-- Load required moduleslocal yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
-- Set constantslocal DATA_MODULE = 'Module:Template test case/data'
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shared methods-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local function message(self, key, ...) -- This method is added to classes that need to deal with messages from the -- config module. local msg = self.cfg.msg[key] if select(1, ...) then return mw.message.newRawMessage(msg, ...):plain else return msg endend
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Template class-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local Template =
Template.memoizedMethods =
function Template.new(invocationObj, options) local obj =
-- Set input for k, v in pairs(options or) do if not Template[k] then obj[k] = v end end obj._invocation = invocationObj
-- Validate input if not obj.template and not obj.title then error('no template or title specified', 2) end
-- Memoize expensive method calls local memoFuncs = return setmetatable(obj,)end
function Template:getFullPage if not self.template then return self.title.prefixedText elseif self.template:sub(1, 7)
function Template:getName if self.template then return self.template else return require('Module:Template invocation').name(self.title) endend
function Template:makeLink(display) if display then return string.format('%s', self:getFullPage, display) else return string.format('', self:getFullPage) endend
function Template:makeBraceLink(display) display = display or self:getName local link = self:makeLink(display) return mw.text.nowiki('')end
function Template:makeHeader return self.heading or self:makeBraceLinkend
function Template:getInvocation(format) local invocation = self._invocation:getInvocation if format
' .. mw.text.nowiki(invocation) .. '
' elseif format'kbd' then invocation = '' .. mw.text.nowiki(invocation) .. '' elseif format
style="white-space: pre-wrap;">' .. invocation .. '' invocation = mw.getCurrentFrame:preprocess(invocation) end return invocationend
function Template:getOutput local protect = require('Module:Protect') -- calling self._invocation:getOutput return protect(self._invocation.getOutput)(self._invocation,)end
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestCase class-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local TestCase = TestCase.__index = TestCaseTestCase.message = message -- add the message method
TestCase.renderMethods =
function TestCase.new(invocationObj, options, cfg) local obj = setmetatable(TestCase) obj.cfg = cfg
-- Separate general options from template options. Template options are -- numbered, whereas general options are not. local generalOptions, templateOptions =, for k, v in pairs(options) do local prefix, num if type(k)
-- Set general options generalOptions.showcode = yesno(generalOptions.showcode) generalOptions.showheader = yesno(generalOptions.showheader) ~= false generalOptions.showcaption = yesno(generalOptions.showcaption) ~= false generalOptions.collapsible = yesno(generalOptions.collapsible) generalOptions.notcollapsed = yesno(generalOptions.notcollapsed) generalOptions.wantdiff = yesno(generalOptions.wantdiff) obj.options = generalOptions
-- Preprocess template args for num, t in pairs(templateOptions) do if t.showtemplate ~= nil then t.showtemplate = yesno(t.showtemplate) end end
-- Set up first two template options tables, so that if only the -- "template3" is specified it isn't made the first template when the -- the table options array is compressed. templateOptions[1] = templateOptions[1] or templateOptions[2] = templateOptions[2] or
-- Allow the "template" option to override the "template1" option for -- backwards compatibility with . if generalOptions.template then templateOptions[1].template = generalOptions.template end
-- Add default template options if templateOptions[1].template and not templateOptions[2].template then templateOptions[2].template = templateOptions[1].template .. '/' .. obj.cfg.sandboxSubpage end if not templateOptions[1].template then templateOptions[1].title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle.basePageTitle end if not templateOptions[2].template then templateOptions[2].title = templateOptions[1].title:subPageTitle(obj.cfg.sandboxSubpage ) end
-- Remove template options for any templates where the showtemplate -- argument is false. This prevents any output for that template. for num, t in pairs(templateOptions) do if t.showtemplate
-- Check for missing template names. for num, t in pairs(templateOptions) do if not t.template and not t.title then error(obj:message('missing-template-option-error', num, num ), 2) end end
-- Compress templateOptions table so we can iterate over it with ipairs. templateOptions = (function (t) local nums = for num in pairs(t) do nums[#nums + 1] = num end table.sort(nums) local ret = for i, num in ipairs(nums) do ret[i] = t[num] end return ret end)(templateOptions)
-- Don't require the __TEMPLATENAME__ magic word for nowiki invocations if -- there is only one template being output. if #templateOptions <= 1 then templateOptions[1].requireMagicWord = false end
-- Make the template objects obj.templates = for i, options in ipairs(templateOptions) do table.insert(obj.templates, Template.new(invocationObj, options)) end
-- Add tracking categories. At the moment we are only tracking templates -- that use any "heading" parameters or an "output" parameter. obj.categories = for k, v in pairs(options) do if type(k)
'output' then obj.categories['Test cases using output parameter'] = true end end
