Module:Timeline of release years explained

require('strict')local p =

local function items(args, year, oldrange) local itemList = -- First loop through is to find the lowest year range, if any. If oldrange is supplied, the year range must also be greater than it. local range = 0; if args[year .. '_to'] or args[year .. 'a_to'] then local newrange = tonumber(args[year .. '_to'] or args[year .. 'a_to']) if newrange and (oldrange

nil or newrange > oldrange) then range = newrange; end end for asciiletter = 98, 106 do -- 98 > b, 106 > j if args[year .. string.char(asciiletter) .. '_to'] then local newrange = tonumber(args[year .. string.char(asciiletter) .. '_to']) if newrange and (oldrange

nil or newrange > oldrange) and (range

0 or newrange < range) then range = newrange; end end end

-- Find items, filtered by range if available. if args[year] or args[year .. 'a'] then local thisrange = tonumber(args[year .. '_to'] or args[year .. 'a_to']) if (range

0 and thisrange

nil) or (thisrange and thisrange

range) then table.insert(itemList, args[year] or args[year .. 'a']) end end for asciiletter = 98, 106 do -- 98 > b, 106 > j if args[year .. string.char(asciiletter)] then local thisrange = tonumber(args[year .. string.char(asciiletter) .. '_to']) if (range

0 and thisrange

nil) or (thisrange and thisrange

range) then table.insert(itemList, args[year .. string.char(asciiletter)]) end end end return table.maxn(itemList), itemList, rangeend

local function color(args, year, itemNum, to_range)

if args[year .. '_color'] then return args[year .. '_color'] end if to_range and args[year .. '_to_' .. to_range .. '_color'] then return args[year .. '_to_' .. to_range .. '_color'] end

for yearrange = 1, 10 do if args['range' .. yearrange] and args['range' .. yearrange .. '_color'] then local _, _, beginyear, endyear = string.find(args['range' .. yearrange], '^(%d%d%d%d)%D+(%d%d%d%d)$')

local year = tonumber(year) or 9999 -- For year

'TBA' beginyear = tonumber(beginyear) or 0 endyear = tonumber(endyear) or 9999

if year >= beginyear and year <= endyear then local _, _, color1, color2 = string.find(args['range' .. yearrange .. '_color'], '^(%S*)%s*(%S*)$') color2 = string.find(color2, '^#?%w+$') and color2 or color1 return itemNum > 0 and color1 or color2 end end end

return itemNum > 0 and '#0BDA51' or '#228B22'end

local function left(builder, args, year, itemNum, range) builder = builder:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'row') :css('border-right', '1.4em solid ' .. color(args, year, itemNum, range)) if itemNum > 1 then builder = builder:attr('rowspan', itemNum) end if year

'TBA' then builder:tag('abbr'):attr('title', 'To be announced'):wikitext('TBA') else builder:wikitext(range ~= 0 and year .. '–' .. range or year) endend

local function right(builder, itemNum, itemList) if itemNum

0 then return end

if itemNum

1 then builder:tag('td') :wikitext(itemList[1]) return end

-- if itemNum >= 2 builder:tag('td') :addClass('rt-first') :wikitext(itemList[1])

for key = 2, itemNum - 1 do builder = builder:tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass('rt-next') :wikitext(itemList[key]) end

builder = builder:tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass('rt-last') :wikitext(itemList[itemNum])


local function row(builder, args, year, emptyyear, lastyear, highrange) local oldrange = nil repeat local itemNum, itemList, range = items(args, year, oldrange) -- Now check for a new high range and catch it. We need to know what highrange was prior to update though. local oldhighrange = nil if(range > 0 and (highrange

nil or range > highrange)) then oldhighrange = (highrange or range) highrange = range end oldhighrange = (oldhighrange or highrange)

-- If compressempty is set, check for empty items, track empty years and high ranges, and -- put out a compressed range when next year is found. if args.compressempty and oldrange

nil then -- If we're compressing and there's no items, return this year for tracking. if #itemList < 1 then return year, highrange end

-- If emptyyear is below or equal the highrange, we need to make adjustments. if(emptyyear and oldhighrange and emptyyear <= oldhighrange) then -- If the current year is highrange or highrange +1, suppress empty row output entirely. -- If the current year is highrange+2 or more, adjust the emptyyear to be above highrange) if(year <= (oldhighrange+1)) then emptyyear = nil elseif(year > (oldhighrange+1)) then emptyyear = oldhighrange+1 end end

-- If we have items but are tracking an empty year, output compressed range row. if emptyyear ~= nil then builder = builder:tag('tr') if year

'TBA' then left(builder, args, emptyyear, 0, lastyear) else if year-1

emptyyear then left(builder, args, emptyyear, 0, 0) else left(builder, args, emptyyear, 0, year-1) end end end end -- We can break out if this is the case. This means we have looped through more than once, but there were no more items remaining. if range

0 and oldrange and #itemList < 1 then break end

builder = builder:tag('tr') left(builder, args, year, itemNum, range) right(builder, itemNum, itemList)

if range ~= 0 then oldrange = range end until range

0 return nil, highrangeend

function p._main(args) -- Main module code goes here. local currentyear ='%Y')

local ret local firstyear, lastyear local TBA = items(args, 'TBA') > 0 and true or false

ret = mw.html.create('table') :addClass('release-timeline wikitable') :addClass(args.align

'left' and 'rt-left' or nil)

ret:tag('caption') :wikitext((args.title or 'Release timeline') .. (args.subtitle and ('


') or ))

if tonumber(args.first) then firstyear = tonumber(args.first) else for i = 1, currentyear do if items(args, i) > 0 then firstyear = i break end end firstyear = firstyear or (currentyear + 3) end

if tonumber(args.last) then lastyear = tonumber(args.last) else for i = currentyear + 3, TBA and currentyear or firstyear, -1 do if items(args, i) > 0 then lastyear = i break end end lastyear = lastyear or (currentyear - 1) end

local emptyyear = nil local highrange = nil for year = firstyear, lastyear do local yearcheck, newhighrange = row(ret, args, year, emptyyear, lastyear, highrange) if (emptyyear

nil and yearcheck ~= nil) or (emptyyear ~= nil and yearcheck

nil) then emptyyear = yearcheck end highrange = newhighrange end

if TBA then row(ret, args, 'TBA') end

return mw.getCurrentFrame:extensionTag .. tostring(ret)end

function p.main(frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame) return p._main(args)end

return p