unicodeChar if args['suffix'] and args['suffix'][codepoint.int] then unicodeChar = unicodeChar .. '&#x' .. args['suffix'][codepoint.int] .. ';' cell:addClass("modified") end if args['wrapper'] then unicodeChar = expandTemplate(args['wrapper'], ) elseif args['font'] then cell:css("font-family", "'" .. args['font'] .. "'") --unicodeChar = tostring(-- mw.html.create("div") -- :css("font-family", "'" .. args['font'] .. "'") -- :wikitext(unicodeChar) --) end cell:wikitext(unicodeChar) end local name = mUnicode.lookup_name(codepoint.int) name = string.match(name, "<([a-z]+)-%w+>") or name cell:attr("title", 'U+' .. codepoint.hex .. ': ' .. name .. aliasesStr(codepoint) )end
----------------------- For loops creating the grid of cells---------------------local function createTableBody(body, rangeStart, rangeEnd, args) --0 through F label row local labelRow = body:tag("tr") labelRow:tag("th")--empty corner cell :css("width", "45pt") for colIndex=0, 15 do labelRow:tag("th"):wikitext(string.format("%X", colIndex)) :css("width", "20pt") end
--real body of table local rowStart = fromHex(rangeStart.hex:sub(1, -2))--subtract last char from string local rowEnd = fromHex(rangeEnd.hex:sub(1, -2)) for rowIndex=rowStart, rowEnd do local rowHex = string.format("%03X", rowIndex) local row = body:tag("tr") row:tag("th"):wikitext("U+".. rowHex .. "x") :attr("rowspan", "2") for colIndex=0, 15 do local cell = row:tag("td") --rowHex .. string.format("%X", colIndex) createCell(cell, newCodepoint(rowIndex*16 + colIndex), args ) end local subrow = body:tag("tr") for colIndex=0, 15 do subrow:tag("td"):addClass("codepoint") :wikitext(string.format("%04X", rowIndex*16 + colIndex)) end endend
----------------------- Header at top of table---------------------local function createTableHeader(head, name, id) local page = mRedirect.luaMain(name .. " (Unicode block)", false) head:tag("th") :addClass("header") :attr("colspan", "100%") :wikitext("" .. name .. "" .. "
" .. string.format(pdfLink, id) .. expandTemplate('ref label',) )end
----------------------- Footer at bottom of table---------------------local function createTableFooter(foot, id, note) local th = foot:tag("th") :addClass("footer") :attr("colspan", "100%") :wikitext("Notes") local list = th:tag("ol") list:tag("li"):wikitext(expandTemplate('note',), expandTemplate('Unicode version', ) ) --Notes about categories of cells for key, value in pairs(cellType) do if value.flag then list:tag("li"):wikitext(value.note) end end --Manual note if note then list:tag("li"):wikitext(note) endend
----------------------- Creates table---------------------local function createTable(rangeStart, rangeEnd, args) local id = 'U' .. rangeStart.hex cellType.reserved.flag = false cellType.noncharacter.flag = false
local tbl = mw.html.create("table") :addClass("wikitable") :addClass("unicode-block") if args['blockname'] then createTableHeader(tbl, args['blockname'], id) end createTableBody(tbl, rangeStart, rangeEnd, args) createTableFooter(tbl, id, args['note']) return tostring(tbl)end
----------------------- Main---------------------function p.main(frameArg) frame = frameArg local args = getArgs(frame) for _, argName in ipairs do if args[argName] then args[argName] = splitColonList(args[argName]) end end -- look up block by na,e if args['blockname'] then local range = mUnicode.get_block_info(args['blockname']) if range
return p