return objend
function TestCase:getTemplateOutput(templateObj) local output = templateObj:getOutput if self.options.resetRefs then mw.getCurrentFrame:extensionTag('references') end return outputend
function TestCase:templateOutputIsEqual -- Returns a boolean showing whether all of the template outputs are equal. -- The random parts of strip markers (see) are -- removed before comparison. This means a strip marker can contain anything -- and still be treated as equal, but it solves the problem of otherwise -- identical wikitext not returning as exactly equal. local function normaliseOutput(obj) local out = obj:getOutput -- Remove the random parts from strip markers. out = out:gsub('(\127[^\127]*UNIQ%-%-%l+%-)%x+(%-%-?QINU[^\127]*\127)', '%1%2') return out end local firstOutput = normaliseOutput(self.templates[1]) for i = 2, #self.templates do local output = normaliseOutput(self.templates[i]) if output ~= firstOutput then return false end end return trueend
function TestCase:makeCollapsible(s) local title = self.options.title or self.templates[1]:makeHeader if self.options.titlecode then title = self.templates[1]:getInvocation('kbd') end local isEqual = self:templateOutputIsEqual local root = mw.html.create('div') root :addClass('mw-collapsible') :css('width', '100%') :css('border', 'solid silver 1px') :css('padding', '0.2em') :css('clear', 'both') :addClass(self.options.notcollapsed
function TestCase:renderColumns local root = mw.html.create if self.options.showcode then root :wikitext(self.templates[1]:getInvocation) :newline end
local tableroot = root:tag('table')
if self.options.showheader then -- Caption if self.options.showcaption then tableroot :addClass(self.options.class) :cssText(self.options.style) :tag('caption') :wikitext(self.options.caption or self:message('columns-header')) end
-- Headers local headerRow = tableroot:tag('tr') if self.options.rowheader then -- rowheader is correct here. We need to add another th cell if -- rowheader is set further down, even if heading0 is missing. headerRow:tag('th'):wikitext(self.options.heading0) end local width if #self.templates > 0 then width = tostring(math.floor(100 / #self.templates)) .. '%' else width = '100%' end for i, obj in ipairs(self.templates) do headerRow :tag('th') :css('width', width) :wikitext(obj:makeHeader) end end
-- Row header local dataRow = tableroot:tag('tr'):css('vertical-align', 'top') if self.options.rowheader then dataRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'row') :wikitext(self.options.rowheader) end -- Template output for i, obj in ipairs(self.templates) do if self.options.output
style="white-space: pre-wrap;">') :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self.options.before or "")) :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self:getTemplateOutput(obj))) :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self.options.after or "")) :wikitext('') elseif self.options.output
function TestCase:renderRows local root = mw.html.create if self.options.showcode then root :wikitext(self.templates[1]:getInvocation) :newline end
local tableroot = root:tag('table') tableroot :addClass(self.options.class) :cssText(self.options.style)
if self.options.caption then tableroot :tag('caption') :wikitext(self.options.caption) end
for _, obj in ipairs(self.templates) do local dataRow = tableroot:tag('tr') -- Header if self.options.showheader then if self.options.format
'nowiki+' then dataRow:tag('td') :newline :wikitext(self.options.before) :wikitext(self:getTemplateOutput(obj)) :wikitext(self.options.after) :wikitext('
style="white-space: pre-wrap;">') :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self.options.before or "")) :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self:getTemplateOutput(obj))) :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self.options.after or "")) :wikitext('') elseif self.options.output
return tostring(root)end
function TestCase:renderInline local arrow = mw.language.getContentLanguage:getArrow('forwards') local ret = for i, obj in ipairs(self.templates) do local line = line[#line + 1] = self.options.prefix or '* ' if self.options.showcode then line[#line + 1] = obj:getInvocation('code') line[#line + 1] = ' ' line[#line + 1] = arrow line[#line + 1] = ' ' end if self.options.output
style="white-space: pre-wrap;">' line[#line + 1] = mw.text.nowiki(self.options.before or "") line[#line + 1] = mw.text.nowiki(self:getTemplateOutput(obj)) line[#line + 1] = mw.text.nowiki(self.options.after or "") line[#line + 1] = '' elseif self.options.output
function TestCase:renderCells local root = mw.html.create local dataRow = root:tag('tr') dataRow :css('vertical-align', 'top') :addClass(self.options.class) :cssText(self.options.style)
-- Row header if self.options.rowheader then dataRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'row') :newline :wikitext(self.options.rowheader or self:message('row-header')) end -- Caption if self.options.showcaption then dataRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'row') :newline :wikitext(self.options.caption or self:message('columns-header')) end
-- Show code if self.options.showcode then dataRow:tag('td') :newline :wikitext(self:getInvocation('code')) end
-- Template output for i, obj in ipairs(self.templates) do if self.options.output
style="white-space: pre-wrap;">') :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self.options.before or "")) :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self:getTemplateOutput(obj))) :wikitext(mw.text.nowiki(self.options.after or "")) :wikitext('') elseif self.options.output
return tostring(root)end
function TestCase:renderDefault local ret = if self.options.showcode then ret[#ret + 1] = self.templates[1]:getInvocation end for i, obj in ipairs(self.templates) do ret[#ret + 1] = '
' if self.options.showheader then ret[#ret + 1] = obj:makeHeader end if self.options.output
style="white-space: pre-wrap;">' .. mw.text.nowiki(self.options.before or "") .. mw.text.nowiki(self:getTemplateOutput(obj)) .. mw.text.nowiki(self.options.after or "") .. '' elseif self.options.output
function TestCase:__tostring local format = self.options.format local method = format and TestCase.renderMethods[format] or 'renderDefault' local ret = self[method](self) if self.options.collapsible then ret = self:makeCollapsible(ret) end for cat in pairs(self.categories) do ret = ret .. string.format('', cat) end return retend
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nowiki invocation class-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local NowikiInvocation = NowikiInvocation.__index = NowikiInvocationNowikiInvocation.message = message -- Add the message method
function NowikiInvocation.new(invocation, cfg) local obj = setmetatable(NowikiInvocation) obj.cfg = cfg invocation = mw.text.unstrip(invocation) -- Decode HTML entities for <, >, and ". This means that HTML entities in -- the original code must be escaped as e.g. <, which is unfortunate, -- but it is the best we can do as the distinction between <, >, " and <, -- >, " is lost during the original nowiki operation. invocation = invocation:gsub('<', '<') invocation = invocation:gsub('>', '>') invocation = invocation:gsub('"', '"') obj.invocation = invocation return objend
function NowikiInvocation:getInvocation(options) local template = options.template:gsub('%%', '%%%%') -- Escape "%" with "%%" local invocation, count = self.invocation:gsub(self.cfg.templateNameMagicWordPattern, template ) if options.requireMagicWord ~= false and count < 1 then error(self:message('nowiki-magic-word-error', self.cfg.templateNameMagicWord )) end return invocationend
function NowikiInvocation:getOutput(options) local invocation = self:getInvocation(options) return mw.getCurrentFrame:preprocess(invocation)end
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table invocation class-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local TableInvocation = TableInvocation.__index = TableInvocationTableInvocation.message = message -- Add the message method
function TableInvocation.new(invokeArgs, nowikiCode, cfg) local obj = setmetatable(TableInvocation) obj.cfg = cfg obj.invokeArgs = invokeArgs obj.code = nowikiCode return objend
function TableInvocation:getInvocation(options) if self.code then local nowikiObj = NowikiInvocation.new(self.code, self.cfg) return nowikiObj:getInvocation(options) else return require('Module:Template invocation').invocation(options.template, self.invokeArgs ) endend
function TableInvocation:getOutput(options) if (options.template:sub(1, 7)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bridge functions---- These functions translate template arguments into forms that can be accepted-- by the different classes, and return the results.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local bridge =
function bridge.table(args, cfg) cfg = cfg or mw.loadData(DATA_MODULE)
local options, invokeArgs =, for k, v in pairs(args) do local optionKey = type(k)
'string' then v = v:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') -- trim whitespace end if v ~= then options[optionKey] = v end else invokeArgs[k] = v end end
-- Allow passing a nowiki invocation as an option. While this means users -- have to pass in the code twice, whitespace is preserved and < etc. -- will work as intended. local nowikiCode = options.code options.code = nil
local invocationObj = TableInvocation.new(invokeArgs, nowikiCode, cfg) local testCaseObj = TestCase.new(invocationObj, options, cfg) return tostring(testCaseObj)end
function bridge.nowiki(args, cfg) cfg = cfg or mw.loadData(DATA_MODULE) -- Convert args beginning with _ for consistency with the normal bridge local newArgs = for k, v in pairs(args) do local normalName = type(k)
local code = newArgs.code or newArgs[1] local invocationObj = NowikiInvocation.new(code, cfg) newArgs.code = nil newArgs[1] = nil -- Assume we want to see the code as we already passed it in. newArgs.showcode = newArgs.showcode or true local testCaseObj = TestCase.new(invocationObj, newArgs, cfg) return tostring(testCaseObj)end
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exports-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local p =
function p.main(frame, cfg) cfg = cfg or mw.loadData(DATA_MODULE)
-- Load the wrapper config, if any. local wrapperConfig if frame.getParent then local title = frame:getParent:getTitle local template = title:gsub(cfg.sandboxSubpagePattern, ) wrapperConfig = cfg.wrappers[template] end
-- Work out the function we will call, use it to generate the config for -- Module:Arguments, and use Module:Arguments to find the arguments passed -- by the user. local func = wrapperConfig and wrapperConfig.func or 'table' local userArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame,)
-- Get default args and build the args table. User-specified args overwrite -- default args. local defaultArgs = wrapperConfig and wrapperConfig.args or local args = for k, v in pairs(defaultArgs) do args[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(userArgs) do args[k] = v end
return bridge[func](args, cfg)end
function p._exportClasses -- For testing return end
return p